Matrix Icon Templates
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Matrix Icon Templates

Updated Jun 24, 2003 by jkorp

Comment #1 Tuesday, June 24, 2003 12:06 PM
Man these look great. I wish I knew how to creat icons. Maybe you could create a more complete set for OD or maybe even a IP set.
Comment #2 Tuesday, June 24, 2003 2:44 PM
Thanks. If you have a request for a certain icon I will try to accomodate.
Comment #3 Tuesday, June 24, 2003 6:06 PM
Thank you so very much for the MatrixOD series. These icons are absolutely fabulous!
Sven Lowry
Comment #4 Tuesday, June 24, 2003 7:07 PM
I have some requests, so I can make my dock completely matrix-ised
1. A hard drive
2. A CD
3. A joypad - kinda X-box joypad sort of style
4. a clock - maybe just the metal colour as a ring, with the green glow?
5. a musical note
6. a pentagram
7. a globe (as in the earth )

These icons really are fantastic!!! I like them so much - they fit my windows theme perfectly
Sven Lowry
Comment #5 Tuesday, June 24, 2003 7:39 PM
oh, and the folder isn't in this zip??
Comment #6 Tuesday, June 24, 2003 8:01 PM
Thank you for the templates . . . but to those of us that are either ignorant or not too swift with this stuff . . . how would we create an icon using the template? . . . of course we'll post it!
Comment #7 Wednesday, June 25, 2003 1:14 PM
I am somewhat a perfectionist and I like to have everything matched up as best as possible since I am not a skinner I have to rely on you to do the work. So far I am very greatful and somewhat jealous of your work. So (i understand the hard work) if you could create a complete set of icons I would be doubly greatful.
Comment #8 Wednesday, June 25, 2003 1:30 PM
Thanks everyone for the compliments and feedback

1) I have updated the ZIP to include the missing folder template.

2) Sven I will work on the requested icons, no ETA though. I will not create a pentagram (personal reasons, thanks for understanding).

3) To make your own icons with these templates you will need a graphics editor that can manipulate layers. Adobe Photoshop and GIMP (freeware and what I use) are a couple of examples. Start with using the template as the background layer and build on top of it. Experimentation is half the fun. The other half is creating a piece that you and others like. Also I am more than willing to colaborate with anyone on a theme or a piece.

4) As far as creating a complete set of icons, I don't really know what that is. I have made what I use and what others may also use. I do not use IP so I am not familiar with what one might consider standard icons. Having said that, if you make a request or a suggestion I will try to accomodate.

Thanks for the kind words, I really like the way these turned also. If you haven't already, take a look at my desktop shot.
Sven Lowry
Comment #9 Thursday, June 26, 2003 8:30 AM
"I will not create a pentagram (personal reasons, thanks for understanding)."
That's ok, I just wanted something to replace the yellow five pointed star I was using for my 'favourites' folder, and that's all I could think of, but I'm now using the diamond with a cross in, which i think looks good:)
heres what I have at the mo, so u can see the sort of things i'm after:
you don't know how grateful I'll be if i can get it all looking the same
Comment #10 Thursday, June 26, 2003 9:02 AM
I see where the drive and CD would look good. I have actually created the drive and the music note but I'm having trouble uploading for some reason. I will try to provide the others in a reasonable time frame.

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