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Updated Sep 11, 2004 by Tiggz

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Stupendous Man
Comment #21 Saturday, October 9, 2004 8:19 PM
Tiggz, I love this search object, but there is a small problem with it, at least for me. After I type in keywords and start the search the results box will jerkily scroll up and down as if it can't quite open. this has happened on both my home and work computers, so I don't *think* the problems on my end. Any suggestions? I'd really like to use this. thanks.
Comment #22 Saturday, October 30, 2004 9:17 PM
juryguy - it could be that the timing I've used in the script is a bit too fast for your pc to cope with and its getting stuck. Can I ask what specs you're running?
Comment #23 Monday, February 21, 2005 2:00 PM
any hopes of a GT3 version?
Comment #24 Friday, December 2, 2005 5:06 PM
Do I need another program in order to make this work...Im able to search a topic, it will give me the resukts but them if I click on one that I want, nothing will happen. Any help would be greatful...Thanx
Comment #25 Tuesday, January 31, 2006 8:14 PM
Very great work as usual!

But... (always sounds bad hey!), there's a bug (well I think...).
On my results, the first one is OK, but the others are all «En&npsp;cache»
Could someone help me please,,,
Comment #26 Tuesday, March 21, 2006 2:55 PM
yo Tiggz! nice work again - i think yoor stuff is numero uno! as someone asked already then after search when i click results, shouldn't it launch my browser to that page? do i miss here something?? i use it as exe and i linked it to my theme with button shortcut. i really like this and i hope you will help me.
Comment #27 Wednesday, July 12, 2006 7:46 PM
I have the same problem with this and another google Widget. Type in the search term and click...I get the results but when I click on one to go to that web page nothing happens. The search terms are acurate just can't click on the results to get to them. I gave full permission to my ZoneAlarm Pro to the widget and no luck. It obviously accesses the internet because it gets search term results. Any Help?

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