My Personals
Average Rating: 9
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My Personals

Updated May 01, 2004 by jswilms

Comment #1 Saturday, May 1, 2004 3:32 PM
Very well done. Did you do this yourself or use preconfigured shapes
Comment #2 Saturday, May 1, 2004 4:29 PM
Thanks UpsidedownGC. I did this with PhotoShop 7. I'm not sure what you mean by preconfigured shapes. I did the basic shape with the pen tool and fills then airbrushed it with masks, burns and dodges. -jw
Comment #3 Saturday, May 1, 2004 6:13 PM
Really nice, I am one of the few who uses Fireworks for this stuff and in fireworks they have preconfigured shapes that you can use like doughnuts and stuff that you can turn into vectors and change into shapes like hearts and stuff. Anyways rreally nice!
Comment #4 Saturday, May 1, 2004 6:16 PM
You forgot something...tthe little object dock icon that you have in all your other previews is missing in this one. Just looked and ssaw that but still It is also an awesome preview and icon (both are amazing) I like that background you have, did you get that from somewhyere or make it? Anyways I forgot to tell you my rating 9.9/10 only is missing a little in the icon with that rather large amount of dark red which is the only problem. Rounds up to a 10 though
Comment #5 Sunday, May 2, 2004 7:06 PM
I didn't know Fireworks did that....hmmmm....I'll need to play with that sometime. Thanks for the catch of the object dock icon. I knew I was forgetting something. I'll include it when I update it next time. I made the background in the preview from all of the personals websites logos. I just pushed them all together, sized em and colorized them. Hit em with a little noise and pushed them back too. Thanks for the great rating too....BTW how does this rating thing work? Can anyone rate the icons or only certain users? I was curious how that works. -jw
Comment #6 Sunday, May 2, 2004 11:45 PM
Only certain users. You have to be level 4 I think it is. Everyone who is an apprentice or above can but I am a citizen and can but dont know the citizen rating requirements but cool background oyu might want to upload it as a texture.
Comment #7 Monday, May 3, 2004 2:28 PM
idag vid midnatt kommer din k�rlek att fatta att den tycker om dej. N�gonting bra kommer att h�nda dig klockan 13.00-16.00 imorgon. Det kan vara varsomhelst, utanf�r skolan, p� msn, allts� varsomhelst. G�r dig redo f�r den st�rta chocken i ditt liv. Om du bryter den h�r kedjan kommer du att f� k�rleksproblem 10 �r fram�ver, om du inte skickar det till minst 15 pers inom 10 minuter
Comment #8 Monday, May 3, 2004 3:23 PM
Vargen. Hey what's up? Um.....dude......what?
Comment #9 Wednesday, September 29, 2004 12:45 AM
good job man. it is unique. I like it

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