What Are We Doing With the Extra $10?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008 by Zoomba | Discussion: Internet

Today we announced that the subscription price for WinCustomize was going to go up $10/year from $20 to $30.  Now, of course we had to come up with a good justification for this, something that would fool the sheep of the forums into believing we did this for their own good and that they're getting the better end of the deal.

But, just between you and me?  Complete BS. 

As some of you may know, today's Angie's birthday, so as a gift the company bought her a new car...


So that would have probably accounted for a $2.50 increase per subscription, but some of us were looking at that car and asked "What about us?"  After some haggling and stomping of feet and numerous rude gestures, we sold upper management on the idea of the Stardock Porsche Fleet...


zoomba seabass milksama

Each, of course, added $2.50 to the unit cost of a WinCustomize subscription. 

That's why the subscription is now $10 more per year.  Gotta pay for the fancy cars!

Now, I know some of you are probably getting worked up about this turn of events, especially considering how we told you it was really about the free skins, and not the Porsche fleet.  To calm your nerves, here's a serene picture of some geese...


That's right, here at Stardock HQ we have a fleet of Porsches AND cute little baby geese!

No kidding.

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Bruce Edwards
Reply #41 Tuesday, May 6, 2008 10:48 PM
"Fool the sheep" So you customers are fools..... and sheep?
Bruce Edwards
Reply #42 Tuesday, May 6, 2008 10:49 PM
Am I............ as a "valued customer" a "fool and a sheep"?
Bruce Edwards
Reply #43 Tuesday, May 6, 2008 10:53 PM
Waiting for that apology!!!!
Bruce Edwards
Reply #44 Tuesday, May 6, 2008 11:00 PM
I intend to make an pfficial complain for this contempt.
Bruce Edwards
Reply #45 Tuesday, May 6, 2008 11:06 PM
Today we announced that the subscription price for WinCustomize was going to go up $10/year from $20 to $30. Now, of course we had to come up with a good justification for this, something that would fool the sheep of the forums into believing we did this for their own good and that they're getting the better end of the deal. But, just between you and me? Complete BS. Bull SkIt? Are you bull skitting your customers? Fool the sheep................ Baa This an official post by stardock..... the company......... management........... this is your officail position.... right? I, a valued customer, is a sheep............ afool to "fleece money from? others say this is a joke..... lighten up................. Jesus, this is the biggest PR blunder ive seen in many years. You obviously don't value your customers or you would issue an immediate retraction from stating your customers are "sheep to be fooled".
Reply #46 Tuesday, May 6, 2008 11:08 PM

Wow, Bruce ....take it in the context it was actually meant ...

It is indeed a joke post.

Stardock & Wincustomize really do look after their customers as much as possible. I would've bailed from here years ago, if not...  

Maybe i should post warez sites here

I wouldnt follow through on that if I were you ...quickest way to the 'exit' ...with the door locked behind you.

You're a fellow Aussie ... think of it as 'our' kind of humour. It was not the intention to offend anyone.

Reply #47 Tuesday, May 6, 2008 11:11 PM
I'd learn to proofread my post and spell better first, you don't want to appear stoopid.do ya?  
Reply #48 Tuesday, May 6, 2008 11:16 PM
I intend to make an pfficial complain for this contempt.

When you make that pfficial complain make sure you use spell check. Wouldn't want to look ignorant.

If Stardock wants to raise its prices to buy plots on the moon, SO WHAT?

Don't like it? Don't shop there.

It's not CONTEMPT they're showing by spoofing an employees birthday...its comradery...or esprit de corps for those of the military mind set.
Reply #49 Tuesday, May 6, 2008 11:21 PM
I intend to make an pfficial complain for this contempt.

If you really wanna piss em' off, you can hop on the sinking Skin Factory ship.

Then you can join their CEO in bashing "the frog".

But you'd be passing up a better program...
Bruce Edwards
Reply #50 Tuesday, May 6, 2008 11:26 PM
Its contempt to call a customer..... "a sheep to be fooled". As for their pricing............ that is their business. it is not the point. I am insulted and I expect better service. If you guys, view yourselves as sheep, even in jest that is your privolage but............. to assume that it is acceptable business practise and edicate is foolish. Stardock has discrased itself and I am STILL waiting for an opology. As for my spelling.............. grow up.
Bruce Edwards
Reply #51 Tuesday, May 6, 2008 11:30 PM
I own most of their software... legally.
Bruce Edwards
Reply #52 Tuesday, May 6, 2008 11:31 PM
I wonder what a lawyer may think of this?
Bruce Edwards
Reply #53 Tuesday, May 6, 2008 11:38 PM
silly me.... I am a lawyer!!!
Reply #54 Tuesday, May 6, 2008 11:49 PM
You're ranting and foaming at the mouth over a spoof, and you want US to grow up? Get a life already! A lawyer would think"Gee what a moron" but I'm no lawyer.

Reply #55 Tuesday, May 6, 2008 11:55 PM

Oh good Lord.

Bruce Edwards.... I'm sorry you clearly were last in line for a sense of humour.

I really am.

What's even more amusing is the clear laziness...using the same pic and a bit of photoshopping.....come on, guys...at least let's have three individual signs....

Karmagirl....I'll go with the Roo pinching mine...so could you send an Aston Martin DB9 instead?  BRG would be fine....

Reply #56 Wednesday, May 7, 2008 12:01 AM
Well that clears a lot up, let me guess,jailhouse or public defender,right? quote["I wonder howe many others are as offended as I?"]unquote Only one so far. You passed a Bar exam with literary skills like that? Letz go suw sumbodi!  Perhaps you have heard of the concept of Satire?
Bruce Edwards
Reply #57 Wednesday, May 7, 2008 12:05 AM
no wizard .......... you are not a lawyer.
Reply #58 Wednesday, May 7, 2008 12:07 AM
silly me.... I am a lawyer!!!

What law has Stardock broken?
Reply #59 Wednesday, May 7, 2008 12:07 AM
I didn't notice any spellin errors.  
Bruce Edwards
Reply #60 Wednesday, May 7, 2008 12:07 AM
It is interesting............. How not one "official" representative has anything to say regarding their abusive PR? Isn't it?
Im sure they have an Aussie office ZI can forward this forum disc too?

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