3D Humming Bird
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3D Humming Bird

Updated Sep 20, 2014 by AzDude

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Comment #21 Sunday, July 12, 2015 9:07 PM

 where is sound

Comment #22 Saturday, October 10, 2015 10:19 AM

perfect! I'm sure my mom will love it too

Comment #23 Wednesday, October 21, 2015 12:43 PM

good morning,

my late wife and I visited Lake City Colorado about eight years ago and we looked at a monster of a house that was for sale up in the mountains. It was a white elephant in that it was so massive and so huge they were asking $5 million for the house. One of the things that I just simply love about the house was it had a wraparound huge porch and every 20 feet or so there was a hummingbird feeder.

I carefully walked up to the hummingbird feeders and I was instantly surrounded by hundreds of beautiful hummingbirds and some of them actually landed on my shoulder and my hand. I was just enchanted by this experience and unfortunately my camera was not working that day so I was not able to take any pictures. But I still have pictures of my mind and I will never forget that experience.

Your dream about hummingbirds is simply beautiful and I really thank you for it and I hope you continue to do what it is that you do that I do not completely understand. Thank you again!

Joe Gates

Comment #24 Wednesday, October 21, 2015 12:49 PM

good morning,

your dream about hummingbirds reminded me of a trip that my late wife and I took eight years ago to Lake City, Colorado. We were fantasizing about buying this humongous house that was for sale. It was about $2-$3 million and it was way above our budget. LOL

what I loved about the house was it had a wraparound porch area that was very wide and there were probably 15 or so coming bird stands with hundreds of hummingbirds feeding. I carefully walked up to a couple of the Hummingbird stands and sure enough, once they got accustomed to me they landed on me they landed on my hands and they drank the nectar and continued on their way. I was so enchanted as I had never seen so many hummingbirds at one time. There had to have been at least 50 to 75 hummingbirds as this was one huge files as I'm sure you can imagine.

Anyway thank you very much for your dream about hummingbirds and keep up the great work and continue to do what you do best.

Joe Gates

Comment #25 Wednesday, October 21, 2015 1:01 PM

Not able to re-make it in UHD at this time ...
ot able to re-make it in UHD at this time ...

Good morning,

thank you for such a wonderful dream about hummingbirds. It reminds me of the time that my late wife and I traveled to Lake City, Colorado. We were dreaming about moving there and looked at a monstrous house that was about $2-$3 million the one thing that I loved about the house was that it had a wraparound porch with 15 or so hummingbirds stands and you guessed it, there were hundreds of hummingbirds! I just simply loved it because I could walk up to the hummingbirds stand and within minutes they were hovering all over me way beyond the landing on my hands and were so unbelievably tame and friendly. I never forgot that and sadly, I did not have my camera working so I could not take pictures but I still have memories and they are very vivid. Thank you again for a great dream and continue the great work that you're doing.

All the best,

Joe Gates

Comment #26 Sunday, September 18, 2016 1:17 AM

This is totally awesome! 

Meridius Dex
Comment #27 Friday, June 23, 2017 6:12 PM

Had this years ago on a previous PC and thrilled to find it again for DS8.

Meridius Dex
Comment #28 Friday, May 8, 2020 11:56 AM

Any chance of getting this updated to 4K? Sadly my new monitor blurs it out quite a lot.

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