Blissful Blue
Average Rating: 7
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Blissful Blue

Updated Oct 03, 2005 by ~Angelic DestinE

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~Angelic DestinE
Comment #1 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 1:52 AM
It gets a starting rating of 5? Oh what-freaking-ever. That's it. No more effort goes into this crap. I'll just throw something up there, no detailed info or descriptions, nothing tweaked and worked on... this stupid setup took me hours last night and I spend too much on customization as it is. Finished pouring my heart and soul into it anymore. I'm with the new mission statement now and the collective feeling of the screenshots gang. I quit. What, did I write all of that for my health?
Comment #2 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 4:52 AM
Superb Screenshot,Excellent Setup AD You Get A 10+ From Me
Comment #3 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 4:59 AM
This is really beautiful, Angel! Don't pay attention to ratings..the main thing to keep in mind is if you like your work! If I could vote, this would definitely rate a 10!
~Angelic DestinE
Comment #4 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 5:45 AM
Thanks, Chazz and Mary Jane. I just think this website's going to hell and fast. When somebody has to point out to a mod that certain people who consistently put effort and care into their shots have never had a featured screenshot, there's something very wrong. BTW congrats on your getting daily shot and Lynny too. They're well-deserved and long overdue. It's about damned time.
Scubabliss 1.0
Comment #5 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 6:17 AM
Going, going ...gone!

This is a great SS, far too good for the rating received. I wouldn't worry about it, though. True talent will always win out and the mundane fades away and is forgotten.
Comment #6 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 6:27 AM
Very beautiful. Great job!!
Comment #7 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 8:07 AM
Angel its very evident how much effort you have put into this. I think its a great ss and I can rate so hope I can bump it to what it deserves. Seems alot of SS makers are unable to rate, as Jazzy has just admitted. You are at the mercy of a few and even some moderators have admitted they upload all SS at only 2 and a half stars. Until the ss section has more people able and willing to rate there is always going to be unfairness in the ratings. If enough people start rating then ss should average out and get what it really deserves. The key is to get more of the SS makers to become subscribers but it seems a lot will never bother so until then, just keep on doing what you're doing because you do it well.
Comment #8 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 8:46 AM
The key is to get more of the SS makers to become subscribers but it seems a lot will never bother so until then, just keep on doing what you're doing because you do it well.

buzz, I plan on subscribing...I was gonna wait until my Object Desktop was up for renewal, but it seems that, with the concerns of the future of WC, I need to do it now. It does get frustrating at times, not being able to vote....
Comment #9 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 9:00 AM
Jazzy I wasnt pointing the finger at you in particular but there does seem to be a lot of SS makers that arent subscribers and therefore left to the mercy of a few that are. The ratings would be a lot fairer if more were able to rate, somebodies 1 would be balanced by somebodies 5 and so on.
Glad you're subscribing btw, hope more do.
Comment #10 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 10:10 AM
buzz, I didn't take it as finger-pointing. You just reminded me that I should subscribe now, instead of waiting. Anyway, I am now a to figure this whole thing out....I don't understand the browser thingy at all!
Comment #11 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 11:09 AM
Excellent job....most of the people that look at the ss can see that you spent lots of time of the shot. They usually star at 3 or so and then it seems to go up for some reason....I can never figure out how they judge them. Sometimes when I think something is really good it gets a very low mark, or when I don't think it's as good it gets a high mark...go figure Anyway, I think it's great and so do lots of people here and in my opinion that counts for more!!
Comment #12 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 11:27 AM
It gets a starting rating of 5? Oh what-freaking-ever. That's it. No more effort goes into this crap. I'll just throw something up there, no detailed info or descriptions, nothing tweaked and worked on... this stupid setup took me hours last night and I spend too much on customization as it is. Finished pouring my heart and soul into it anymore. I'm with the new mission statement now and the collective feeling of the screenshots gang. I quit. What, did I write all of that for my health?

Angel...none of the shots had more than a 7 when I saw them earlier. I just rated this and its gone from 3 to 3.5 now. I believe the glitch is still not fixed with the ratings. Just wait a bit...the site has timed out so much today, im about ready to just shut it down for the day . Just wait a bit..I think they are concentrating on other things right now.

Ps: The stationary was beautiful.
ernie leo
Comment #13 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 11:30 AM's my two cents worth

Excellent SS Angelic

I've been treated very fairly by everybody that hangs around the SS gallery, but when you start with a 5(2.5 stars)its tough to end up with a good rating and I understand that the moderators are overworked and underpaid and the SS gallery is on the bottom of the totem pole. Maybe there should be limits on the numer of SS posted it a given time period Anyway I joined, now I can vote.

Hang it there Angelic, if enough people protest, it might change, you can cut and run or do a Fairyy and speak out, I thanks its already helped
Comment #14 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 3:50 PM's my two cents worth

Excellent SS Angelic

I've been treated very fairly by everybody that hangs around the SS gallery, but when you start with a 5(2.5 stars)its tough to end up with a good rating and I understand that the moderators are overworked and underpaid and the SS gallery is on the bottom of the totem pole. Maybe there should be limits on the numer of SS posted it a given time period Anyway I joined, now I can vote.

