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File Size: .18MB
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Updated Jun 07, 2002 by MikeB314

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Comment #41 Tuesday, June 11, 2002 8:46 PM
This is just awesome! Really appreciate the addition of the blue.
Comment #42 Wednesday, June 12, 2002 5:09 PM
MikeB314 - Great skin. Very easy on the eyes. Thanks
Comment #43 Friday, June 14, 2002 5:38 PM
scott Stockton
Comment #44 Thursday, June 27, 2002 3:25 PM
Neat, Clean, almost PERFECT!! Thanks for the hard work!!!
Mark C Johnson
Comment #45 Wednesday, July 24, 2002 1:22 AM
Like this skin a lot & have made it my default, but there are some tweaks I would like if you are so inclined:

1. Menu item highlight extends about halfway through check marks or letters in left end of menu. Make it either extend all the way or perhaps not extend so far left.

2. Make default button shade different from the shade you get when hovering over a button.

3. Make the menu bar font stand out a little more from the glass cylinder style graphic
jeff van rij
Comment #46 Wednesday, September 4, 2002 2:17 PM
awsome skin dont make to many comments but had to on this one
Comment #47 Sunday, September 8, 2002 8:51 AM
thanks real good job
Comment #48 Sunday, March 2, 2003 1:10 PM
Mike, this is my favorite skin, bar none. It works great with the Glass series of icons, blue and green depending on subdesign. I just upgraded to Windows Blinds 3.90g and have noticed a problem similar to Paul Oberlin's. There will be a black line through some button names. When you bring the mouse over to select them, the black line goes away. I hope you can fix this, as I really love this skin. Thanks.
Comment #49 Thursday, November 27, 2003 3:54 PM
i restore verify is correct,thanks.

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