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Updated Sep 13, 2002 by treetog

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Comment #41 Thursday, September 12, 2002 11:28 AM
Thank you guys for the nice remarks

Eistein: Boy! I don't have a clue on how to help you, since I don't have the problem here. I just double checked everything here a it seems right to me. May be asking to Stardock? I know it is not the best solution, but it is the only one I can think now.

xia hao: the wallpaper is part of my NS theme, download it for the NextStart section, estract it and pick just the wall.
Comment #42 Thursday, September 12, 2002 2:06 PM
i see an issue on right clicking where when rolled up the left side is cut off.
Comment #43 Friday, September 13, 2002 11:39 AM
I got the skin to work - "tudo otimo! Beleza!"

Only small suggestions are: the bottom right corner doesn't display when a window is "rolled-up", and I changed the taskbar button text to be black for the normal buttons. The white on gray was hard on the eyes.

Great job Renato!!!
Win Thu
Comment #44 Saturday, September 14, 2002 2:49 AM
Thank you. I love pistons.

GReat job.

Leif Andersen
Comment #45 Saturday, September 14, 2002 5:03 AM
Great skin!
But I have five black stripes in my startmenu, theese were also in Your first version.
I use Win XP and WB 3.01 (WB 3.3 is in conflict with Corel programs) all other skins works without problems.
Lucy storm
Comment #46 Saturday, September 14, 2002 9:30 AM
i like the aspect the saphardana but i make a
dwounload to my pc.
but de program do not rum
tell me out im too doo please
sorry my Inglesh im a portuguese
Comment #47 Saturday, September 14, 2002 1:37 PM
Lucy storm: you can email me wrinting in Portuguese, I am brazilian. (Voc� pode me mandar um e-mail em portugu�s, eu sou brasileiro)

Leif Anderson: I don't understand what you are talking about, could you please send me a screenshot of the problem?
Comment #48 Saturday, September 14, 2002 4:59 PM
the best one yet
keep up the good work LOL
Comment #49 Sunday, September 15, 2002 3:07 AM
~ This is a fantastic update!! My 2 favorite skins have now been updated...NoOS and Saphardana.

~ You are a MACHINE!!

~ If I could only find a WinAmp skin to match this and NoOS.. ..HINT HINT
Comment #50 Monday, September 16, 2002 12:36 PM
My only complaint is that when you have windows open they start bar seems to backwards. You can see it in the picture. I think that the one's that are silver should be the active window and the one that is blue is in active, but it's the oppisite of that. Nice job otherwise.
Comment #51 Monday, September 16, 2002 1:03 PM
I really like your work.

I can't run WindowFX, however, because the animations get garbled with this skin compared to others for some reason. I also noticed this skin uses much more resources.

But, it is really sharp. Keep up the great work!
Comment #52 Saturday, November 2, 2002 7:48 AM
phenomenal skin, treetog. easily the best.

have one small problem though. the scroll bar doesnt seem to inherit the colors in the theme. this happens in IE or other MS applications. any ideas on this?

keep up the good work. any chance of an update?
Comment #53 Sunday, August 17, 2003 3:58 PM
This is my fave skin of all time but please please please skin the XP "common tasks" displays...please...??
Comment #54 Thursday, November 27, 2003 3:37 PM
i restore verify is correct,thanks.
Comment #55 Saturday, November 4, 2006 10:01 PM
Good job you know you've created a great skin when they start using it in very nice programs like Clipmate!

Comment #56 Saturday, September 19, 2009 2:38 AM
Will you ever do any further with Saphardana? Sort of an old favourite of mine. . �

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