Minimalism 2000
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Minimalism 2000

Updated Jul 21, 2001 by pjpowell

Louise McCrowe
Comment #1 Friday, July 13, 2001 2:26 AM
Bug with text in Taskbar. Basically, the text will be transparent, so whenever the exact pixels are clicked, the application behind it is the one receiving it, causing for some frustration.

Using win2k, and have tried changing all the alpha blending modes, but I can't figure out why this is happening.
Louise McCrowe
Comment #2 Friday, July 13, 2001 2:27 AM
Oh, and another suggestion: could you release a version where, if you click the cogs themselves, the bars would disappear, leaving only the cog?

Great theme, by the way. Very useable, except for the issue I pointed out before.
Comment #3 Saturday, July 14, 2001 3:47 AM
I've got to say. This theme made me finally switch to DesktopX.

Rolling the bars into the gears would be cool, as would having the clock a little more legible. With a quick glance it's hard to tell the time because the tick marks aren't like a real clock. Minor annoyance though. Also a run bar, recycle, and mail checker would rock.

God, I'm never satisfied.

Really, thanks! It's great!
Comment #4 Sunday, July 15, 2001 12:25 PM
Louise: I have a theme already under way using cogs which roll out and in again. I will look into modifying this somewhat to match your specifications.

The alpha text issue was a bug and has been fixed internally by Stardock so should not be a problem for long.

kr0me: See first bit of what I said to Louise. I will take another look at the clock and look into the extra content on other bars. I'm kind of thinking of having them coming off the top left one.
Comment #5 Monday, August 27, 2001 3:54 PM
I must agree with kr0me as this one made me use DesktopX as well. I'm just getting my feet wet but I've already been able to change a few things. Have you thought of colors or is that getting away from the minimal theme? I was just thinking of different colored buttons (or even cogs) only while a toolbar is active. Maybe even having seperate functions for the two cogs in each corner?

Don't take my suggestions too literally as I really don't know what is involved in skinning.

Comment #6 Sunday, September 2, 2001 12:30 AM
Fantastic theme!! I'm a great fan of minimalist desktops and this is just too sweet! One small issue though. There seems to be a problem with the popups. When i load the theme i get the "Found popup objects without a popup start object...." message. I can't seem to be able to access anything! Everything is nice and transparent but it's as if the whole theme is on the desktop level or something because when i click nothing happens! I right click to get the object properties but i just get the desktop menu
. Can someone help please?
Comment #7 Thursday, September 20, 2001 5:46 PM
Thankyou all for your comments. For those who can't click on the transparent objects that is because they are holograms. To see the real objects mouseover the corners.
Comment #8 Saturday, October 6, 2001 5:03 PM
Downloaded the skin, and lik e the look, but just like kdub, can't get anything to work please help.
Comment #9 Monday, December 2, 2002 7:02 AM
I love this theme, one quick question - where do i get the cog background from?
Comment #10 Thursday, December 5, 2002 3:25 PM
Sami82: Wallpaper is available here called Cogs and Gears :

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