Under The Skin: (Episode 3)

SkinYourScreen Podcast, and Windowblinds 5.0 beta.

Thursday, October 13, 2005 by mormegil | Discussion: OS Customization

Under The Skin: (Episode 3)


We are about a month late, but we finaly got the chance to sit down and recorded Under The Skin (Episode #3). This week we have Rich Kulesus, a.k.a. MrBiotech from skinyourscreen.com. He lets us know what's new with SkinYourScreen and his new podcast. We also fill you in on the latest in Skinning news, including the new beta of WindowBlinds 5.0

Show Notes:
Under the Skin: Episode 3, Recorded October 6th, 2005.

Host: Paul Boyer
Guest Host: Kristin Hatcher.

Special Guest: Rich Kulesus (MrBiotech)

Intro, Skinning News:

Allot has happened since episode 2. We did not get to touch on it all, but we tried to hit the highlights.
    The news item being discussed most this week was the release of WindowBlinds 5.0 beta, for the first time allowing alpha transparency in window frames and title bars. WB 5 is also the first version of WindowBlinds designed to work on Windows Vista. It is still in early beta, but is working pretty sweet already.  For allot more about WindowBlinds 5 check out some of these articles. Windowblinds 5 Beta released and Windowblinds 5 Preview Guide.
    We also touched on Microsoft's intro into the Gadget world with Vista and MicrosoftGadgets.com, and the controversy that has arisen from it. For my views on this check out my article here.
    One of the big things that I ranted about was Microsoft's upcoming Xaml editor Sparkle. I personally think this is something that anyone who is serious about skinning should check out. To see a cool video on Sparkle check out this behind the scenes video over at Channel 9.
    The last Item that we touched on was Autodesk purchasing  Alias Wavefront.

Interview with Rich Kulesus (MrBiotech)
We talk to Rich about his personal skinning website, www.skinyourscreen.com and his new SkinYourScreen Podcast. Rich lets us know about his influences as a artist, and a skinner, as well as his favorite skinning news site, www.blizzle.com

All this and more, spiced with quite a bit of me ranting! It's yours for free in this week's exciting episode. Subscribe to any of the links below or stop by www.undertheskin.net to check it out.

Support Under The Skin by subscribing at: and add to my PodNova
Under The Skin thanks Stardock.com for their support and, more importantly, their bandwidth. Visit www.stardock.com for all the latest skinning software.
Thanks to Wincustomize.com for hosting my blog, which I am abusing by hosting our show notes and the Under The Skin, index.
If you have any questions comments or suggestions please email us at undertheskin@gmail.com
Reply #1 Thursday, October 13, 2005 11:21 PM
Nice to see this is back on the frontburner

Your efforts are much appreciated, Mormegil & Cordelia [& all involved]

Reply #2 Friday, October 14, 2005 1:12 AM
Yes! I cant wait to listen to it! CerebroJD goes to download
Reply #3 Friday, October 14, 2005 8:02 AM
Ditto on W|E's comments. Always look forward to listening to the podcast.
Reply #4 Friday, October 14, 2005 8:26 AM
I can't seem to find this podcast under iTunes. Is it really there, and named "Under the Skin"?

Thanks for any help.
Reply #5 Friday, October 14, 2005 8:37 AM
I loved the first one, have to play catch up now. Thanks to everyone involved for providing such a unique podcast.
Reply #6 Friday, October 14, 2005 11:09 AM
Ok just listened to it, enjoyable, informative and it has Kristen in it. A winner lol. I had to pause and go check out sparkle though.


This was a good link to see one of the apps in the suite in action, sadly it wasn't the app i really wanted to see. It's nice Microsoft is bringing a complete environment for this together but I wonder how many are actually going to dump their current vector/bitmap editors and how easy it will be to create in something like illustrator and then use other apps in the sparkle suite.

Really interesting stuff, can't wait to hear more about it.
Reply #7 Friday, October 14, 2005 11:13 AM
if you serch for undertheskin with no spaces.
Reply #8 Sunday, October 16, 2005 1:02 AM
ok i got it. thanks mormegil!
Reply #9 Friday, October 21, 2005 9:04 AM
Glad to see this back! I have missed it. Very entertaining & informative. Great job guys! Keep it up!

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