WS Vista Light Rings
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WS Vista Light Rings

Updated Dec 17, 2007 by WS76

Comment #1 Monday, December 17, 2007 8:03 PM
that effect looks cool man! the best compression is to lower you FPS, this is a slow moving dream, so don't do 30FPS, even 17 or 18 will be enough.
it lowers CPU usage as well!
Comment #2 Monday, December 17, 2007 10:56 PM
Seems way too grainy. Is that by design or a result of the encoding?
Comment #3 Monday, December 17, 2007 11:29 PM
It's both. It was by design but the encoding made it more pronounced.
Comment #4 Sunday, December 23, 2007 1:25 PM

I must partly agree with you,TheMasterBaron:
1) The design is very good. Throw in a few colors (4 max -- red, yellow, orange, violet),
and it would rise above the level of most others. [My opinion, of course]
2) However, its execution does have a little to be desired.

If this is by design, the design might need to be refined
(specifically, the resolution of the video increased
significantly). Hopefully, the author will consider that
many of us have very large digital displays. If his finished
product has a very low resolution, it will look extremely grainy
on our displays.

If it is a result of the coding, it will improve
as the author's proficiency with his tools improves.

In any case, the resolution certainly needs to be increased.
This will have an added bonus: When the resolution is increased, the frame-rate can also be increased.
Donald L. McDaniel

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