Hang it there Angelic, if enough people protest, it might change, you can cut and run or do a Fairyy and speak out, I thanks its already helped

Angel is quite able to be outspoken....but im still mystified by the roller coaster rating im seeing. I still think its not fixed. For instance if a moderator like Jafo sets a rating it takes 5 average subscribers to over ride his rating. The " bug" that had or still is in this section was overriding the moderators rating. This shot had a 3 star rating, I gave it 5 stars and it averaged out to 3.5 its 3 stars i can assume someone gave it 1 star to knock it back to 3 again..I really dont know why someone would do that..but...once again, remember ratings are not anonymous. Moderators can check and see just what you gave .
Comment #15 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 3:59 PM
Thanks, Chazz and Mary Jane. I just think this website's going to hell and fast. When somebody has to point out to a mod that certain people who consistently put effort and care into their shots have never had a featured screenshot, there's something very wrong. BTW congrats on your getting daily shot and Lynny too. They're well-deserved and long overdue. It's about damned time.

The reason I pointed that out was because I know that not many take the time to really moderate this section..they just dont have the people to do it. One of my main points was that if the same people submit several shots a day ...they are picked for daily shot because they are seen on the first 2 or 3 pages constantly. I dont think it was an intentional " slight" but more of a haphazard system of just picking from first few pages. Obviously someone is taking the time to look back at other shots now.
ernie leo
Comment #16 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 5:19 PM
Moderators can check and see just what you gave

What would that do, if a person wants to rate low that there right, what I'am curious about, can you vote more than once? Not that I would, but if you can, there's a chance for abuse.
Comment #17 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 5:24 PM
Hi Angel, yes you have put way too much work in this SS and deserves a lot higher score, I do know what you mean about the rating. Take it this way if you like just do it for your self and not worry about it much, it happens to all of us and it drove me crazy at one stage like a lot of things at this site. So I took a LONG break from it all and now I have a new outlook to it all.
GREAT WORK and well done on all of the things in the SS just think there are people that appreciate each others work. Just do it for fun because that's all it should really be. You know how good a job you can do your self and as I can see a lot of other people.

Comment #18 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 5:59 PM
Angel, I just gave this 5 stars and it didn't budge. Makes me think something funny going on. It is a very nice shot with alot of work in it.

Comment #19 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 7:08 PM
Looks like it is up to 4. Maybe it did make the difference!!!
~Angelic DestinE
Comment #20 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 7:33 PM
Know what? I love you guys. Coming here to read all the responses was worth more than any rating ever could be. I hope I don't forget anybody's points here:

Mary Jane and Ernie, I'm so glad you became subscribers. Aside from being able to rate it also means unlimited downloads for the duration of the subscription AND it means you can post with just your name and not a mandatory title like Citizen or Mr./Mrs. I don't think if you rate something once, the second rating counts again but I could be wrong. I don't imagine the criteria for ratings abuse like this could be very strict because, quite frankly, I sometimes don't remember if I've rated something in the past so I rate it again for good measure. Now, if somebody rates it a 10 like 10 times in a row without refreshing the page that's a different story. And Ern... I would have pulled a Fairyy and gotten on the soap box in that article but it was locked by the time I saw it. I don't think you were coming to the site when I was in my rabble-rousing days. I was quite opinionated. Just ask some of the others here. Heh.

Buzz, thanks so much for your sweet comments. I appreciate them more than you know. You're the king of cool widgets around here and I cannot fathom even how to edit a widget let alone make one. Thanks for taking the time to comment and help boost my ego.

Karen, glad you liked the stationery. Thanks a million for adding comments, my friend. It seems somebody out there listened because this screenie flew up to an 8, which makes me feel a lot better. I know from experience that at certain times of the day, depending on who mods this section, initial ratings can vary drastically. One or more of the mods have in the past rated the shots fairly and I can tell because sometimes I've started out with a 7. I agree with Ernie, there needs to be a limit to the number of screenshots allowed per day... not as strict as which allows only one every 24 hours, because that would then discourage some of our members and make them leave. WC can't afford that, I'm gathering and a lot of people seem to be gravitating toward DA which, considering the recent commercialization of that place and the whole Jark issue, well I'm not yet ready to subscribe there when I think things here can be turned around. I say, to get more incentive for people to subscribe, non-subscribers should be allowed to submit only 2, maybe 3 screenshots per day (other skins unlimited), and let subscribers submit 5 screenshots every 24 hours if they want to. Maybe it's been discussed around the water cooler already, but that might be a good trial plan.

Thanks Bliss, Pup, Chazz, and Chuck for your feedback. Your comments turned a semi-lousy day into a great one.

Tina, it's wonderful to see you back here! I missed you, and thanks so much for commenting. I understand needing to take a big break when things aren't right. I always considered you a remarkable person, even when we had our little difference. *Hugs* That person I used to be was sick and paranoid. Thanks for hanging in there with me.

Cindi... what can I say other than I'm glad you took the time to comment. And rate it. It means a lot to me. But what means even more is that we're all a group of friends again.

Thanks for ALL the support everybody! If me sulking around inspired more people to subscribe to this place then my soap box journey wasn't in vain... lol. And nope, I didn't plan it. I'm not that good.

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