Let's take a look at Tiles 2.0!

Object Desktop Members can get into the beta right now

Thursday, February 4, 2021 by Tatiora | Discussion: Stardock Blog

It's already been an exciting year for Stardock software - and it's only February! We are working on DeskScapes 11 still (you can see some previews and walkthroughs), but today I’d like to focus on our newly released beta for Tiles - what’s already there, and also what new things are coming to the app with the latest version.

If you’re unfamiliar with the software, Tiles is a program that lets you create multiple desktops of related programs, files, and links through the use of a customizable sidebar on your Windows desktop. You can drag programs onto the sidebar by holding the shift key; it will then create a thumbnail of that application so that you can find it easily.

You can have multiple pages of Tiles and categorize and label them anyway you wish, allowing you to organize your tasks in an efficient and visually appealing way. You can click through your lists of tiles and swipe left/right easily to access your other groups. Additionally, you can adjust the size and position of where your Tiles bar sits. 

Speaking of organization, I think my favorite Tiles feature is new to v2.0. In settings, I can change it so that certain Tiles categories show only maximized or minimized Windows. This is especially great for a 2-monitor setup, since I can keep the tiles on one monitor and easily click through to apps and tasks that I can utilize on my main monitor. 

In my case, I made it so that my Tiles pages wouldn’t show any of my minimized apps, so whenever I had something open it would leave the list, making it easier for me to find my other tasks. You can also filter what types of apps go into which Tiles groups.

Of course, we would be terribly remiss if we released a software product like this that didn’t have some additional level of visual customization available. You can find several different style and color options right from within the app so that you can curate your desktop experience. 

The new Tiles is also fully compatible with both light and dark modes for Windows, plus it fully integrates with our Curtains app. All of these great updates will allow you to achieve a perfectly cohesive desktop look that's suited to your tastes.

Tiles coordinates well with the way I work. I have found that I really like keeping a tiles page with all of my different writing documents on it so that I can flip between them. This is especially handy during product releases when I might be working on 4+ things all at the same time. Also, if you look above, you'll notice some smaller tiles beneath one of my bigger ones. Those are tiles that I have grouped together using Groupy. I love that I can see them all together like that!

Have you tried Tiles yet? If you’re an Object Desktop member, you can try the v2.0 beta before its public release. You can find details and instructions on how to download it here.

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