Folder Lists
Average Rating: 8
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File Size: .19MB
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Folder Lists

Updated Aug 11, 2005 by Sihy

Comment #1 Saturday, August 13, 2005 10:15 PM
Can't even touch KKMenu but, for newbies probably lot easier to use.
Comment #2 Sunday, August 14, 2005 7:00 AM
Thanks for your comment, shame about the score! This was something I coded myself because I could not find an alternative, I needed a job done and the only way to do it was to make the docklet myself - same goes for the other docklets. They are intended to provide functionality rather than look good. Seeing as it was done I thought I might as well make it available to others, as I assume others will come across the same requirements and they may as well benefit.

This KKMenu looks just the job, and if I had found it first I would not have spent time creating this docklet. Only trouble is I still can't find it. There are icons and skins for it but no docklet. Can you tell me where I can get it - I'd be grateful as it seems like it is no longer available. In fact if there is any other docklet that will do this kind of job better (or the same job and look better) then I'd use it. This docklet seems to be the only option available at the moment, it works, it doesn't crash (it traps errors) and it's the only option right now, shame it's rated nearly zero.

Comment #3 Tuesday, August 16, 2005 3:19 AM
for KKMenu go to Link

Comment #4 Tuesday, August 16, 2005 12:37 PM
Thanks Daniel.

Unfortunately it's a german version so I gave it a miss. I found it here (KK Menu - with a space) but it seems it costs $20, although the homepage for it is now defunct so I don't think you could register it anyway.

Comment #5 Friday, August 19, 2005 12:39 AM
I don´t know anything about registration, and about paying - WOW

You can download it and try, you will see
Comment #6 Wednesday, August 31, 2005 10:03 AM
I actually like this a lot, very simple and just the thing I needed.
Comment #7 Friday, September 9, 2005 12:46 PM
I looked at KK and I actually like yours better. I don't need graphics and such, I just want my folders. This works perfectly.
Comment #8 Tuesday, November 8, 2005 11:19 PM
if you want KKMenu I can e-mail you the authors original non paid for version - its an .exe if I remember rightly, not the docklet version. When he changed KKMenu to a docklet he made people pay for it or get a nag screen. I have all the help files with it and the rather cool aqua mac skin - all the files are present. Let me know if you want it still. All english by the way. Put KKMENU in caps in the subject line so I know its not junk!!Email
Comment #9 Thursday, March 2, 2006 10:54 AM
I like this - is there any way it could be modified to have a folder description, rather than show the complete path to the folder, which on my system is often quite a long path name?


Comment #10 Wednesday, October 25, 2006 11:52 AM
Rob, you can download a version that has descriptions here (click).
Please post here after you have downloaded it to let me know. Thanks.
Comment #11 Saturday, October 28, 2006 11:44 AM
Great job on the FoldersWithNames version. I've been using it for a few days, and find it indispensable.
Comment #12 Monday, December 4, 2006 1:44 PM
Have removed the download link given above, the version available here is now the 'with names' version. And thanks Koasati.

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