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Updated Mar 12, 2005 by Judge

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Comment #1 Sunday, March 13, 2005 7:30 PM
this seems like it'd be great---if i could get it to work. i get everything to load properly, but when i click on the 'meters' tab to input my gmail info, the input fields are grey, and i cant change them from the defaults of 'username' and 'password'. did i forget something?
Comment #2 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:12 PM
Yes. You forgot to nstall MSXML4.
Comment #3 Monday, March 14, 2005 12:45 AM
yeah, i'm an idiot. it works fine now! great job!
i do have a follow up question though: how often does it check for new mail?
Comment #4 Monday, March 14, 2005 1:51 PM
At the rate that google spceify: once every 120 secs.
Curtis TRushing
Comment #5 Monday, March 14, 2005 2:15 PM
Mine never updates- when I mouseover it says "%s Unread Gmails"

I've sent myself emails from other accounts to gmail, so I know that i have new emails. I've also tried selecting the "Update" option, but it doesn't change anything.

I've got MSXML4 and I've got my ID and password entered in correctly. I'm on DSL with an always on connection. My weather docklet updates fine, so I don't think it is the connection.

Any suggestions? Is the username field just the email or is it I've tried both and it didn't seem to make a difference.
Comment #6 Monday, March 14, 2005 3:59 PM
URL should be: (hover over the link to see it. I fact type it in to your browser see what it says).
'Use XPath' should be checked.
The namespaces box should contain xmlns:a="" (hmm that doesn't display right)
The username box should be your email name (wihout the
The password should be your password

You can leave the proxy information empty unless you are using a proxy server.

If that doesn't work...
Curtis TRushing
Comment #7 Monday, March 14, 2005 6:25 PM
OK. If I click on the link, I get challenged for ID and password- enter in the google info and I get an XML document that has title and summary of my 1 new email.

There is a message at the top of Mozilla saying "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below."

I don't see an Xpath option anywhere, nor do I see a namespace box.

The only other odd thing that I can think of is that I have Mozilla set up with 2 differnt profiles and it gets loaded based on a VBS script. Each profile has it's own Gmail account. I cleared out the cookies and cache for both profiles and that did not seem to make a difference.

When I click on the Gmail docklet, it takes me to Gmail and I am logged in.
Curtis TRushing
Comment #8 Monday, March 14, 2005 6:43 PM

I updated SysStats to the latest version (sorry- I thought that I was on the latest version) and re-installed Gmail and everything works perfectly now.

Sorry to bother you on something that I should have caught myself. Great work- and thanks for this and SysStats.
Comment #9 Tuesday, March 15, 2005 4:09 PM
my icon on the dock seems to work only that when i click on the icon it doesn't sign me in - all it does it take me to the sign in bit that it has no username or password entered - (btw my icon says that i have recieved an email that i had sent to myself to test the docklet) i am using mozilla and i have norton internet security 2003 up to date
Comment #10 Tuesday, March 15, 2005 4:12 PM
aaaaaaah this thing is driving me mad - i installed the latest systats and mxml thing and i have entered my email username and everything but i cant make it so that i can access my gmail straight away when i click on the icon - also btw i entered the same thing into my browser as the other peron above did and i got the same results
Comment #11 Tuesday, March 15, 2005 8:56 PM
Let me just say right here and now - this docklet doesn't sign you in. Nothing can do that from outside of the browser. Its just the way the site works.
Comment #12 Thursday, March 17, 2005 9:23 PM
I've got everything you say should be here in the meters thing EXCEPT the namespace is blank...I assume this is why I have %s unread emails, when I know I have 3 new emails...what should be in namespace again?
Comment #13 Friday, March 18, 2005 3:22 PM
Ok here is the thing. I have downloaded it and it works, but it doesn't show any icon on the dock. Any suggestions?
Comment #14 Saturday, March 19, 2005 8:59 AM
Works for me, following his directions. I'd have prefered a more neutral Gmail icon (, but otherwise, this was a very perfunctory install. Nicely done.

Personally I think it would attract a much larger crowd without forcing us into the advanced configs and just showing the proxy/login fields (a la the weather app.) It overwhelms many people, myself as well. I understand that submissions are thankless, but so are critiques.

Comment #15 Monday, March 21, 2005 6:53 AM
You can, of course, change the icon to anything you like using the config dialog
Comment #16 Tuesday, March 22, 2005 8:38 PM
but how do you get the size to work with the new icon? Also, there's still the question about the namespace from above...
Comment #17 Wednesday, March 23, 2005 12:48 PM
Well, if the new icon isn't 128x128 select 'Size...' from the right-click-menu and enter the new size of the icon. If you want to move the flash image and number around, select 'Configure...' from the right-click-menu and hit the overlays tab (and maybe browse throuh the help by hitting the 'help' button).

I can't paste the namespace in here because it gets wierdly formatted. You will need to have MSXML4 installed. Once you have done that, unzip the config again and all should be well (after you've entered the username and password).

I take the point about not having to use the advanced config dialog just to enter a username and password.
Comment #18 Thursday, March 24, 2005 5:45 PM
No matter how many times I install MSXML4, it refuses to work...
Is there some other reason it could not be working? I can input my username and password just fine, and clicking the dock sends me into gmail, I've got x-path selected, and the URL points to, just the namespace is blank, despite MSXML4 and my repeated reinstallations of the gmail dock
Thanks for putting up with the problems though, btw
Comment #19 Saturday, March 26, 2005 11:28 PM
It works great for me. I'm glad someone finally made a Gmail notifier docklet, I've been waiting for one for a while!
Comment #20 Sunday, March 27, 2005 1:35 PM
It seems that it's the first gmail checking docklet for objectdock in the world.
Excellent docklet though!
good job and thanks!

and I am wondering.... is it possible to add a feature like a notification sound which can be chosen or something?

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