Reflective Horse Sphere
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Reflective Horse Sphere

Updated Jul 12, 2012 by ionracing

Comment #1 Thursday, July 12, 2012 5:05 PM

Glad you have taken an interest in skinning... The icon is extremely simple but I guess it fullfills it´s purpous.

You probably shouldn´t upload the screenshot in Png though

Comment #2 Thursday, July 12, 2012 5:09 PM

If you can clean up the white artifacts left over around the edges of the image it would do wonders for a more realistic 3D effect. I know it can be a pain because I have to deal with it everytime I create an Icon Package. I love the concept though and the horse pictures are awsome.      -- Ace --

Comment #3 Thursday, July 12, 2012 6:45 PM

Glad you have taken an interest in skinning... The icon is extremely simple but I guess it fullfills it´s purpous. You probably shouldn´t upload the screenshot in Png though

What format should it be uploaded in. I dont think the transparent background would stay if I converted it from .png to .jpg or something else

Comment #4 Friday, July 13, 2012 4:23 AM

Glad you have taken an interest in skinning... The icon is extremely simple but I guess it fullfills it´s purpous. You probably shouldn´t upload the screenshot in Png though What format should it be uploaded in. I dont think the transparent background would stay if I converted it from .png to .jpg or something else

Comment #5 Sunday, July 15, 2012 12:19 PM

Glad you have taken an interest in skinning... The icon is extremely simple but I guess it fullfills it´s purpous. You probably shouldn´t upload the screenshot in Png though What format should it be uploaded in. I dont think the transparent background would stay if I converted it from .png to .jpg or something else.JPG


What is wrong with png? if I wuld have converted this to jpg the transparent background would not save. in photoshop if u make tansparent bckground you have to save in png 24 or the background wll actually be solid

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