Kk Menu
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Kk Menu

Updated Oct 03, 2003 by Jiri Krivanek

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Comment #41 Sunday, October 5, 2003 1:37 PM
it's so weird!
The kkmenu used the Objectdock as a platform. If I buy your kkmenu, u should pay some to Objectdock developer too!
Comment #42 Sunday, October 5, 2003 5:35 PM
Easy as this! You users keep asking for features and bug fixes. That requires time, but don't worry if you don't want to pay then I think he's not going to keep the development and you will have a final release( I hope) and what you get is what you get and that's all! These are my thougths!
Comment #43 Sunday, October 5, 2003 6:18 PM
ok . . . sorry, but I have another beef . . . I tried to register and was told that I'd get an e-mail with a registration number shortly . . . that was over 24 hours ago and haven't received a thing. what's up with that?
Comment #44 Sunday, October 5, 2003 9:06 PM
Never mind
I will there will be a crack.keygen?
Comment #45 Sunday, October 5, 2003 9:07 PM
Never mind
I think there will be a crack.keygen for it
Comment #46 Monday, October 6, 2003 3:21 AM
Hi, where can I get the SysTray Docklet???
Comment #47 Monday, October 6, 2003 8:16 AM
gaza00hk: Yes, you might be right but if he does not receive any money for it he's no going to keep adding new functions and fixing bugs!
Sorry Guys! He's not stupid!
Jiri Krivanek
Comment #48 Wednesday, October 8, 2003 1:59 AM
1. In case of any registration inconveniency, please mail to JiriKrivanek@BetaControl.cz and include the email address you used to register. I will try my best to did that manually. BTW: I have almost 300 users and yes, approx. 50 of them have never logged in, which could mean that they never received the registration response email (really do not know why).

2. I am not selling my program via wincustomize. I only used it for my advertisment as I was publishing and supporting it for a long time here. Which, by the way, means that you will never be able to download any new release from wincustomize and I will no more answer any technical question here (I made a dedicated webpage for that purposes).

3. I have no idea what you mean with this "payment service is not securing the credit card information" but I will check it with my publisher (actually it is my employer and I know they are selling electronics devices very frequently).
Comment #49 Wednesday, October 8, 2003 2:32 AM
Please advise on wincustomize when secure transaction is available.
I think $10 is a fair price for unlimited updates, especially if you continue to upgrade the software as you have been and provide support.
I would have liked to see KkMenu integrated into Object Dock, but oh well.
Anonymous Commando
Comment #50 Wednesday, October 8, 2003 6:08 PM
Jiri: regarding "payment service is not securing the credit card information" - what Michael is referring to is the fact that the web site you are using for taking the registration information (including credit card information) does not use the HTTPS protocol (HTTP over SSL). Conventional wisdom says that people should not submit credit card info over the Internet unless it is over a secured connection, as the data could be intercepted in transmission relatively easily.

I've noticed that the server does support https connections (by simply replacing http:// with https:// in the URL), but the link from your web site uses http instead. However, the betacontrol.cz server is using a self-signed SSL certificate, rather than a certificated signed by Verisign or Thawte - as a result of that, most browsers will show a warning screen, and some older browsers may refuse to load the page.

In short - until you at least change your link to the "shopping cart" to an https connection, you'll probably find that many people (including me) will not register kkmenu. Even then, you'll find some people will be scared off by the browser warning regarding the SSL certificate, so it would probably be good for your employer to get in touch with a certifying authority (Thawte is probably the least expensive global provider, there may be a local authority in the Czech Republic that would be easer and/or cheaper for you to work with though) and get a proper SSL certificate for their server.

Of course, this is just my 2 cents. Sorry if this sounds like a rant...
Jiri Krivanek
Comment #51 Thursday, October 9, 2003 4:22 AM
Thanks for your explanation. I learned the same from my publisher. Unfortunately, they informed me that they are NOT going to upgrade to the certified SSL as the current solution forks fine for them. Consequently, I am currently changing the publisher of KkMenu. I will let you know as soon as I succeed.

BTW: Is that the only reason for not paying for the KkMenu?
Jiri Krivanek
Comment #52 Thursday, October 9, 2003 9:53 AM
Dear KkMenu users,

recently I received a few complaints for the KkMenu payment method. Yes, the Beta Control online store does not provide you with the secure payment.

As usually I am trying my best to listen to you.

Consequently, I added another possibility of KkMenu registration: Via Share-it!

You can find the reference to the KkMenu registration at the KkWeb: http://home.betacontrol.cz/kkweb/index.htm ...

