Big Blue Sea HD
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Big Blue Sea HD

Updated Jan 02, 2008 by sntXrrr

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Comment #1 Wednesday, January 2, 2008 12:28 PM
hey..really kewl dream!

i just loved it..wil giv 4 stars for this!

its a refreshing dream...thanks!
Comment #2 Wednesday, January 2, 2008 2:03 PM
5 Stars mate
Comment #3 Wednesday, January 2, 2008 6:27 PM
thnx guys!

by the way, i've also posted a LogonStudio Vista screen with this image. You can find it here.
Comment #4 Saturday, January 5, 2008 2:23 PM
Comment #5 Saturday, January 5, 2008 7:46 PM
I'm in love with this. Great job!
Comment #6 Wednesday, January 9, 2008 10:12 AM
Very nice.
Comment #7 Wednesday, January 9, 2008 6:14 PM
VERY nice! Let's see more!
Comment #8 Wednesday, January 16, 2008 5:24 PM
Comment #9 Monday, January 21, 2008 12:19 PM
very smooth it alot...thats the animation skill level i wanna reach
maybe check out my dream.. ( its not able to compare with yours, but i wanna get the skill to compare with u a day far far in future ^^)
Comment #10 Friday, January 25, 2008 2:19 PM
Is this not just the "notsodeep" screensaver, but done a bit slower... maybe even darkend a bit? It looks the exact same...
Comment #11 Sunday, January 27, 2008 2:32 PM
Thanks for the compliments, but I've never heard of that screensaver though.
Comment #12 Thursday, January 31, 2008 8:14 AM
Simply great job!
Are you planning to combine Noon Sea and this and make the wall change itself based on daytime? That would be awesome, this version is far dark for usage in daylight I think the wall doesn't need to be too realistic if it's nice, and your sea walls ARE nice
I must say I like your walls more than most of the premium content I bought. Take a big bow.
Steve Lesperance
Comment #13 Sunday, February 17, 2008 11:55 AM
I am new to the DreamScene program. I just downloaded this video but can't get it to open or run. I do have Vista Ultimate and have DreamScene installed and currently enjoy what Microsoft gives you, but would like more. After downloading the underwater scene Vista asks me what program to use to run it. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for any help given. Steve �
Comment #14 Tuesday, February 19, 2008 4:04 PM
Hi Steve, read the stuff at the top of the page and follow the link to the Dream website. You need to install Stardock Deskscapes to get the .dream files to work. Niker: thanks for the praise [bow] I might take you up on your suggestion but I think I will then start from scratch, now that I have some experience with the software (and it wouldn't be complete without dusk now would it?)
Comment #15 Friday, March 14, 2008 3:04 PM
AWSOMEE!!! btw you can try making it more realistic by making the waves go faster water really doesn't move that slow. and you never know this could be a master skin. But you dont really need any other changes this one is great.!! �����
Comment #16 Tuesday, March 25, 2008 7:22 PM
Thanks, but I slowed it down on purpose to make it more dramatic. Also, at full speed I think it would be too distracting as a desktop background.
Comment #17 Wednesday, April 9, 2008 11:09 AM
how do i install it
Comment #18 Sunday, April 13, 2008 12:36 PM
Comment #19 Tuesday, April 15, 2008 9:54 PM
excellent work! wow!
Comment #20 Sunday, April 20, 2008 8:03 PM
Thanks for the comments, if you need help installing please read the stuff at the top of the page and follow the link to the Dream website. You need to install Stardock Deskscapes to get the .dream files to work. At this moment you can only view dreams with Vista Ultimate, until Deskscapes 2.0 comes out which will run on any version of Vista.

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