Keramik v4.1
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Keramik v4.1

Updated Dec 10, 2003 by DJP DJP

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Comment #61 Wednesday, December 10, 2003 8:41 PM
DJP, Beautiful skin... Thanks for sharing it.

I have a question for you... In the description you mention a "large startmenu and an ultra small one (as shown in preview)"... I was wondering how do you get the ultra-small startmenu? I don't know how you get that feature.

Comment #62 Thursday, December 11, 2003 4:05 AM
Its called the Xtra version
Comment #63 Friday, December 12, 2003 3:20 AM
Don't want to nag, but I have Keramic on my computer and it looks a little different. You need to pop out your drop-down combo box buttons and center the text on the command buttons. It actually looks like a screenshot of KDE with Slicker on it: complete with the logo on the wallpaper that I hate so very much. Move the taskbar off the bottom of the screen and you can scare other people who use your computer LOL .
Comment #64 Friday, December 12, 2003 2:55 PM
It ain't a 100% copy of the original because I wanted to add my own element into the skin. The taskbar for example uses blue buttons instead of white, that's because i think blue ones look better. Also because of the difference between the two operating systems some things can't be copied. I would like to port comboboxes that popout but it simply ain't possible.
Your correct about the slicker thing, the startmenu is based on the look of slicker. Slicker looks much better then the default kicker, so that's why i replaced the previous startmenu with this one.
Comment #65 Saturday, December 13, 2003 7:40 PM
Woo i downloaded Windowblinds 4 jsut for this skin.. i have been waiting for this eversince i got my Knoppix 3.3 CD..
Comment #66 Sunday, December 14, 2003 9:27 AM
Thank you for developing a skin with colors user can work with. The dark colors are so depressing and impractical to use in the work place. Could you alsoo add a rollup feature which will facilitate the process of working with photo's.
Comment #67 Monday, December 15, 2003 4:58 AM
Very normal.
Comment #68 Monday, December 15, 2003 11:06 AM
it's better than the original
Comment #69 Monday, December 15, 2003 5:23 PM
hey deadprophet: thats cool you use knoppix too! I just installed it with a windows dual boot on my 2 systems!

And this is a good skin, true to the point.
Comment #70 Saturday, December 20, 2003 12:20 AM
This is one of my all time favs. I hope you'll kindly add some additional colors to the skin like the ones in the screenshots at:

In particular, the orange and a darker hue of blue.

Comment #71 Monday, December 22, 2003 5:55 PM
Now could you make us a port of the Gnome theme called Crux. I need a WB4 verison as the only one I can find is a 2.0 verison.
Comment #72 Saturday, January 24, 2004 6:21 AM
ok, it's probably me, but I just can't get the super cool small startmenu.... (
I use the extra, but it's still the same

anywayz, great skin!!!
Comment #73 Sunday, April 18, 2004 11:26 AM
the ob theme sucks.....

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