DesktopX Outlook
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DesktopX Outlook

Updated May 13, 2003 by _Martin_

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Bruce Gilpin
Comment #21 Saturday, May 31, 2003 12:28 PM
I tried to install this desktop and got all kinds of script errors, object doesn't exist, etc. I have Outlook 2002.
Comment #22 Tuesday, June 3, 2003 5:06 AM

What errors do you get and what version of DX are you using?

Comment #23 Thursday, June 19, 2003 6:53 AM
I got errors too on:

Set appOutlook = createObject("Outlook.Application")


DesktopX.ScriptObject("dateGrid" & x).Object.Text = x - calFirstDay + 1

this is on install.

dx latest SDC release
windows XP sp1

Comment #24 Sunday, August 3, 2003 4:58 AM

great effort in a badly needed area. but have to say cannot get it to work.

other than the calendar object, nothing else works. for the contacts, get a blank object with no data. for in, sent etc. just get a blank body with a control object that can be moved about (

if you can get it to work -
Comment #25 Sunday, August 24, 2003 12:59 PM
I keep gitting a black body and no information but the calinder works and that all please tell me how go get it to work I like this appliaction. (

Comment #26 Sunday, September 14, 2003 1:48 PM
I also have the black body. Outlook is not installed in the usual place. I am running Office XP on windows XP
Comment #27 Thursday, September 18, 2003 5:59 PM
Guys (and gals),

Unfortunately this 'black box' problem is due to a problem with DX, noy the object itself. As soon as it is resolved in DX the object should work fine again.

I recommend you retry it every time you get a new build of DesktopX.


Comment #28 Monday, November 3, 2003 5:36 AM
I am using Outlook 2000 on XP Pro SP1. DX 2

I have 2 Monitors. The cfg fields and data fields are always displayed on the other Monitor then the Interface. Of course, i do have black areas in the main interface as the result of having displayed the datafields outside the screen focus(?).

I also become always the following message: ".. script error in script: calCalendarViewControl. ...."

You said that the " Outlook View, Combo & list controls installed .." How do i this manually?? Outlook seems 2 work perfect in "normal" mode.


Comment #29 Thursday, November 13, 2003 7:19 PM
martin can i just say amazing development you have done on this object it is one i have been watching avidly!

great to see it in full and working action now! btw using it with outlook 2003 looks amazing actually it looks stunning get a small error which relates to the default view loaded at startup from the initial load of the object, if i close the object and reopen it works great and supports all the lovely additional tasks 2003 outlook manages

WELL BLOODY DONE i look forward to futher work and dev from yourself

bob had a baby its a boy
Comment #30 Tuesday, January 6, 2004 5:43 PM
Martin This is one of the best Desktop X objects out there right now. Have you considered ,making a theme out of it or even some items to match. I was hoping you would make a weather and/or a mail checker. This is just a suggestion who about making the inbox a mail checker as well as a link. Again very nice!!!
Comment #31 Wednesday, January 7, 2004 6:46 PM
I've been looking all over for something like this... unfortunately, only the calendar seems to work, though when I start I get the error:
"Object required: 'Control'
Line: 2
(not available)" and then when I click on the others I get script errors or blank screens...
Is this because I have a free version (unreged and no updated scripts) or what?

Comment #32 Monday, January 26, 2004 2:10 AM
Has anyone solved the problem with the script errors on line 2 and 3? if so let me know. this looks like an awesome object but onlyt the calender works. when i load it i get an error on line2 and when i run anything but the address book i get error on line 3???
Comment #33 Monday, February 9, 2004 1:56 AM
Simlpy DOES NOT work. It's hard for me to believe that you would make something available before it actually is in working order.
Comment #34 Monday, June 14, 2004 3:56 PM
Works fine here (win2kpro sp4, Outlook 2003, DX 2.1). All modules. Prob is on outlook my mail doesnt go to my inbox, it goes to various diff folders via filters. In outlook 2003 it would be nice to point the inbox to "Unread Mail" but I cant figure out how to do it??
Comment #35 Monday, June 14, 2004 3:57 PM
Well, what I mean is I cant get this DesktopX version to point to the Unread Mail fodler.
Comment #36 Monday, July 5, 2004 4:11 AM
Is there anyway of changing the default calendar to an other users calendar, we don't use our own calendar at the office, but an other users calendar.

Comment #37 Monday, July 5, 2004 10:28 AM
Hi Martin,

it would be nice to hear that you look at these comments some times. I'm eager to use your object, but it doesn't work for me and I would be interested in whether there will be fixes or not.

Here's my problem:

When I load the object, I get
Objekt erforderlich:
(Object needed)
Line: 2
Code: (not available)
in calCalendarViewControl.

When I 'continue', the calendar loads.

If I click on "In", I get
"Das Objekt unterst�tzt diese Eigenschaft oder Methode nicht:"
(The object doesn't support this method:)
Line: 3
Code: (not available)
in calLaunchInbox.

The same with calLaunchOutbox, calLaunchTasks, calLaunchSent, calOLCalendarView, calOLCalendarCreate, and so on.

If I click on Cfg., the configuration-screen loads but just gives me totally black boxes, in which I cannot see my changes - if the program should have accepted them.

If there are any tips or fixes available, please give me a note or mail me to Thx!
Comment #38 Tuesday, November 23, 2004 7:59 PM
I've download into my objects folder under desktop X and when I open Desktop X and look for it to load I don't see it listed. What is my problem and whats is View Control. I have Microsoft Office 11.
jeff graper
Comment #39 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 7:36 PM
I get the same errors as Dummkopf84 for each of the three view contols. All the child windows (cal, mail, task) seem to open with Current Outlook Info in them and the totals under each of the icons appears to be correct with the exception of the calendar. I am running Outlook 2003 SBE in exchange mode. Have tried to change security settings, anti-scripting, etc. Let me know if I can provide any help.
Comment #40 Sunday, March 27, 2005 1:56 PM
I also am experiencing the blank problem. The control loads up fine, and it appears to access the outlook data (lists numbers within folders correctly, anyways). However, none of the ActiveX widgets are visible. It is impossible to access any of the text fields within the configuration, the contacts load up the data but do not display it, and the same for the inbox, sent items, tasks, etc.

I am running:
Windows XP SP2
Microsoft Office 2003
DesktopX 3.0
Norton Antivirus 2004.

Given that I autorized DesktopX with Norton, there should not be too much of a problem with this, but... who knows.

The control seems nice, but I can't really say until I can use it .

Good luck though, and keep up the good work everyone is praising you for.

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