Best regards,

Anonymous Commando
Comment #53 Thursday, October 9, 2003 3:28 PM
Jiri: glad to hear about the Share-it option - looks great!

As for my reasons - I actually haven't had a chance to download the non-freeware version of KKmenu yet, so I haven't decided if the improvement would be worth the $10. Part of the reason I haven't downloaded it yet is that I'm relatively happy with the version of the KKmenu docklet that I'm using, and part of it is that I've just been too busy lately to try installing it (but apparently not too busy to be posting to the comments here ).

Again, just my 2 cents - if I like the new version, you'll probably receive the other $9.98
Comment #54 Sunday, October 12, 2003 8:05 PM
I tried to register via Share-it!, and although the site says it is secure, the pages where name, address,and credit card information are entered, are not secure.
I have tried different browsers but it isn't secure.
I sent an email to Share-it! advising them of the problem. hopefully it is just temporary.
Comment #55 Sunday, October 12, 2003 9:26 PM
This is the message that I get from my browser when I am in the credit card information screen:
"The web site home.betacontrol.cz does not support encryption for the page you are viewing. Information sent over the internet without encryption can be seen by other people while it is in transit."

Thanks for your help.
Jiri Krivanek
Comment #56 Monday, October 13, 2003 2:51 AM
Please read the other comments before asking a question ... Just three message lower I wrote (cite):

Dear KkMenu users,

recently I received a few complaints for the KkMenu payment method. Yes, the Beta Control online store does not provide you with the secure payment.

As usually I am trying my best to listen to you.

Consequently, I added another possibility of KkMenu registration: Via Share-it!

You can find the reference to the KkMenu registration at the KkWeb: Link ...

Best regards,


(end of cite)

Unfortunatelly it seems that the registration via Share-It! is not secure as well ... ufff ... sorry about it. I asked them a question but they have not replied yet. Will let you know as soon as they answer.
Jiri Krivanek
Comment #57 Monday, October 13, 2003 2:53 AM
Sorry, it was four ...
Jiri Krivanek
Comment #58 Monday, October 13, 2003 7:15 AM
I received the following response from Share-It! regarding the transactions security ... cite:

Dear Jiri,

Thank you for your inquiry.

We would like to ensure you that all of our electronic transactions are
protected by SSL encryption.

I would like to point out, that your customers rely on the highest
security levels for online payments. The VeriSign Certificate for SSL
transactions offers the highest security available today. All data
exchanged during the payment process is SSL-secured. Our servers support
SSL Version 3 and 168-bit Triple DES encryption, and the RSA module and
SSL sessions feature 1024-bit encryption. share-it! leaves nothing to
chance when it comes to security.

The reason that the padlock does not appear in your customer's browser
window is that your web site is programmed to open our secure order page
within a frame. Because frames are a method of displaying several web
page components within one browser window, and the padlock security is
only associated to our web form which is embedded within the frames, the
browser does not know to display the padlock because it is displaying many
pages as one.

We can offer you the following two suggestions to correctly manage this

You might instruct your customers that they can verify the security of our
web form by right-mouse clicking the button "Quickbuy" and then choosing
the option "Open link in a new window". This will open only the order
form for their purchase in a new browser window and also display the
security padlock symbol in the web browser. From this form, your customer
may enter their purchase information securely, confident that the order
process is being transferred securely with encryption.

Secondly, you may also decide to prevent your customer's questions
regarding our transaction security altogether by using the HTML code
TARGET="_top" for our web form within your pages. This will ensure that
our web form opens within it's own page and prominently display the
padlock for your customer's peace of mind.

We hope that this message answers your questions properly. Please be sure
to let us know if we can be of further service.
Jiri Krivanek
Comment #59 Monday, October 13, 2003 7:30 AM
This is like it works to me:
1. I click the shareit link at KkWeb.
2. The unsecured card with KkMenu product appears.
3. I click the quick-buy button.
4. The entire page is redirected to the secured page.
5. The padlock appears in the status bar of my explorer.
6. I double-click the paddlock.
7. Certificate details appear.

So do not worry, Share-It! is as secure as possible
Comment #60 Tuesday, October 14, 2003 12:16 AM
Thanks, Jiri.
(I did read the message below, I was referring to the Share-it! link in your post.) But after contacting Share-it!, I have opened a separate window for the secure transaction.
I have now securely registered the docklet. Just awaiting the email confirmation.
Sorry for any trouble.
Thanks for your help.

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