LookingGlass Weather Forecaster
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LookingGlass Weather Forecaster

Updated Oct 13, 2004 by Will Rose

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Comment #1 Monday, August 30, 2004 6:49 AM
Where does one find the 'green configure' button?
don't see anything green?
can i change the text colors, got a dark background so it's hard to read

Will Rose
Comment #2 Monday, August 30, 2004 10:30 AM
ikku: From the description "Clicking (or doubleclicking) on the current conditions lets you show/hide the satellite window". Do so, and you will see the satellite window with its green configure button. It's an object change whatever font colors you want in the normal way see the DesktopX documentation for details on how to modify objects.
Comment #3 Monday, August 30, 2004 6:59 PM
I don't see any satellite window when clicking.
Will Rose
Comment #4 Monday, August 30, 2004 7:04 PM
Sorry, both ikku and I are posting about the wrong version. The "green configure button" is on the satellite display, and the satellite display is not part of this version. I mis-typed in the description. Double-clicking on this version does nothing except return to expanded mode if you're in compact mode.
Will Rose
Comment #5 Monday, August 30, 2004 9:28 PM
If you want a version with the Animated Satellite and Radar (which is impossibly cool, by the way, even if I'm biased) go to https://www.wincustomize.com/skins.asp?authorid=47869 and select one of the LookingGlass "Suites". Suites have the satellite/radar, Forecasters don't.

Comment #6 Tuesday, August 31, 2004 6:25 AM
hmm wonder if thats usefull for me, is satellite usefull for me living in europe?
Will Rose
Comment #7 Tuesday, August 31, 2004 11:06 AM
Sorry, the satellite doesn't cover Europe.
Comment #8 Wednesday, September 1, 2004 12:33 PM

I very impressed with all of your work. Stunning...

If you have an oportunity, it would be great to have a high quality .png for icons and ObjectDock for the Earth, Moon and Weather. I have a shortcut to the weather widget on my Dock, but I can't find a .png or icon to do it justice!

Thanks again! LOL
Will Rose
Comment #9 Wednesday, September 1, 2004 2:03 PM
Carpe, thanks very much! I appreciate it. I'm glad that people really seem to be enjoying it.

Were you wanting zoomers or just static icons (and in what sizes)? As you might have read, I was planning on introducing a collection of planetary zoomers, but the mouseover/mouseaway bug in DesktopX sometimes causes zoomers to malfunction, and I don't like to release anything that's not perfect. Perhaps if enough requests from the general public are heard for it to be fixed, they'll address it and I can release them.

I don't use ObjectDock, but I suppose what would be perfect for the dock is a weather docklet that uses my animations, etc. That way you could see everything right on the dock. If someone would like to collaborate with me on that, I'd be happy to.


Comment #10 Thursday, September 2, 2004 9:51 AM
Actually, Sir Will, I would be very grateful if I could use this wonderful weather forecaster in Sydney, Australia?? I'm not too fussed about the radar side of it, as I have access to pretty good radar, satelite, etc, down here.
Will Rose
Comment #11 Thursday, September 2, 2004 2:23 PM
mrdarb, you keep posting that you want it to work in Australia, but it already does, and always has. Why don't you try putting in a weather.com location code for someplace Australia, like you would on any other international weather object. They all start with ASXX. For example, Melbourne is ASXX0075. If you're new to this, post a message in the forum asking how to use international weather objects.
Comment #12 Thursday, September 2, 2004 10:41 PM
SORRY Will, sincerely appologise for my ignorance! You're right, I am new at this, got my 1st computer 4mths ago and I'm 44yrs old, BUT thoroughly addicted and learning fast! The code for Sydney AUSTRALIA is: ASXX0112 if anybody else is interested. The other weather objects I tried either asked me for an American ZIP code or allowed me to type "Sydney, Australia"? I'm using a Pentium4 with 256MB SDRAM and I must be one of the lucky ones because this program doesn't seem to worry my computer at all? It's all the other gadjets I play with that keep slowing things down if anything? The more these things do the better I reckon! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, BRILLIANT STUFF!
Comment #13 Thursday, September 2, 2004 11:11 PM
This weather object by far is in its own class. #1

As for the cpu usage problem some are having. You need to take all the objects in the weather frame except the big moon and temp, and set the parent to none. It work for me, my cpu was working at 60% plus, and now its at 2% to 3%.

Will Rose, Thanks Again for all you work.
Will Rose
Comment #14 Thursday, September 2, 2004 11:31 PM
dcrk98: Thanks very much for your compliment! That's a truly puzzling suggestion about the parent associations... If you can verify it reduces CPU load on more than one machine, you should definitely start a message board thread about it. My CPU usage is 2-3% with the relationships as they are in the package, and according to the DX docs, having parent relationships should REDUCE load, so your suggestion somewhat flies in the face of what I've seen, but if it works that's fantastic! It would be interesting to know why it has the effect it does for you.
Will Rose
Comment #15 Sunday, September 5, 2004 3:31 PM
I just heard from Stardock about a solution to performance problems with LookingGlass.

You should use Regedit and set HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Stardock\DesktopX\DynBitmapCaching=1

This turns on Dynamic Bitmap Caching. On the machines I have tested this on that had "memory allocation issues" with LookingGlass before, setting this value to 1 reduced DX memory usage by 60-85%. It makes a HUGE difference. One machine went from allocating 317MB to 46MB. If you are not having any such problems, it is probably because this is already set properly in your version of DX. I am told it will be turned on by default in the next release.
Comment #16 Monday, September 6, 2004 8:05 AM
Very nice Object. I'm impressed that it's using 0% CPU and only 16MB ram.
Comment #17 Monday, September 6, 2004 10:39 AM

On the icons: An ObjectDock animated weather object would be wonderful, but I don't know how difficult that would be though.

What would also be easy and useful is a nice .png file (maybe 128x128? ) to use for the ObjectDock icon (to launch the DX Widget of your Weather object, or LunaVista or Blue Marble). In ObjectDock you can point to a .png file and ObjectDock will use it as an icon that zooms and scales nicely. I'd just like to have a icon that is of the same high quality as the object.

If you upload a few nice .png files, everyone could use those for ObjectDock or easily make a .ico file with IconDeveloper.

I tried creating one from the strip .png in the object, but my Photoshop skills are quite limited and it turned out poorly...

Thanks again for such cool objects!

Comment #18 Wednesday, September 8, 2004 2:03 PM
is it possible to resize the text size in minimal mode ?
Will Rose
Comment #19 Wednesday, September 8, 2004 4:14 PM
Osopolar: It's an object. Modify the attributes for the tmp_big object however you want.
Comment #20 Thursday, September 9, 2004 9:40 PM
uk thanks, i changed the font size, and it grayed out the weather object, then it said trouble connecting to the source ...

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