The State of Skinning 2004

A look at the year in skinning

Saturday, December 18, 2004 by Frogboy | Discussion: Community

With the end of the year upon us, it's time for this year's "The State of Skinning" message. At least in terms of how we see it.  For the nearly million new registered users who may be reading this, I should probably provide a little background before going into the meat of this.

Skinning is a general concept of changing the way your computer's interface looks and feels. And in the beginning, there were two websites dedicated to this. One was called and the other  When the Dot-Com hype collapsed, the advertising revenue that powered much of the Internet disappeared taking those sites with them.  At the time, the only significant general customization site around was the new  So Stardock decided that it couldn't exclusively rely on third party sites for providing the content its software customers wanted. The result was the launch of WinCustomize in March of 2001. 

Eventually, and returned but under new owners and much about them has changed since then. Other sites have come as well and the problem other skin sites have run into is money. That is, if the website gets too popular, it becomes too expensive to maintain. receives a monthly grant from Stardock plus it gets income from people who subscribe to the site.  We have remained exclusively customization site.  Our friends at deviantART took the path of becoming a general art site. They do have a healthy customization section though that I recommend you check out.

And that's where we are today. So how did this year go?

The Lawsuit

Well, the year started out with a nasty lawsuit that I think permanently changed the community.  Developer TGT Soft filed a lawsuit a week before last Christmas demanding that Stardock allow it to use its IconPackager .iptheme format without having to license it. Needless to say, we weren't too happy about that. We felt it went to a core issue of skinning - if you want to use someone else's "stuff" you need their permission to do it. Several months later the suit was settled out of court and TGT Soft ended up having to license the format for Stardock (the details of which are confidential per the settlement). So it was good news, in our view, for the skinning community.

The GUI Olympics

There was also the GUI Olympics this year. It had Winamp, IconPackager, and WindowBlinds as the 3 sponsored programs.  ATI helped out a lot and it was a great success. But there won't ever be another one. Why? Because the US Olympic committee demanded that we not use the phrase Olympics so future ones will have to be called GUI Championships (one lawsuit is enough per year thanks ).

Triumph of Rainlendar / SysMetrix

2004 was also a year of consolidation. Widgets got talked about a lot and the net effect is that the widget programs gobbled up the user base of a ton of small one purpose programs. There's still a Beatnik section on And it still gets new submissions. But the widget programs (DesktopX, Kapsules, etc.) have taken a bite out of the momentum of specialty programs because they can do so much. But there were two notable exceptions to this - SysMetrix and Rainlendar.  SysMetrix lets people build system monitors really easily. And Rainlendar is a really nice skinned calendar program. The widget programs haven't touched them.

Year of the Widget

But while those exceptions have thrived, there's no denying that 2004 was the year of the widget. Konfabulator came out for Windows with much anticipation. DesktopX 2.x made widget creation very easy. Avedesk rose to become a popular program. Samurize (which Stardock hosts) grew in popularity. Kapsules came into existence and made headway (and its developer will be a full time Stardock developer here in Michigan starting in January).   You can see what they're all about in the Widget Wars article.  But the jury is out whether widgets are going to become mainstream. I can tell you that right now, they're most definitely not mainstream. They're like where skins were in 1999. Consider these numbers: Konfabulator, with a perfect storm of publicity (, slashdot, etc.) has a download count (non-unique users) on its widgets whose mean is around 1500.  DesktopX's widgets have a mean download on new stuff of around 500 and the other widget enablers considerably less than that (when there are download counts to measure).  By contrast, a typical new WindowBlinds skin can get 2000 downloads in an afternoon. So the widget detractors (i.e. the people who get on me for covering widgets so much) have a point - they've gotten much more publicity than their popularity warrants.  That said, I still love em. Still gonna make them. And still think they're the next "big thing" in customization.

WindowBlinds Victorious

More time than I would like to admit goes into monitoring download statistics on various content on various sites as well as the creation of new content for various programs. It's graphed out. It's analyzed. It's projected. Some skin sites are less accurate than others in terms of their downloads (some sites increment downloads on a skin if you just look at it funny on the page. Other sites only count completed downloads. And still other use cookies and account tying so that even if you re-download a skin it will only count that as 1 download total -- that's what WinCustomize does).

So I can say that while it was a close thing in 2001 and 2002, this past year WindowBlinds skins became far more dominant than msstyles in terms of # of new skins made as well as (to the best we can tell) number of active users.  There's some good msstyles out there but 2004 wasn't a good year for them. It's as if the msstyle community collectively decided that Longhorn and "Royale" were "good enough".  That isn't to say there weren't some good msstyles made -- there were. But they were far far more uncommon than in 2001/2002 (decline started in 2003 and accelerated in 2004).  And next year Longhorn will show up and msstyles won't work on there (if there's a "msstyle" format on Longhorn it'll be a new format entirely almost certainly).

So the lynchpin of what makes so popular grew in popularity in 2004. Partially sparked by the GUI Olympics, 2004 saw a lot more creativity in skins as well as simply "more" skins over 2003.

Critical mass for Object Desktop

2004 was the year that Object Desktop's user base soared at an astounding rate.  Our basic belief on this is that enough of the programs that make up this suite of desktop enhancement utilities matured to the point of being ready for the mass market that people started buying it in higher numbers than before.

The Docks

Some people really hate commercialism in skinning. But one thing that can't be denied - free things tend to disappear and non-free things tend to keep being developed.  There were 3 docks at one point..  All 3 very good programs.  All 3 freeware.   One of the 3 free ones got a letter from Apple and disappeared. The other stopped being updated. We got a letter too but we have lawyers. 

