Icon-A-Day, Icon # 16, HTML File.

Now we start on the Network Icons.

Saturday, January 22, 2005 by mormegil | Discussion: Icons

A Icon a day Keeps the Creative
Icon 16 (HTML File)

    Now that we have the Internet icon, Icon # 15, we can use it to help us several of the icons in the pack.
Step 1:

First thing we do is copy our TXT file, to use as a template. I remove the Text and Reflection, as they will be replaced in the new icon.

Step 2:

Now we copy the Globe icon, shrink it down to about 70% - also I remove the cord - I am going to make a new one for this icon.

Step 3:

Now using the mesh fill I quickly take two rectangles and make new cords out of them.

Step 4:

The trick to doing the cord is to set all the nodes to "Smooth", this will round it and do a lot of the work for us. I will cover this in the next Mesh Fill Tool Video.

Step 5

Now we copy our globe, Crop it, and give it some Transparency for the reflection on the file.

Step 6:

Now using standard Rectangles and Text I mock up a more HTML looking text for out file.
Once I like what I have I copy it and make our reflection.

Step #7

Now I move all of our elements back together. And make sure it all looks good together.

Finished Icon Image.

Click here to download the finished icon.


Over the next few days we shall do all the Internet Related icons, so check back in soon.

Read the other Icon-A-Day Articles: Icon # 1, Icon # 2, Icon #3, Icon # 4, Icon #5, Icon # 6, Icon # 7, Icon # 8, Icon # 9, Icon #10, Icon # 11. Icon 12 & 13, Icon # 14, Icon # 15.

CorelDRAW for Skinners videos: Mesh Fill 101, Gloss 101.

And don't forget to check for all the Icon-A-Day icons as they get made, in the Miscellaneous Icons Gallery at Wincustomize.com

Reply #1 Saturday, January 22, 2005 8:30 PM
Reply #2 Saturday, January 22, 2005 11:25 PM
Just love this stuff.

Very fun, and looking forward to next video.

Thanks, Teach.
Reply #3 Friday, January 28, 2005 7:10 AM
i really enjoy your icons i cant wait for the entire set of this keep the good work up just 1 icon i would really see is a winrar icon but thats on you but like i said i enjoy your work & i even own a copy of your orion icons

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