Media Player
Average Rating: 5
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File Size: .29MB
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Media Player

Updated Jul 27, 2004 by vacunita

Comment #1 Tuesday, July 27, 2004 10:25 PM
Very nice for a second icon! I like the gradients between the colours on the border...nice work.
Comment #2 Tuesday, July 27, 2004 11:31 PM
Great button.
Dam nice fellow.
Comment #3 Wednesday, August 4, 2004 5:32 PM
I see a clash in my opinion.l The grainy texture on the bottom and behind the colors contrasts with the smooth center. I find this clash a huge thing for some reason. Anyways if you make them all look smooth and glossy and stuff then I would up my rating from a 5 to 8 becuase It is not as good as Jairo Boudewyn but if you do more work and make colored interior versions of it with like red or yellow or nothign instead of blue as well as the bluie you currently have I mgiht give it a 9. Anyways good start but I jsut find a texture clash from smooth to grainy.
Comment #4 Saturday, December 4, 2004 1:36 PM
I think these are great. I like to theme all my cuts with the same type of icon to create a whole matching theme. Neat job. Thanks!

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