Dark Lava
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Dark Lava

Updated Jan 28, 2009 by zigboom

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Comment #21 Sunday, March 29, 2009 5:41 AM
Thanks GodSponge, that's a real feedback. I apreciate very much the input. Ok, at lest i can help with one thing.. the size of the cursor can be changed (i think only with the pro version). If you use cursorXP then go to: control panel/mouse pointers/cursorXP/options/size. Please let me know if it helps to improve your usage experience(about the glow?? looks ok here). Anyway, about the point of the cursor, it's set to be where the white rays are joining at the center of the bright sparkle. I know it's upper part can dissapear on white background, that's why i made it at the point where half of it(lower part) is always visible agains the orb itself. From my experience using it, after short time, you'll feel exactly where it is. Please give it a try at a smaller size and see how it serves you. I managed to make quite a few skins with it and using it everyday including all my graphic work. Hope you will find it usefull once you could scale it down. Hope it helps, please let me know how it goes...
Comment #22 Thursday, May 28, 2009 12:07 PM
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Comment #23 Tuesday, August 4, 2009 8:58 PM
I use the blue lavafox firefox theme and this matches that so well.There is one thing that stops me from using it and that is the size.Like most of the cursors on here its too big,if a smaller version was made i would use it in a heartbeat.Apart from that i think its awesome and very usable.
Comment #24 Thursday, December 31, 2009 5:51 AM
I use the blue lavafox firefox theme and this matches that so well.There is one thing that stops me from using it and that is the size.Like most of the cursors on here its too big,if a smaller version was made i would use it in a heartbeat.Apart from that i think its awesome and very usable.
Thanks for the feedback. You can change the size with the pro version ox CursorXP or CursorFX. It's big so it'll fit with high resolution screens. Hope it helps.

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