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Updated May 20, 2002 by treetog

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Comment #1 Sunday, May 6, 2001 10:33 PM
Great skin. One suggestion, make it colorable. This skin would really be cool with that. Email me if you need help.
Comment #2 Sunday, May 6, 2001 10:53 PM
Very nice! I agree with Draginol, custom color on this one would be awesome.
Comment #3 Sunday, May 6, 2001 10:59 PM
It's by my favorite skinner of all-time, of course I'm going to love it. The color contrast is perfectly utilized and the other aspects are on point. Great work Treetog!
Comment #4 Sunday, May 6, 2001 11:02 PM
Comment #5 Sunday, May 6, 2001 11:14 PM
Amazing, beautiful, esthetic, wonderful, simply irresisteable...ah damn, ran out of nice things to say Great skin treetog, my new favourite
Comment #6 Sunday, May 6, 2001 11:28 PM
Comment #7 Monday, May 7, 2001 12:25 AM
I'm trying to think of some constuctive critisizm to be usefull, but I don't think this can be inproved upon, beautiful work Treetog.
Comment #8 Monday, May 7, 2001 1:07 AM
Hummm, great job, soft and clean, really like it !
Comment #9 Monday, May 7, 2001 2:41 AM
What can I say that has not been said here already.And when Draginol tells you how to make it colorable, lemme know too please.
Comment #10 Monday, May 7, 2001 3:56 AM
great skin! easy on the eyes!
Comment #11 Monday, May 7, 2001 6:04 AM
Thanks for sending requested info so quickly,Renato,much appreciated.
Comment #12 Monday, May 7, 2001 8:13 AM
One small point of critisism to a otherwise great skin. No OS, but using the MS flag on the start button ?
Comment #13 Monday, May 7, 2001 8:38 AM
Thank you all for the support words.
Brad, your wish was realized, it's colorable now.
Eddepet, if you look at the ss, you will see original windows icons too =�
Comment #14 Monday, May 7, 2001 8:44 AM
Looks great Renato! except I am having a small problem with the transparency on the scrollbars.
Comment #15 Monday, May 7, 2001 9:26 AM
I have the same problem with the scrollbars, thought it was my machine though.
Comment #16 Monday, May 7, 2001 10:45 AM
Love the skin! But just as a FYI, running at 1280 x 1024 the font on the title bar is a bit small. But I can live with that!
Comment #17 Monday, May 7, 2001 11:40 AM
Sylva_cg76 and davad70: Scrolls transparency fixed, also the tooltip colors. Sorry for that.
T-Man: I'm running 1280x1024 here too, sorry, but I like small fonts, but you can easielly change that, if you don't know how to make it, just drop me a line and I'll help you.
Comment #18 Monday, May 7, 2001 3:19 PM
This is another one of the best skins I have ever seen. Thanks treetog for the new UIS file. I appreciate it. (You e-mailed it to me...for Win NT 4) Just one question....when is there going to be a ICQ +, Winamp Skin?
Comment #19 Monday, May 7, 2001 6:28 PM
Great work!
Comment #20 Monday, May 7, 2001 8:15 PM
Still having the problem with the end of the scrolls being white. Tooltip is fixed now though. Anyone else having this problem? I uninstalled and downloaded the new file, rebooted, but no luck.

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