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Updated Sep 27, 2007 by moringaou

Comment #1 Thursday, September 27, 2007 11:47 AM
Pretty Cool. �

The only thing I noticed (and it may just be me) was that my CPU would spike at or shortly after the loop. Now, I've got an older 3.8GHz Extreme (non-duel) so it may just be me.

Otherwise, very cool �
Comment #2 Thursday, September 27, 2007 2:46 PM
This is seriously cool
Thank you!
Island Dog
Comment #3 Friday, September 28, 2007 9:03 AM
Nice work! 

Comment #4 Sunday, September 30, 2007 7:53 PM
Wow... really 'Wow'...
Great job on this
I'd love to see more of this... same speed, slow camera movement and perhaps another texture for the walls of the vein/artery?
Or if you'd be able to add lymphy and phagocytes, to have an exact replica of the bloodstream...
simply WOW!
Comment #5 Monday, October 1, 2007 8:53 AM
Comment #6 Monday, October 1, 2007 8:57 AM
Ok...thanks for the compliments and for the tips.
I'll try to work on it, and maybe corpuscule3 soon �
Comment #7 Monday, October 1, 2007 6:02 PM
hi nice work are those bloodcells looks amazing but i cant view it since i dont have vista could u send me a mpeg or wmv version please that would be the greatest thing ever my email is thanks
Comment #8 Tuesday, October 2, 2007 2:42 PM
thx mate but i have some trouble when i play the files u send me i get a grey screen video wont play i tryd to view it via Gspot but it wont work what player did u use to play the wmv media player classic and windowsmedia 11 is not playing also VLC wont play nether
Cameron Owens
Comment #9 Tuesday, October 2, 2007 5:27 PM
Wonderful work! I'm a relatively nerdy med student and this is the perfect desktop! All the people that see my lappy's screen think of it as amazing--however, would it be at all possible to perhaps randomize the activity more? The stream seems too artificial due to the large amount of space on the bottom. Also, a more fleshy-looking texture on the wall would be swell! There also is a slight stutter where the dream loops--slowing the camera a bit more would be wonderful also.
Keep up the amazing work!
Comment #10 Wednesday, October 24, 2007 10:25 PM
I like what you've done here. Great concept with only a flaw or two. One noticeable flaw is the design of the red blood cells. I don't mean to disrespect or anything at all, just some advice... they look a lot like red fruit loops. Maybe if the texture was a bit cleaner?

Anyway. All in all its a great workup. Very nicely done.

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