What Are We Doing With the Extra $10?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008 by Zoomba | Discussion: Internet

Today we announced that the subscription price for WinCustomize was going to go up $10/year from $20 to $30.  Now, of course we had to come up with a good justification for this, something that would fool the sheep of the forums into believing we did this for their own good and that they're getting the better end of the deal.

But, just between you and me?  Complete BS. 

As some of you may know, today's Angie's birthday, so as a gift the company bought her a new car...


So that would have probably accounted for a $2.50 increase per subscription, but some of us were looking at that car and asked "What about us?"  After some haggling and stomping of feet and numerous rude gestures, we sold upper management on the idea of the Stardock Porsche Fleet...


zoomba seabass milksama

Each, of course, added $2.50 to the unit cost of a WinCustomize subscription. 

That's why the subscription is now $10 more per year.  Gotta pay for the fancy cars!

Now, I know some of you are probably getting worked up about this turn of events, especially considering how we told you it was really about the free skins, and not the Porsche fleet.  To calm your nerves, here's a serene picture of some geese...


That's right, here at Stardock HQ we have a fleet of Porsches AND cute little baby geese!

No kidding.

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Bruce Edwards
Reply #61 Wednesday, May 7, 2008 12:09 AM
Wizard............ I cant take your comments seriously until you post your real full name?
as I have.
Reply #62 Wednesday, May 7, 2008 12:14 AM

Im sure they have an Aussie office ZI can forward this forum disc too?

Not only that...they have an Aussie Site Administrator [me]...and you have a PM....

Bruce Edwards
Reply #63 Wednesday, May 7, 2008 12:15 AM
so Jafo I await an opoligy for calling me a sheep.
Bruce Edwards
Reply #64 Wednesday, May 7, 2008 12:17 AM
on a public forum.
Think deeply about your legal resposiubilities here.
Bruce Edwards
Reply #65 Wednesday, May 7, 2008 12:18 AM
Note ...... this transcript is a legal document.
Bruce Edwards
Reply #66 Wednesday, May 7, 2008 12:20 AM
You have odentified yourself as one who has authority to dudicate and act regarding the legalities of coments posted in a public forum on behalf of Stardock the company.
Bebi Bulma
Reply #67 Wednesday, May 7, 2008 12:21 AM
Good god man, what is your issue? Try getting off that stick you've so delicately placed up your backside and try going out and having some fun for a change, like Stardock has done here. Although, "fun" seems to be a concept to which is completely foreign to you.
Bruce Edwards
Reply #68 Wednesday, May 7, 2008 12:22 AM
A company that has posted transcript identifying its customers as" sheep to be fooled".
Are you offering an opoligy for this abuse?
Bebi Bulma
Reply #69 Wednesday, May 7, 2008 12:23 AM
I worked with lawyers at the District Attorney's office for 6 months, and you don't sound much like a lawyer at all. I certainly wouldn't hire you to represent me with good confidence.
Bruce Edwards
Reply #70 Wednesday, May 7, 2008 12:25 AM
Jafo.. if you are unwilling to represnt the company ...................in the capacity you have already impied too..... then you should immediately locate a representative who can speak on behalf on Stardock and immediately inform them of this compaint............... If you are a wise, Little, little, boy.
Reply #71 Wednesday, May 7, 2008 12:31 AM

Jafo.. if you are unwilling to represnt the company ...................in the capacity you have already impied too..... then you should immediately locate a representative who can speak on behalf on Stardock and immediately inform them of this compaint............... If you are a wise, Little, little, boy.

Bruce Edwards...you have a PM [from me] speaking on behalf of Stardock and Wincustomize.com, kindly read and comprehend, thankyou....

Fuzzy Logic
Reply #72 Wednesday, May 7, 2008 2:47 AM
....but why did it come with free geese?

You've been in the outback too long. Don't you know what fresh lunch is?

After a short diversion, this thread gets back on track...
Reply #73 Wednesday, May 7, 2008 2:54 AM

"Own the car....still paying for the petrol"...

Newest car I ever had was 10 years old in '97 ...when I got it.  It's still hanging in there.....

Now look....if asking for a DB9 in BRG is just too much.....any colour will be just fine....I'll cope....

Reply #74 Wednesday, May 7, 2008 3:24 AM
Much faster than my last ride.

Reply #75 Wednesday, May 7, 2008 3:39 AM
Bruce Edwards
Wow you're so cool! I do think that people who ruins the fun to be the most cool of everyone.

Where's my car? I know, I wasn't very frequent customer, are not currently using any products, but I want a nice car, dammit!
Reply #76 Wednesday, May 7, 2008 3:40 AM
I love it when 'authorities' on stuff (who can't even spell 'apology', 'represent', 'complaint', etc.) get all hot and bothered.

It's more entertaining than the OP (which I saw for the beautiful satire it was, knowing full well how much Stardock respects and loves its customers - right, Zoomba and Karma? No cars without me, now ), and so full of angsty lovin' I can't help but watch with abject horror!

SanChonino slaps forehead.
Reply #77 Wednesday, May 7, 2008 3:46 AM
Well the subscription price may have gone up, however I've already reuped for 2 years at 20 bucks, and at my age I'll probably be dead before I've got to resubscribe...    
Reply #78 Wednesday, May 7, 2008 6:00 AM
My two pennies worth.... I can understand why Bruce Edwards got annoyed guys, maybe a gaff was made by not categorizing the original Post as Humour (the correct spelling, not "humor" as our american cousins would have us all believe it should be), so a slap on the back of the hand for Zoomba for "cocking it up" in his haste to take his new car for a spin, lol.

(Having said that, it doesn't take long to realise how satirical the Post is).

ps Send the cars back to the Showroom and invest in more wildlife, that'll help counter Global Environmental Pollution and guarantee that those Goslings have a happy life

pps Maybe this is why IP64 is taking so long.... the Stardock employee working on it is out of the office "posing" as he drives around Michegan in his shiny new red Porsche.       
Reply #79 Wednesday, May 7, 2008 6:39 AM
Pewhhh, you only got Porsche's???

I would have expected you to get yachts!!!

... and can we have pictures of your indoor Pools and gold-coated bathrooms at Stardock?
Island Dog
Reply #80 Wednesday, May 7, 2008 6:43 AM
It's amazing that this even has to defined as a joke.  Goodness.

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