Average Rating: 8
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File Size: .24MB
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Updated Jul 27, 2005 by adni18

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Comment #1 Wednesday, July 27, 2005 6:45 AM
Some years ago? Seems like a lifetime ago Nikos, doesn't it? Excellent work as always my friend.
Comment #2 Wednesday, July 27, 2005 6:53 AM
Great work .... the best vista wallpaper yet
Comment #3 Wednesday, July 27, 2005 7:17 AM
Thank you my friend Ken, "some years ago" = since 5/30/2001

Thank you dear Black Xero
Comment #4 Wednesday, July 27, 2005 7:30 AM
this is supreme master should owe you big then..hehe..great work as always..
Comment #5 Wednesday, July 27, 2005 7:52 AM
This one's "love at first sight". Excellent job adni18
Comment #6 Wednesday, July 27, 2005 8:00 AM
Some people around here are still shooting the piano man with bad rates, I knew it well, that is why I am stopping this game with WinCustomize

Thank you very much my friend homeryulo and ToMic
Comment #7 Wednesday, July 27, 2005 8:13 AM
I am not a fan of the recent onslaught of Vista wallpapers, but I must say Nikos, this is one of the best ones I have seen.
Comment #8 Wednesday, July 27, 2005 9:21 AM
Thank you BlueDev I appreciate your comment
Comment #9 Wednesday, July 27, 2005 10:11 AM
Looks wonderful Nikos... some of us really miss your amazing work around here... but I understand. I'm just glad to get this nice Vista skin for now! Thank you!
Comment #10 Wednesday, July 27, 2005 10:55 AM
I am glad that there are people who understand what is going on Thank you for your comment RPGFX
George Rogers Jr
Comment #11 Wednesday, July 27, 2005 1:16 PM
I rated this 5 Stars Nikos....Can't get it higher; thats all they allow.
Comment #12 Wednesday, July 27, 2005 2:21 PM
Thank you very much George Rogers Jr., but as you can see some other people are still abusing the WC rating system, but it is OK
Comment #13 Wednesday, July 27, 2005 4:32 PM


I gave you a bad rate....not that your wallpaper is bad (most of your wallpapers are very good good)

What made me give you a bad rate was the use of the "Vista" are a good author and you don't need to use the "new magic word" to make you popular because you allready are and as a Master, I think you should give the beginners an example, to not start a Vista flood, like we had here 4 years ago with XP.

In my opinion, that logo and name, killed your wallpaper....I would love to see it without that.

Please understand that I am just giving you my opinion as a construtive crithicism and please don't take it as an ofense.

Comment #14 Wednesday, July 27, 2005 4:37 PM
You don't rate the wall on the quality of work? Unbellievable!

Gets a 10 from me, on the quality of the wall. Period!

Adni, I've had lots of your walls on my desktop over the time I've been at Wincustomize. I still have your Tiger on my mac! Just love it! This is a beautiful addition to all the walls you make! It's going on my pc right now!
Comment #15 Wednesday, July 27, 2005 5:11 PM
Complaining about bad ratings, combined with saying you'll leave because of them, comes across as sheer arrogance. Just because you happen to love the wall doesn't mean others will. The fact that your comment caused Treetog to feel in the position of having to defend his rating is shameful. If you can't handle bad comments or ratings, then why upload here when you know they're bound to happen every now and then?
Comment #16 Wednesday, July 27, 2005 5:36 PM
It gets an "It's OK" from me. Because, honestly, it's technically fine, but it's nothing stunning. It doesn't make me want to put it on my desktop because it doesn't really appeal to me, any more than most other clear smooth wallpaper with OS logos do.

Getting five or even four stars with a wallpaper is going to be awfully tricky, becuase there are so many others like it out there. I wish we could rate things more granularly (like, originality, technique, and a "tilt") which would allow more explicit ratings and let people ignore things that they don't care about. That would be useful.
Comment #17 Wednesday, July 27, 2005 6:02 PM
Now people understand better what is going on here, thank you for make it more clear treetog, Hippy and GreenReaper I guess you are enjoy it Thank you for your kind support.

Thank you very much 47songs

By the way I don't need any name to make my work more popular as you said treetog, I just love the OS wallpapers for my desktop and I don't think that I am the only one, is that so bad?
Comment #18 Wednesday, July 27, 2005 7:20 PM
Like all people, I don't like everything a single person does, and in the past there's been some of your work I've liked and some that just didn't catch my eye. But this one I love, and I'd like it with or without the windows logo, and of all the new Vista walls that have shown up so far, this is the only one that seemed worth a second glance. It's a really clean design and of great quality. Even with it being the most recently submitted it has already passed up the amount of downloads of all the preceding "Vista" walls submitted. Anyone should be able to see that this is a well designed wallpaper made to the likeness and feel of Vista, not just a wall with a vista logo slapped on it. And it's not as if you could somehow carry any sort of blame for other people submitting walls anyway, nor were you the first of the few to submit one, is submitting quality work supposed to be bad anyway?...

I guess it might matter more WHO you are, than what REASON you have for doing something here, but that seems to be true in a lot of places.

This gets a 5 star rate from me for sure.
Aside from that the proof is in the pudding.
Comment #19 Wednesday, July 27, 2005 10:33 PM
Well without starting too much here.. I just want to share a small bit of my opinion... The thing about the rating system that stinks is this... from what I can tell, 3 stars are not available for non subscribers, while 3.5 and above are, right? Well it seems that the problem is that the moderators rating, which is based on their personal opinion, not quality, holds too much initial weight. And unless it's something that appeals to them, it gets 3 or less, regardless of quality. And in cases such as OS walls, it's not a real representation of the peoples opinion. The masses like OS walls. That's why so many are made. If the moderators don't like them, fine. But it seems they are trying to repress whatever is not their personal liking. Let the people choose. I would suggest the moderators not even be allowed to rate. They choose what goes up and what doesn't already, so if it's good enough to make the site, then just let the people rate it. Too many times I've seen works where every comment was "this is a 10!" and the rating never gets above 6. That seems odd to me. I assume it's because the initial rating is too heavily weighted, and it drowns out the subsequent ratings.

Comment #20 Thursday, July 28, 2005 12:26 AM
Great WP , Escellent Nikos

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