10 years at Stardock

From "office staff" to VP of Operations in 10 crazy years.

Wednesday, June 1, 2005 by KarmaGirl | Discussion: Internet

Today marks my 10th year of working at Stardock.  It's been 10 crazy years of learning the business and changing the business.

When I started, Stardock was *very* new.  I spent the first days before I was officially employed helping build furniture.  I was the first official employee of Stardock...my how things have changed.  I had no idea how much my life would change, or how much Stardock would change over the following 10 years.

We started out as an OS/2 ISV.  We didn't have a network in the building.  We went months with dial up before we could get an ISDN line installed.  We took all orders over the phone, and when "online order" technology came out, it meant that the online order was faxed to us. The "internet" was new, and it was a big deal to have free Compuserve accounts.

We quickly grew out of our first office, and found a new office where we currently are.  We grew...then we fell.  In 1998, the bottom dropped out of our market when IBM decided to drop OS/2.  We went from a dozen people down to 4 in a matter of months.  At this point, I took the most perfectly planned maternity leave and was away for 8 months.

But, Stardock didn't die.  Through the vision of our CEO Brad Wardell, and the brilliance of Neil Banfield (WindowBlinds only at the time), Stardock picked itself up and dusted itself off and was reborn as a Windows developer.  After seeing WindowBlinds in action, and being asked by Brad a few times: "so, when are you coming back?"  I rejoined the very small Stardock crew.  The day I came back, one of our staff members left (he returned a year or so later) and a new staff member started (who now works at Microsoft).  Things were really changing.

The Stardock that we now know is really only about 6 years old.  The Windows market is nothing like the OS/2 market was, and the staff that we have is a lot different (mainly, larger).  I can remember everyone that ever worked here, even Tamra who only worked here for one day back in 96, because we have such a low turn over rate.  We've lost a few to larger companies (mainly Microsoft) and we lost a few due to downsizing, but we still have managed to maintain our great company culture.

So, today I am remembering the past, and looking forward to the brilliant future that is ahead.  We are growing like crazy, and we are about to move into a new building (buying this time instead of renting).  It will be interesting to see what the next 10 years will hold.

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Reply #21 Thursday, June 2, 2005 10:13 AM
Karma, Congrats on the longevity!
Reply #22 Thursday, June 2, 2005 4:02 PM
Considering that I am only 33

Then your User profile on WC is incorrect!

Double Zero
Reply #23 Thursday, June 2, 2005 4:59 PM
Stardock needs to take you out to lunch at least!..::laughs::

Gold Watch?

Paid Vacation?

Shopping Spree?..


Congrats, hopefully your next ten will be just as enjoyable...
Reply #24 Friday, June 3, 2005 1:49 AM
Hope to see you all around for the next 10+ years!

I will be there. Congrats !
Reply #25 Friday, June 3, 2005 2:32 AM

Considering that I am only 33,

Of course....that's a woman's '33' and they have a problem where maths and ages are concerned....

Reply #26 Friday, June 3, 2005 11:10 AM
Congratulations, Karmagirl!

I discovered WindowBlinds when it was beta and signed up before you even went commercial with it. Haven't missed a subscription yet. When it became Object Desktop, I was there. Now I'm a Wincustomize and ThinkDesk subscriber.

Haven't gotten into the games.... yet.

You can also celebrate that Stardock really brought the concept of subscription-based software to the PC mainstream. I love the model SO MUCH better than the buy and upgrade mentality of so many other companies. You've made it REALLY WORK.

I have to have my Stardock Central fix at least a couple of times a week to see what's new and exciting.

THANK YOU! and may you have a PROSPEROUS NEXT 10 YEARS.
Reply #27 Friday, June 3, 2005 2:09 PM
congrats karma, may you become the ceo when brad steps down... btw the honda hybrid is averaging 43 mpg right now, we are told when the engine breaks in some more the mpg will climb.
Reply #28 Saturday, June 4, 2005 1:31 PM
I really enjoyed sharing your walk down memory lane. I hope the rest of your time at Stardock will be as interesting and rewarding as the first 10 years.
Cosmic Fox
Reply #29 Saturday, June 4, 2005 1:42 PM
Wonderful article and may the next ten years be more successful then SD is now. Keep up the great work all of you.
Reply #30 Saturday, June 4, 2005 3:01 PM
It's funny how you just fit in some places. I've been working for the same company for 8 years now, but only 4 of them as a graphic designer. I've seen it grow to more than twice the size than what it was when I started there (we were 40 when I started and we're just about 100 now) and we also moved to bigger locations which we are about to make even bigger with building a new warehouse and perhaps purchasing the building next to us. There have been ups and downs which is only natural, but I've always enjoyed the place and people working there with me.

I get the sence you do too, so congratulations on your anniversary and a bright future
Reply #31 Saturday, June 4, 2005 8:56 PM

A very hearty hail and congratulations!!!! You were, I think, the first person to offer help when I was running into problems. Your support was polite, professional and first-rate. It was you who convinced me I was in the right place

Here's to another 10 years.!!

Hmmm, no party icon anymore.
Fuzzy Logic
Reply #32 Sunday, June 5, 2005 1:39 PM

JavaBean - 10 years? That's an awful lot of coffee consumed

I've been with my Company for 13 years. You get a smaller sentence than that for murder... Oddly, those vertical blinds on the windows do resemble bars

Reply #33 Sunday, June 5, 2005 4:12 PM
Congrats! And many more.

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