DXSystemEx Plugin
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DXSystemEx Plugin

Updated Jul 12, 2009 by Littleboy

Comment #1 Monday, July 13, 2009 12:54 AM
OK, so what does it do? In layman's terms.
Comment #2 Monday, July 13, 2009 1:19 AM
I've added a small description of the main functionality available. It's a scripting plugin, so by itself it's not doing anything. The included object is just there to test the plugin.

- The mousewheel and volume stuff are pretty obvious in terms of when to use.
- Monitor information was asked by Zubaz and sViz to better handle multi-monitor desktops as the included DX function is a little bit too limited.
- Multi-instance support is something I need to use the "Tasks" stuff with the Windows 7 Taskbar, but it can also be used to associate a file type to a widget and load the widget when the user double-click a file.
- VerifySignature is also something I needed for one of my Gadgets that has integrated auto-update, to make sure the update has been downloaded correctly and is not going to break when replacing the old version. Not useful to a lot of people, but since it's there in the plugin, I documented it.
Comment #3 Monday, September 14, 2009 12:19 PM
This is really interesting, downloading now.. will play later.. Thanks!

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