Running Matrix
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Running Matrix

Updated Sep 22, 2005 by thomassen

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Comment #21 Sunday, February 4, 2007 3:15 AM
The best matrix screensaver I've seen! Good job!
Comment #22 Wednesday, March 21, 2007 10:24 PM

...ever tried TheMatrixTrilogy 0.49?
Highly customizable, and able to look 90% perfect with the right tweaking...

But this screensaver looks like the ETM title screen, and that's AWESOME!!!
Comment #23 Wednesday, March 21, 2007 11:01 PM
uh... why does the .net framework need the Windows Installer d/l'd first? is there no way to get this except from Microsoft's site?
Comment #24 Thursday, March 22, 2007 6:50 PM
Hmm.. not sure about that one. I suppose the .net frameworks installer was made for a certain version of windows installer. Never had any dealing with it myself so it's unfamiliar I'm afraid. Try the question at the forums.
Phil Swinney
Comment #25 Saturday, July 21, 2007 11:56 AM
Good God people, most of you should have your mouse or any other pointing device taken away from you. Doesn't anyone ever read the "ReadMe" file that comes with most installations? I downloaded this file and installed it both on my Windows XP computer as well as my Windows Vista laptop with no problems at all. First let me say, update your computers! Geesh. Secondly, open the read me files when you download something. Then if you don't like what you've installed, remove it from your system. Someone should chase you around with a ruler and smack you on the back of the hand.

Now, that out of the way.....thomassen, cool screensaver. I'm able to configure colors, fonts, text smoothing, speed, layout on both operating systems. Great job. And great job trying to teach Computer Basics 101.
Comment #26 Sunday, July 22, 2007 6:22 AM
What? You do? The config you set in Vista is actually applied?
I gotto check this again when I get my Vista computer back. I actually got a workaround in progress for that Vista issue reported earlier because I experienced the same. What kind of user account do you run under Vista? UAC on or off?
Comment #27 Tuesday, October 2, 2007 2:43 PM
Very Cool thomassen
I used to have one a few years ago but it wouldn't do dual screens. Yours works great. Windows XP SP2
Windowblinds 6
Phil Swinney
Comment #28 Thursday, January 3, 2008 2:49 PM
Here�s how I got it to work on Vista

After downloading the file, I opened and installed as I would any other file/screensaver. In the Windows/System32 directory, I located the .scr file and right clicked and chose Properties. At the bottom of the Properties window, under the General Tab, there is a security feature with an �unblock� button beside (under Attributes). I clicked the Unblock button and then Apply and this feature left the window. I closed the properties window.

I right clicked on the desktop and clicked Personalize and chose Screensaver. Chose Running Matrix as the screensaver and applied. The screensaver was running in the computer screen in the window. I clicked settings and made my adjustments from the default red and other settings. After applying my new settings, back to the Screensaver window and clicked Preview. My new settings worked. Closed out of the settings and back to the desktop. I opened the folder where I downloaded the file and opened the zipped file. I copied just the screensaver part of the unzipped file to another folder (My Documents). I changed the file extension to an executable file rather than a screensaver (from .scr to .exe) and saved the file. An error message opened and warned me of the evils of doing this. I took the chance. I then saved the copy of runningmatrix.exe to my windows/system32 directory and created a shortcut and saved to the desktop. (I moved it to the Quick Launch) Now, every time the screensaver starts, whether I click the icon in the Quick Launch or the screensaver kicks in automatically, it has my altered settings and does not go to the default. I don�t know why this works for me and I haven�t tried it on anyone else�s Vista machine, but the darn thing works just fine. Had you thought about making the screensaver as an executable rather than a screensaver file? Perhaps that might solve the problem. Dammit, Jim, I�m a Doctor, not a computer programmer!

I like your screensaver because I can set the transparency to �overlay� my desktop and just have the numbers trickle down, but still see the desktop. I get comments from my friends on how good it looks because the colors I set kinda go with the colors of the desktop and WindowBlinds I use on a dual screen setup

WWW Link
Phil Swinney
Comment #29 Thursday, January 3, 2008 2:51 PM
Have a difficult time submitting screenshots in this editor
Phil Swinney
Comment #30 Tuesday, January 22, 2008 11:01 PM

Forgot to mention, UAC on or off! Doesn't matter. Simply changed the file extension from .scr to .exe and saved to system32 folder. Still works.
Comment #31 Thursday, July 24, 2008 6:20 AM
No... didn't work for me. I tried it a few times, just to make sure I was doing it right. Maybe because I'm on 64 bit, though. Anyone else had a go? (I'll try this on my 32 bit laptop soon.)
Comment #32 Friday, July 25, 2008 6:40 AM
That could very well be an issue. I'm unable to test on 64bit systems. Let me know if the 32bit system fails.
Comment #33 Friday, July 25, 2008 7:15 AM
I managed to install the beta on my 64 bit by disabling UAC, but it worked perfectly (i.e. with UAC) on my laptop. Looks great!
Comment #34 Wednesday, March 18, 2009 11:19 PM
This saver is brilliant in its simplicity. I get comments about it all the time. GREAT WORK. By the way, any chance we could see something similar in a .dream format to have it constantly running on the desktop?
Comment #35 Sunday, July 5, 2009 6:04 AM

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