It is with great pride and pleasure that we present the WC Community Project Leprechaun Majik.
(Description is continued in the first reply, ran out of room.)
Update: See reply #14 for 3 more skins.
Theme Skins
1. WindowBlinds is Leprechaun Majik by Vampothika
Link2. CursorFX - is Leprechaun Majik Cursor by k10w3
LinkDesktopX Objects
3. Animated St. Patrick's Day Clock by NetaholicsAnonymous
Link4. Leprechaun Majik Clocks by theAVMAN
Link5. DesktopX Theme is Leprechaun Majik DX by RedneckDude
LinkDesktopX Widgets
6. Leprechaun Majik Weather by RedneckDude
Link7. Animated St. Patrick's Day Clock by NetaholicsAnonymous
8. Leprechaun Magik Dream 1 by Ausvet
Link9. Happy St.Patrick's Day by amitsaran
by Frankief
10. Leprechaun Majik Logon
Link11. Leprechaun Majik 2
Linkby Ausvet
12. Padraig
Link13. ObjectDock Backgound is Leprechaun Majik Dock Collection by G3mpi3
LinkRainlendar By k10w3
14. Leprechaun Majik Rainy
Link15. Leprechaun Majik2 Rainlendar2
Link16. RightClick is Leprechaun Majik by Vampothika
Link17. ScreenSaver is Padraig by Ausvet
Link18. SysMetrix is L Majik by Lantec
Link19. Trillian Astra is Leprechaun Majik for Trillian by G3mpi3
by Frankief
20. Leprechaun Majik Wall 1
Link21. Leprechaun Majik 2
Link22. Leprechaun Majik 3
Link23. Shamrock Alchemy by k10W3
Link24. Xion is Leprechaun Majik by k10w3
LinkOther Skins
DesktopX Objects by charliecam
25. Simple Text Date
Link26. Simple Time
Link27. IconPackager is Vious by Skinhit
LinkMisc Icons (Used in ObjectDock)
28. Po' St. Patty's Day for ObectDock by Po' S
Comment #21 Wednesday, March 17, 2010 11:13 AM