But ObjectDock came out with a "Plus" version this year. And updates for it have continued. In fact, ObjectDock Plus now rivals WindowBlinds in terms of sales popularity. The tabbed dock is here to stay.  The free one will continue to be free and continue to be updated. But it's clear from user screenshots that having tabs on the dock is the way to go.

WinCustomize 2K5

For months it was in development. And this month it finally was launched. The first major overhaul of since its original launch back in 2001. The first two weeks were very bumpy. Which is why the official announcement won't go out until this Monday.  But things have improved greatly since then and each day new features and tweaks get made to it. 

The results have been good.  According to Site Meter, the site was averaging around 440,000 visitors per day.  Now it's already up to 540,000 visitors per day average. That's 100,000 more visitors per day!

Paying the bills

WinCustomize is still very dependent on that monthly Stardock grant.  But WinCustomize subscriptions have made the difference.  Without subscribers, there would have been no WinCustomize 2K5 which cost around $90,000 just in IT costs so far.  We'll probably have another subscription drive in January to help buy some new servers to help keep the site growing.  The way the new site was coded will save us substantially on hardware and enable the site to grow much faster without straining the resources so much.

So what's next?

I can't predict what 2005 will be like. The Longhorn beta will show up in late Spring and we'll know how that impacts skinning.  In theory, Longhorn should be a huge windfall for customization. It includes a compositor which means you can do a lot more visual stuff that is hardware accelerated.  So that could be very exciting if they keep is open enough for third parties to get in there and expand on what's there.

I think you'll see more premium suites. The demand for these is very high. Natural Desktop ( has done incredibly well. So has Aquarium Desktop. So I think you'll see an increase in these kinds of things next year.

I think 2005 will be a very exciting year because of Longhorn bringing interest and the community features on WinCustomize helping people participate in more ways.

Widgets will grow more popular I think. With ObjectBar 2 supporting widgets being embedded in bars, I think that'll have a big impact.

So that's where things stand from our perspective. Tell us what you think is going to be big in 2005. 

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Reply #21 Monday, December 20, 2004 2:36 PM
No time for article writing. But in short a number of things I've noticed: 1) there's a shift from skinners to consumers; 2) the number of (independent) skinnable apps is dwindling (as said). If you want to see this, take heed of the new releases. Which apps are released, by whom and how often. Back in '98/99 updates were seemingly daily. And 3) the smaller skin sites are drying up.

That leaves you with a handfull of big players, a growing number of consumers (that talk a lot but contribute nothing (intrinsic factor of "consuming")), a decrease in devs and overall, less variety. Can't say much about the number of skinners, as I don't keep track of that.

Reasons: 1) "been there done that"; 2) shift to *nix (perhaps one of the reasons behind LiteStep's alleged coma); 3) increasing complexity of the formats; and 4) lack of time (the scourge of our society).

Which is not to say that it's heading downhill or anything. This train we're travelling on is going places, just not where I expected it to go.
Reply #22 Monday, December 20, 2004 11:05 PM

If you think about it too what is the main reason why some programs are not skinned? Because its too freaking hard to make a skin for them! Very few of them make it possible to bring up a proper skin in short order, you either have to know xml or put up with some other weird format and then accept that it may not work with every version thats available.
Reply #23 Tuesday, December 21, 2004 12:26 AM


1) There has been a shift from skinners to consumers. This has to do with the quality of the software. In the old days, it was flakey and hard to use. As it has matured, it has attracted more and more users while the # of people into skinning has increased at a more linear rate.

2) The # of independent skinned apps has dwinded. The reason for that I think is pretty obvious - if it's a conventional type app, why bother? It'll get skinned with something like WindowBlinds. If it's unconventional, it would make a better widget.  What type of NEW app do you think would be well suited to being its own skinned type?

3) Smaller skin sites aren't drying up. There are lots of new skin sites, they are, unfortunately, only supporting the most mainstream of things. There aren't many new general purpose skin sites out there and the ones that are there are fading some.  On the other hand, in its day, owned the whole thing and only with its demise (the of today is not related to the old one) did things fracture. Now things have reconsolidated.

4) The number of skinners is higher today but only linearly more (as opposed to the exponential growth we've seen in users).  The quality of the typical skin has gone down considerably too.

I think that has to do with complexity.  Consider this: The original WinAqua skin made by Dangeruss was 252 lines of UIS code and 31 images.

The recently released OS X Panther skin, by contrast is 1,500 of UIS code, and 220 images.

In short, the EFFORT involved in making a skin has increased dramatically.  So today's skinner has to be much more dedicated than before. And many casual professional grade skinners can't make many skins these days.


Reply #24 Wednesday, December 22, 2004 12:15 PM
I suspect 2005 will bring Gadgets/Widgets more to the forefront - especially in terms of RAD and Commercial aspects relating to them. Anyone not on the widget/gadget bandwagon next year, will be behind the curve I suspect.
Reply #25 Wednesday, December 22, 2004 9:37 PM

Well next year there will be that will support widgets more specifically.  So that will help.

I think the big difference from where Crae and I stand is that I got into widgets and he didn't.  So he doesn't see widgets as being that innovative whereas I see far more innovation overall from the widget world than any # of skinnable mini-apps ever did.

Reply #26 Thursday, December 23, 2004 8:52 AM
That might have something to do with me never ever having run any of these widget frameworks. I fell of the bandwagon three turns ago, beyond that hill.
Reply #27 Wednesday, January 5, 2005 3:09 PM
The amount of skinning apps is dwindling. That is definitely true. But, ya know what would be really cool? If Stardock could/would go all the way. Be the "boss" of skining apps, kinda like Microsoft with operating systems, or Google with its search engine. I definitely know that is in the future for Stardock/WinCustomize.

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