Aphrodite's Necklace
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Aphrodite's Necklace

Updated Dec 29, 2013 by TheMasterBaron

Comment #1 Friday, April 18, 2008 1:19 AM
Very nice indeed. I would suggest that you watch the whole dream all the way through, as the image gets 'busier' as time progresses. Very ethereal, except for the 'wormhole' effects staged around the center mass...could those be softened up to match the 'wispiness' of the rest of the dream?...Also Master Baron, I personally would love to see an image of H.R. Giger made into a dream, and would pay for it as well...do you do commissional dreams? Just a thought....email me at finnius1@yahoo.com if you do
Comment #2 Friday, April 18, 2008 1:32 AM
Love the work you produce, it is truly great. Also love the idea of commissioned dreams, ever think about it seriously, a lot of us would pay for them, I know I would certainly be interested. Stone98
Comment #3 Friday, April 18, 2008 5:51 AM
Very nice�
Jeff T
Comment #4 Friday, April 18, 2008 12:13 PM
Comment #5 Friday, April 18, 2008 12:22 PM
do you do commissional dreams?
Also love the idea of commissioned dreams, ever think about it seriously, a lot of us would pay for them, I know I would certainly be interested
I have though about it, but I'm not sure I would be any good at it. Most of my dreams are abstract through tinkering, I don't know if I could pull off a pre-planned themed dream. The closest I've come is my Halo 3 dream that just has some lighting effects.
Very ethereal, except for the 'wormhole' effects staged around the center mass...could those be softened up to match the 'wispiness' of the rest of the dream?..
Yea, that kind of bugs me too. I'll see if I can soften it up a bit. EDIT: Darn, I wiped the raw uncompressed footage, I'll put off fixing this until I do a "cleanup" round on my dreams.
Len Lawrent
Comment #6 Thursday, April 24, 2008 5:21 PM
Very well done, your efforts are appreciated and your aesthetic eye admired.
Comment #7 Wednesday, May 7, 2008 8:43 PM
Very nice indeed, and I agree, I would pay for this also
Comment #8 Monday, July 28, 2008 12:51 PM
Amazing work.. one of the best i have ever seen.. thank u very much..

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