Luna Blue
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Luna Blue

Updated Jun 17, 2004 by lalfonsob

Jairo Boudewyn
Comment #1 Sunday, June 20, 2004 7:52 PM
Espectacular, muy bonitos los 3
Comment #2 Monday, July 5, 2004 11:20 PM
Hola Luis,

la verdad que me encantaria poder usarlo, pero no logro darme cuenta de como... podrian ser unas breves instrucciones spbre como hacerlo?
gracias y perdon por la molestia!
Comment #3 Wednesday, July 7, 2004 9:39 AM
Que mas Tenerezu: Aqui esta la explicacion (En Ingles) ojala te sirva si no dejame las dudas que tengas.

You will need to configure your menu with shortcuts in order to see the menu.

Install kkmenu docklet for ObjectDock. Then you put the two files in the skins folder C:\Program Files\Stardock\ObjectDock\Docklets\KkMenu\SKINS\

After that, add a kkmenu docklet to the dock, right click on it.
Click on "General Kk Menu Setup" in the skin box click a button that looks like this ... and look for the ini file for the skin you want in this case Christmas Time.ini. Close that config box and click on the icon and you will se the menu.

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