Blissful Blue
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Blissful Blue

Updated Oct 03, 2005 by ~Angelic DestinE

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Comment #21 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 8:27 PM
Thank you Angel on your reply and you are most welcome in every way. I have to thank you for your comments towards me and the feeling is mutual. What happened in the past is just that the past, I don't keep bad things im my heart and do believe we are only humans and those horrible days just happen. Most important is not to be ignorant, life is really short and I do believe people should forgive and forget and no one is right or wrong when things get to be said in a rush when the tongue is faster than the brain.
Take care Angel and keep in touch as you said it's great to have friends it's the best feeling.
Comment #22 Wednesday, October 5, 2005 12:15 AM
Comment# 16 By Citizen ernie leo [
Moderators can check and see just what you gave

What would that do, if a person wants to rate low that there right, what I'am curious about, can you vote more than once? Not that I would, but if you can, there's a chance for abuse. can only vote once. And of course you can rate something low if thats your opinion. I'm referring to the person that doesnt even look at the SS and just clicks rating buttons down the page. Its been done and a moderator will look for that type of rating behavior. That is not rating " art" thats abusing your privelidge to rate. They can remove your right to rate if you abuse it.
Comment #23 Wednesday, October 5, 2005 12:37 AM
I agree with Ernie, there needs to be a limit to the number of screenshots allowed per day... not as strict as which allows only one every 24 hours, because that would then discourage some of our members and make them leave. WC can't afford that, I'm gathering and a lot of people seem to be gravitating toward DA which, considering the recent commercialization of that place and the whole Jark issue, well I'm not yet ready to subscribe there when I think things here can be turned around. I say, to get more incentive for people to subscribe, non-subscribers should be allowed to submit only 2, maybe 3 screenshots per day (other skins unlimited), and let subscribers submit 5 screenshots every 24 hours if they want to. Maybe it's been discussed around the water cooler already, but that might be a good trial plan.

Thats something we will never agree on. I know you like to submit 3 to 5 shots at a time..but you dont do it everyday..but, I still think 5 is over kill. As far as a visitor..sorry, I think they shouldnt have the same benefits as the rest of us. Some have been " visitors" for years...they will never bother subscribing.
Think in these terms Angel...You submit 5 screen shots at 11pm on Tuesday..Ernie submits 5 at 11:30 pm...seapup another 5 at 1am...i come along with 5 more at 2 am..then betty, and tina and cindi...then jazzy , fervc and windoe..and 4 am lynnyf ..5 more.
The default setting at WC is 5 skins/SS's per page. They upload in order recieved. After your upload of 5 SS's thats 45 more not counting the visitors etc..your screen shots are now uploaded to site and are already on page 10 with 45+ screen shots ahead of yours. Now think about that...but if everyone(of the 10 subscribers) could only upload ONE ..the worse scenario is your SS is last on page 2 ....
I average 2 a week. I've had shots burried on many occasions...looks at most of my screen shots..20+ comments but 4 d/loads recorded...I have deleted 40% of my shots. I see no reason to store them forever. I've even deleted a SS if it had a "gold seal"

Its all how you look at it....
Comment #24 Wednesday, October 5, 2005 3:02 AM
Great looking SS! Very well put together!
~Angelic DestinE
Comment #25 Wednesday, October 5, 2005 3:10 AM
That is a very good point. Besides, I don't have the energy to look through 45 screenshots no matter how good they are. This must be why has that rule in place. I think maybe you're right. The one every 24 hours rule would stop the spamming for sure and people would just have to deal; it wouldn't be the end of the world. If WC could put limitations on accounts that aren't subscribers, that would definitely be a strong incentive to subscribe but then would people start yelling discrimination? I'm not sure. As is, non-subscribers have their downloads limited and cannot access certain features. Perhaps a maximum upload quota should be in effect for them too, not to punish, but rather to encourage more people who use this site to actually subscribe. It's food for thought.

