Circles 1080p
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Circles 1080p

Updated Apr 12, 2007 by Hysz

Comment #1 Thursday, April 12, 2007 11:33 AM
Looks great, but the CPU usage simply boggles the mind. Around 60% on my Core2Duo. Still, it does look great
Comment #2 Thursday, April 12, 2007 12:03 PM
Like the fact that it is true HD res 1920x1080.
I do not like the grid would be ok if it was there all the time and or correctly positioned and moved, I also find it a little too busy for my taste, lot of hard work involved in AE so thanks for this.
CPU use is through the roof due to WMV encoding, if you could encode in MPG it would cut down on CPU use. Thanks for your hard work �

Comment #3 Thursday, April 12, 2007 12:37 PM
I absolutely adore both of your .dreams, especially this one. I have not been regularly using them however. This is because they both use far more CPU than any other .dream I have (and I have most of them). A standard 1080p movie usually uses 6-9% CPU on my system (others use 2-6%). This one uses 36-44% CPU. If there is any way you could fix this, I would use this skin more than any other that has come out so far, I think. It is simply outstanding
Comment #4 Thursday, April 12, 2007 12:49 PM
Make it somehow an animated dream and i will buy it from you Can't you talk with the WinCustomize staff on how to do this ?
Comment #5 Monday, April 16, 2007 5:48 AM
Hi there - by far the best looking DreamScene so far. One problem tough: On my machine it just stops when I toggle (some explorer windows, applications - no games) between windowed mode and fullscreen. Example: I start the Circles 1080p and it would just work four hours. But if I start maximizing windows the animation stops. "Play/Pause DreamScene" in the desktop context menu does not work. Just switch to another DreamScene and then back to Circles works.

Would be great if you could fix that!! Thanks for this great animation. Perfect!

Comment #6 Monday, April 16, 2007 8:35 AM
Well..., to be honest I don't have a slightest idea what's wrong... Anyone else is having such difficulities? I'm not a computer geek, so I don't think I can provide much help...
[Perhaps it has something to do with your PC configuration...?]
Comment #7 Tuesday, April 17, 2007 10:38 AM
Truly excellent. Bit high on CPU usage though as other have said. uses upto ~33% on mine. Other wise brilliant. Don't know how you came up with that idea but it works splendidly as a desktop
Comment #8 Tuesday, April 17, 2007 8:10 PM
Hum, the first one was a must have, but sorry, that one is too disturbing to be better if you want my advice. Good job though.
Comment #9 Thursday, April 19, 2007 6:31 PM
Hi there - by far the best looking DreamScene so far. One problem tough: On my machine it just stops when I toggle (some explorer windows, applications - no games) between windowed mode and fullscreen. Example: I start the Circles 1080p and it would just work four hours. But if I start maximizing windows the animation stops. "Play/Pause DreamScene" in the desktop context menu does not work. Just switch to another DreamScene and then back to Circles works.

I think it's your pc as this dream hardly moves my cpu ( but i have a beast of a pc )
dreams were included with ultimate vista so that those who would use this would be thought to have a decent and powerful pc , as Ultimate is the most cpu harsh vista there is

So yea sorry you have issues , but it is not his dream from what i cna see, unless it is possible for him to lower the file size in the configaration or something.


Comment #10 Friday, April 20, 2007 2:10 AM
The size is a requested value, so I won't publish many .Dreams just with different color and/or size. That were my 5 minutes, I'll be busy for some time, but I will be back with something mindblowing again, : )
Chu Yu-Huan
Comment #11 Sunday, June 17, 2007 12:37 PM
Thanks a lot. I really love this one!
Is it possible to do a half-speed version?
Comment #12 Wednesday, June 20, 2007 3:13 AM
Thanks a lot. I really love this one!
Is it possible to do a half-speed version?

Half framerate, or 2x long? So that the circles flow slower, and it takes 2x time for em to loop? If you could provide me further info I can do it for you.
Chu Yu-Huan
Comment #13 Monday, June 25, 2007 3:35 PM
Half framerate, or 2x long? So that the circles flow slower, and it takes 2x time for em to loop? If you could provide me further info I can do it for you.

I really appreciate it! Thanks! Yes, that's what I was trying to say. It takes 2x time to loop and everything moves with 1/2 speed. And I suppose the filesize might become 2x bigger, right? Sorry for my English.
I really love the idea and the way you present the 'bubble', truly excellent!
Comment #14 Tuesday, June 26, 2007 3:19 AM
This can be done..., stay tuned, ill e mail you with link : )
EDIT: I e-mailed you, but..., ill post a link here as well. Enjoy
Chu Yu-Huan
Comment #15 Saturday, June 30, 2007 12:14 PM
Oh...god...this is unbelievable...truly stunning..
The entire scene goes 3d! I love it!
To be honest it's way beyond my imagination, better than I can think of..
I guess I won't be searching for other dreams for a long long time...haha
I don't know how to thank you..... You're the man!
Comment #16 Saturday, June 30, 2007 4:02 PM
I shall make some new dreams in the near future, so stay tuned . Thaks for your warm words..., It's great to hear something like that
Comment #17 Sunday, October 21, 2007 11:30 PM
Can I rate this one 7 Stars?, Simply put, the best Dream I've seen, the best quality very dinamic and original, without saying the great aesthetics that blue is bringing to the Desktop. I could say that before this Dream I kind off was having a Mac Desktop craving. No anymore, thanks to this.
Comment #18 Monday, October 22, 2007 1:36 PM
That's just neat. I'm always happy when someone put some nice words here. Thank you for your kind comment. I will try to make more Dreams, but..., since I got a job it is difficult to find some time to do so. Anyway, great to know, that there are people who still think that this dream is OK
Comment #19 Tuesday, June 24, 2008 3:36 AM
AMAZING! My favorite dream yet!

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