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Updated Jan 05, 2002 by Pixtudio

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Comment #21 Saturday, June 10, 2006 6:14 PM
Great logon! I really like it, I as well prefer it in english. BUT, I am NOT asking you to change it; as I already have. For those of you that want it in english you can go to where the bitmap images are located and you can edit the ones with the text so that they are in english. Just open up the desired bitmap with some form of photo editing software, Paint works just fine, and change the font and/or text to english. However, a majority of the text is located in the THEME.ini file, so you can just take another similar THEME.ini file in English and substitute it. Or you could go in and translate with the language of your choice. Save the changes and reload it. By the way it's not Spanish, it's Portuguese. Again great logon!

Comment #22 Monday, June 26, 2006 9:26 PM
Kool....I lke it its really.......like......kool,,,, Lol I JUST LIKE IT OK? i cant like express how much i like it

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