Average Rating: 9
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File Size: .38MB
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Updated Sep 07, 2003 by ^^Gabriel

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Comment #81 Friday, September 26, 2003 12:23 AM
i am always so pleased with your work. i've had digital headache forever.. and i think i just found something that will be able to take its place. keep 'em coming. LOL LOL
Comment #82 Friday, September 26, 2003 8:57 PM
where did u get the wall at??? i ask cuz i want it too!!!
Comment #83 Sunday, September 28, 2003 12:03 PM

Here's the wall.
Comment #84 Saturday, October 4, 2003 4:01 PM
This is just too original for words!

My only problem with it is that the white time on the highlight of the systray background is hard to read.

But after losing 1 point for that, you get a 10.
Comment #85 Tuesday, October 21, 2003 8:00 PM
This is the first modification for my computer I've ever used. Wow, now I'm upset I took so long. Not only am I happy, but my roommates are constantly commenting on it. I'm using the Konceito Wallpaper by Nuvem, and the Point - Chrome cursorXP and it looks so nice. Thanks ^^Gabriel. The only weird thing is that Capital W's get the upper left hand corner cut off in the start menu and browser when they're at the beginning of a word. Still, a 10
Comment #86 Thursday, November 6, 2003 7:42 PM
I am so sorry that I haven't commented on this skin. It is my favorite skin ever and I have never commented even after having it for a long time. Whenever i get bored of a skin I alwayz put overbyte on. I remember when it was a top download, I was blown away.

I am truly amazed at the creativeness of this skin and I can't wait for the next work from you, Gabriel, of this caliber.

Comment #87 Friday, November 7, 2003 1:40 AM
Hey this is great.jus'one thing though.why a grey taskbar geez.could u add some colour please not blue.cream or green.Thanks
Comment #88 Friday, November 7, 2003 1:41 AM
It is a good idea with that wrap.what i meant is:Cream or Green even HotPink would be nice .Thanks!
Comment #89 Saturday, November 15, 2003 4:30 PM
This is a great skin.Could u try some other colours? Grey is definitely not my most exciting colour.Thanks!!
Comment #90 Monday, December 8, 2003 5:12 PM
I am a fairly new WB user, but have downloaded and used about 50 themes. This is my personal favorite. It provides a great deal of useful functionality and is clean. Two thumbs up!!
Comment #91 Saturday, January 17, 2004 2:03 PM
This's Great!!!!!
Nathan Hyland
Comment #92 Friday, January 30, 2004 9:21 PM
so many coments now... great theme man... great theme.. my new fav. will be keepping this one for a while
Jeff Kuespert
Comment #93 Saturday, January 31, 2004 1:42 PM
Very groovy skin ... has to be my favorite for the time being.
Comment #94 Thursday, March 4, 2004 11:27 PM
How about a matching sysmetrix skin!!!
Comment #95 Friday, March 5, 2004 12:18 AM
how the heck do I change the blinking taskbar items color?
Comment #96 Monday, March 8, 2004 3:08 AM
Ok, I've used this skin for ~5 months now, and it still rocks!!! Every time I try another one, it just doesn't look right, and I come back to OverByte

^^Gabriel, you're a rockstar!!!
Comment #97 Sunday, May 16, 2004 6:54 PM
wallpaper link doesnt work no more
Comment #98 Sunday, March 6, 2005 5:00 PM
This is a really nice WB. It really needs a wallpaper, though...

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