MJ - about the WC Browser, I rarely use it. I have it installed but I'm still content to just use IE to get here. I am slowly forcing myself to de-windowize my computing experience. A huge step for me is using an ObjectBar that hides the start panel. That's always my first reflex so it's interesting observing how much longer it takes for me to do things.
Comment #26 Wednesday, October 5, 2005 4:52 AM
but then would people start yelling discrimination? I'm not sure. As is, non-subscribers have their downloads limited and cannot access certain features. Perhaps a maximum upload quota should be in effect for them too, not to punish, but rather to encourage more people who use this site to actually subscribe. It's food for thought.

Im sure they will figure something out. Frogboy did mention this in his first article on front page about the future of wincustomize. As for anyone yelling " discrimination" Let them yell..its a private site owned by Frogboy and he can run it any way he chooses..and that will be the final say.

Anytime you feel the need to do 5 screen can always mail them to me ..or put them on your beautiful incredimail and pandapaws have great email
~Angelic DestinE
Comment #27 Wednesday, October 5, 2005 10:34 AM
Thanks... Panda was the one who got me into Incredimail with her beautiful stationery. I wish you had a Pop3 account or something other than AOL. I get more Mailer-Demons from your address than I know what to do with.
Comment #28 Wednesday, October 5, 2005 1:12 PM
Thanks... Panda was the one who got me into Incredimail with her beautiful stationery. I wish you had a Pop3 account or something other than AOL. I get more Mailer-Demons from your address than I know what to do with.

Damn AOL....they do this because they want people to have a " white Spam " license .. if you put several addy's on one email..then send more than 2 or 3 in a row..the spam guard bounces it back..I have no preferences set for them to do this.
If you want..try addressing mail to me using AOL and my yahoo addy. For 6 weeks one had to send all my mail to yahoo. AOL would not allow his new zealand carrier to send me mail. Every mail he sent me took 2 to 5 days if it got to me at all. He used yahoo for the 6 weeks ..i spent hours yelling about this. 20 emails and 6 phone calls was fixed. I'll email you with yahoo addy.
Comment #29 Wednesday, October 5, 2005 6:16 PM
Wow...i thought my ears were Thank you Angelic and Fairyy for the nice comments. I give credit to my dad for introducing Incredimail to me because i will never use anything else. I really like the fact they have the junk mail folder. I love my stationary and animations which makes emailing so much fun! I have too many tho and its hard to pick. Angelic you make some really pretty letters and Fairyy has some nice ones as well!

Angelic i left you a comment last nite and it said i was #22 but its not on here today (strange ) Anyways...i said you can tell you put alot of time and effort into this screenshot!
Comment #30 Wednesday, October 5, 2005 6:22 PM
Oh yea btw....i would love to subscribe to the site because like Fairyy said....things can change and be turned around to please everyone but i only work 2-3 days a week and i just can't afford to subscribe to anything. I believe everyone should be noticed on here because there are some really creative and talented people here! And the comments about the limitations on screenshots submitted on a daily basis is a good idea in my opinion only because im on dialup and it takes me forever to look through them all (and yes i look through them all) Someday i hope to be able to subscribe so i can have a voice and vote! I'm still waiting on my 5 minutes of fame in the daily shot
~Angelic DestinE
Comment #31 Thursday, October 6, 2005 4:43 PM
AOL would not allow his new zealand carrier to send me mail

See, that kind of crapolla and other issues are why I ditched AOL all together. They make me so mad! Not to mention they're big fat liars when it comes to their so-called "deal" with, which, by the way does not exist. You don't have to be an AOL member to get the good deal on Comcast. I don't know what kind of OS or anything you run, Karen, but if your system is able to run Object Desktop I would think it could probably handle a service like Verizon DSL or or something other than AOL. Most of the providers now offer a free Antivirus program like AOL does so you wouldn't be giving anything up... just a lot of headaches. I sent something to your Yahoo called Testing 123. Let's see if that works.

Panda... you never got a daily shot? That's just plum wrong. You make great screenies. I hope you get featured soon.
Comment #32 Thursday, October 6, 2005 10:07 PM
I sent something to your Yahoo called Testing 123. Let's see if that works.

worked just fine .
~Angelic DestinE
Comment #33 Thursday, October 6, 2005 10:59 PM
Coolies. I still think you should get rid of AOL.
Comment #34 Saturday, October 8, 2005 2:57 AM
Nice shot.

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