Killer todo
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Killer todo

Updated Apr 04, 2004 by Tiggz

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Comment #21 Wednesday, April 21, 2004 2:52 PM
I love all of the Killer objects. But I seem to continue having trouble with this one. I have tried all the suggestion of Saving the theme and closing DX before restarting, but it still won't save and load my list properly. I have the most recent release of DX. It will load my saved list for a second 'till all my other objects are loaded and then it clears the list just leaving "item1" through however many items I had. Also how do you get all your objects to save there alpha-blending states when you restart or shutdown. And the suggestion for access to the Palm Desktop is something I have been wanting forever out of a desktop calendar and/or todo list. If you can get that out of your calendar and todo list. I would be much grateful and willing to pay for it. Thank you.
Comment #22 Wednesday, April 21, 2004 5:32 PM
hi CJICantLie1 - well, as to the not saving the settings issue, I have determined the problem. It is a bug in dx whereby when you save the a theme, it destroys the currently in use persiststorage variables, although it saves those same variables with the theme, so that if your eload that theme from the archived .dxtheme file the list will be remembered. It''s a bit screwy really, but theres nothing I can do about it I''m afraid. There are several ways round it.
You can opt to NOT save your theme, and just unload dx, the next time it starts it should remember the variables. If you do save the theme at any time, make sure you "save as...". Then if you wish to carry on using dx at that point, you must reload the theme you just saved. Alternatively if you are shutting down the pc etc, then next time you reload dx, you ahve to reload that particular theme that you saved. I know it doesn''t seem to amke any sense, but that''s how the persiststorage variables are working currently, even though they are intended to be permanent stores for just this sort of information.
Personally, I just unload dx, without saving. Next day, or whenever, I reload dx and my list is intact.
Incidentally, this is also why many people find that their weather objects are forgetting the location details.
I hope you can make sense of the above paragraphs...

As to the palm desktop, I have absolutely no idea how that stores it''s information, I don''t own one and don''t know anyone who does. If it is possible to export it''s data to a text file, in theory it would be possible to import that into a dx object. It would also be necessary that it can import data in the same way.
Comment #23 Thursday, April 22, 2004 12:35 PM
Thank you for you time. I hope they fix that bug in DX. It seems like a pain in the ars.
Comment #24 Thursday, April 22, 2004 2:30 PM
It certainly is CJICantLie1, but it's a complex proggie in constant development, I guess some things just slip through the net occasionally. I have informed "those that should know" about this little foible so hopefully...
In the meantime I make do with my little workarounds, also I am currently working on a list management type of object that stores it's information in text documents so there is no danger of losing the data. It's quite a leap from the todo list tho, so no idea when it will be ready.
Comment #25 Thursday, September 23, 2004 10:18 AM
Wow, this is exactly what I'm looking for. Plain and simple, works and looks great! I love it, GJ.
Comment #26 Thursday, March 3, 2005 10:35 PM
I like it man.
Would you be able to make it as a widget with some transparency.
I also had the problem with saving.


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