Lunar Base
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Lunar Base

Updated Dec 27, 2001 by treetog

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Comment #41 Saturday, December 29, 2001 8:06 AM
Much better now that explorer color is fixed. One more thing though. Inactive buttons like the back and forward button are skinned, but once they become active, the buttons are no longer skinned unless you point your cursor at the button.
All active menu buttons in explorer and IE behave the same. not skinned until you point at them. File, Edit, view, etc, etc.
as well as the refresh, home, and any other active buttons in IE and Explorer.
Is this by design?
Comment #42 Saturday, December 29, 2001 10:37 AM
One of The best skins I have seen to date
Comment #43 Saturday, December 29, 2001 9:29 PM
How can i use it ?? my xp just accept .msstyles files.. =/
Vanilla Ice
Comment #44 Sunday, December 30, 2001 12:11 AM
the matching litestep theme is awesome. get it at
Comment #45 Wednesday, January 2, 2002 12:06 AM
Thanks for all your work on this skin, this is now my primary.

PS. the Taskbar looks great.
Comment #46 Wednesday, January 2, 2002 11:32 AM
The double height taskbar works fine, but I am still having a problem when I go to triple. It goes back to double when I reboot. Can you fix?
Comment #47 Sunday, January 6, 2002 1:12 PM
i am having a problem with this blind. and many other ones as well. my task bar doesent change very much at all? no color change? no start button change? no shape change? why is this ... thanks
Comment #48 Wednesday, February 6, 2002 6:39 PM
The skin looks great in the preview image, but completely different on my computer.

Instead of having a blue toolbar/startbutton/systray/etc...everything turned out white.

The start menu looks the same as it did before the skin as well.

Is this because of an added XP theme or so?

Or have I done something wrong?
Comment #49 Sunday, February 24, 2002 4:41 PM
would love to have the grahpic for wallpaper, can you give me a link
Comment #50 Thursday, February 28, 2002 10:29 AM
As usual, each skin you put out replaces your previous one on my desktop. A sincere thanks for keeping my eyes from bleeding.
Comment #51 Sunday, March 17, 2002 10:34 AM
Awesome Skin, love the graphics and the color scheme. not hard on the eyes.
Comment #52 Thursday, June 13, 2002 7:37 PM
Hi! Awesome work! But where is that zip file containing the wallpaper?
Comment #53 Friday, June 14, 2002 3:03 PM
I love this skin!
Please make a winamp version!!!

Comment #54 Friday, June 28, 2002 9:54 AM
verry nice and profetionnal work thank you verry mutch my frend
Comment #55 Tuesday, July 30, 2002 8:32 PM
This Skin Is 1 Of The Best! ( Im saying That While Sober!) But I Really Want That Wallpaper! It Doesnt Look God Without The Wallpaper!
Comment #56 Monday, August 9, 2004 9:08 AM
Awesome!!! But it needs the wallpaper to be complete
Comment #57 Saturday, August 28, 2004 4:56 PM
what else needs to be said.

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