Sentinel (Black-Red-1920x1200)
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Sentinel (Black-Red-1920x1200)

Updated Dec 19, 2011 by ChaNinja

Comment #1 Monday, December 19, 2011 9:06 PM

Sweet as hell!!! 

Comment #2 Monday, December 19, 2011 10:18 PM

 Wow.     Wow as hell!!!

Comment #3 Tuesday, December 20, 2011 12:10 AM

This dream is outrageously beautiful. What a style!!!  Bravo!

Comment #4 Tuesday, December 20, 2011 12:46 AM

It could really get a position in the Lethal Industry. Chief of security or something

Comment #5 Tuesday, December 20, 2011 2:38 AM

ChaNinja, looks really Cool..

will you make another version of this with it's arm things striking at the monitor and maybe cracking it too 

(a BAD version you could say) PLEASE

Comment #6 Tuesday, December 20, 2011 6:02 PM

look nice on DisturbedComputer video. downloading

done . and aaaaaaaaaa love it . what softwere do you use to creat this ?

Comment #7 Tuesday, December 20, 2011 8:13 PM

`I realy like this dream. I just wish there was a bit more hapining in the background. If you had a moving background where it looked like the machine was constantly coming towards you. Still looks great though. About to put it on my Tablet and Phone for personal use. 





Comment #8 Wednesday, December 21, 2011 10:23 AM

Thanks so much for the comments!

neone6: this would definately feel right at home in the Lethal Industry!

DisturbedComputer: Its difficult to implement ur suggestion with my method of creating deskscapes because I try to make the loop as seamless (unnoticeable) as possible whilst keeping the length of the loop as short as possibe to minimize filesize and resource consumption. This loop is only 3 seconds long (90 frames) and having a single action like striking at the screen every 3 seconds would end up being quite annoying. I will however be animating this guy like you suggested in other applications like startmenu animations which I'll be working on soon.

atle-mj: what DisturbedComputer video is that u mentioned? I used C4D and some AE for this.

Pizentu: my hybrid deskscapes will usually not have animated backgrounds as they would take up a lot of resources during runtime and make filesizes huge, but I might do a fullscreen video dream version with an animated bg which could work nicely. How are you going to put it on ur phone? Which kind? Pls let me know how it runs and on the tablet too. I havent tested these hybrids on different rigs and would like to know if it performs smoothly or not.


Thanks again for the comments everyone! 

Comment #9 Wednesday, December 21, 2011 10:42 AM

atle-mj: what DisturbedComputer video is that u mentioned? I used C4D and some AE for this.

thats a awsome software, i only tested it tho, but was sendt a licensed copy to use, need some training in that software , youtube is my friend


that vidio is listed in the sneakpeek forum under my skin. its a unlisted vidio so i guess im not supos to share it. what i can do i share the link yo the forum site page 3  you cant miss it 

Comment #10 Wednesday, December 21, 2011 10:45 AM

atle-mj: page 2 ofc   

Comment #11 Wednesday, December 21, 2011 4:03 PM

Pizentu: my hybrid deskscapes will usually not have animated backgrounds as they would take up a lot of resources during runtime and make filesizes huge, but I might do a fullscreen video dream version with an animated bg which could work nicely. How are you going to put it on ur phone? Which kind? Pls let me know how it runs and on the tablet too. I havent tested these hybrids on different rigs and would like to know if it performs smoothly or not.  


 I didnt realize it wasnt a video. I was just going to run it as a video background. I dont know anything about coding so I wont be able to try it. I think it woulda looked cool though. 

Comment #12 Friday, December 23, 2011 6:23 AM

O M G that is amazing. I am both stunned by the quality as well as the minimal system resources used. Great job!


Any chance of seeing a variation of the snake, maybe on a Amazon or jungle kinda background where the snake would look like an boa constrictor or an anaconda?

On this one, despite the minor risk of being sued by Hasbro, could you consider a starry background with the machine be larger in size and look like Unicron from the old 1986 Transformers the movie as a planet coming at you? That would I would gladly and happily buy as a master skin.


Keep up the great work!

Comment #13 Sunday, December 25, 2011 10:08 AM

Amazing work hope you create more , because your a master at this.

Comment #14 Friday, December 30, 2011 5:51 PM

Love it   I'm a big fan of hybrids and you've come up with a nice one here.  I hope you enjoy it enough to keep doing them.

Comment #15 Friday, December 30, 2011 6:58 PM
Hi My name is Bruno and im from Barcelona, Spain! I just love this Skin(Sentinel)!!! Yes, yes,yes!!! Great!! I download it but i dont know how to install sorry!! Another question: I have an Iphone ios5.0.1 and i love to put SEntinel on it!!! Can you help me?? Thank you very much and sorry about my Inglish, hehe Happy New Year 2012!!!
Comment #16 Monday, March 19, 2012 11:28 PM

its cool but would be better if ya made it walk around the screen at random in one setting 

Comment #17 Friday, September 21, 2012 12:48 AM

So wicked love it!, thanks so much for all your efforts

Comment #18 Friday, March 31, 2017 2:15 AM

Can't open the preview link, bro. The website is not responding.

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