blue phlame
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blue phlame

Updated Aug 04, 2003 by DigitalCHET

Finally got around to fixing the subskins. It should now work properly with the proper images for each subskin.
I failed to notice that the subskins required separate files for shell and xp content the first time around. Silly me. :P
But it's all good now, I've tested it and it works fine on this side. My apologies for having kept you all waiting.

As always comments and critiqué are always welcome.

**UPDATE** - New subskin.

The blue phlame WindowBlinds skin gets even read more

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Comment #21 Sunday, July 28, 2002 12:03 PM
Great skin. I'am also getting that magic pink on the start menu. I also have XP Pro.

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Comment #22 Sunday, July 28, 2002 12:04 PM
Congrats - very nice - one of the few WB skins I've seen that doesn't make me want to gag
Comment #23 Sunday, July 28, 2002 2:07 PM
Yeehoooooo Different New:) Very good:) I Like the transparancy button

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Comment #24 Sunday, July 28, 2002 3:58 PM
Great skin, but it seems that all WinXP Pro users have the same problem as solarlove. I get the same pink transparency background on my start menu.
Comment #25 Sunday, July 28, 2002 9:13 PM
Congrats - extremely Cool!By the way the magic pink in XP Pro is caused by the transparency being disabled!
Comment #26 Sunday, July 28, 2002 10:26 PM
Not exactly my can of worms....But good job....
Comment #27 Sunday, July 28, 2002 11:42 PM
How exactly do you enable transparency in WinXP Pro?
Comment #28 Monday, July 29, 2002 12:32 AM
I'm not sure why people are getting the magic pink showing up. I've got the skin set on both my systems and it displays fine.
I've checked and re-checked the settings on the skin and everything seems to be fine as far as I can tell.

Perhaps someone could offer a solution.
Comment #29 Monday, July 29, 2002 8:46 AM
"Congrats - extremely Cool!By the way the magic pink in XP Pro is caused by the transparency being disabled!
by Citizen Lindell Ottinger - 7/28/2002 9:13:58 PM"

This guys seems to know the answer. Maybe he'll be nice enough to share.
Comment #30 Monday, July 29, 2002 10:49 AM
Got DAMN!!!! Look at all these features!!!!! I can't believe this!!!!!! I didn't know about shift-click or system tray!!! Preventing the window from being resize or moved!!! Dang!!!!!

Ok, I really have to try to design some windowblinds. It is just so hard for me. It will be months before I come up with a skin like this.
Comment #31 Monday, July 29, 2002 8:30 PM
In the User Pane Image Portion in the painting method section Enable the Transparency and translucency switch and set the Transparency level to 255. That is all I did to make it work on mine
Comment #32 Tuesday, July 30, 2002 12:00 AM
Very Nice ! Nice try ! Go ahead man
Comment #33 Tuesday, July 30, 2002 1:11 AM
Could you be more specific on where the "User Pane Image Portion" is?
Comment #34 Tuesday, July 30, 2002 6:24 AM
The user pane is the section where the user picture and user name is on the XP Start panel.
Comment #35 Tuesday, July 30, 2002 8:26 AM
I think he [and I] want to know where to locate the "Transparency and Translucency Switch".. ie how to get to it... If I click on "Start" then right click on User Pane".. left click on "Properties".. there are no options for Transparency... where are they?.. thanks
Comment #36 Wednesday, July 31, 2002 11:15 PM
I'm getting error messages on shut down ... my pc is trying to run something as i shut down? ... not sure what dwin it think

other than the bug very cool
Comment #37 Sunday, August 4, 2002 6:02 PM
Hi Everybody! I was wondering if someone can please explain how to get rid of the fuschia that is displaying in the top right corner of the WinXP PRO Start menu {to the right of the user pic}. Can someone please explain it in 'lay terms' for people that are not 'skinnerz' and have no idea what file it is that needs to be edited, nor even where to find this file! Thanks in advance!
Comment #38 Sunday, August 18, 2002 12:54 AM
It's started doing the same thing on mine when I installed WB v3.4 so I'm going to fix it up and re-post it in the very near future. Also hope to include some nice v3.4 features.
Comment #39 Sunday, August 18, 2002 12:56 AM
I'm not sure that the error messages you're getting are directly related to the skin though, since the skin doesn't call for any other external programs or add-ons.
Comment #40 Sunday, August 18, 2002 1:43 AM
Holy CHEEEEEEEEET!!! It's another skin by Chet... Mad Chet!! Well I gotta say that Chet has always some mad stuff to show around. This skin is another reason why I think he is great.. you should all see his *chet Toons.. you will laugh your ass off with his Counter-Strike Jokes and stuff.. Well he even graced us with a little pink mayhem with that pinky thing that appears on the ski--, Wha? that's a bug? well chet! I thought it was part of the skin well it doesn't matter. This skin rulez. And Mocosoft should include it in their next release of Windown XP as the standard skin. Those are my .00002 cents if worth any. Hope to see more skins by Holy Cheeeeeet!!! It's Mad Chet again.. er Digital Chet.

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