Right 2 Life Miracle
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Right 2 Life Miracle

Updated Mar 11, 2005 by ourcupoftea

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Comment #81 Thursday, July 1, 2004 10:35 PM
Well I think some of you might like to know how our little miracle is 7 mo old now 7lbs 6 oz. He and his mother have returned home to there family. He should be perfectly normal in every way but he lost his belly button in 1 of the long surgeries he lived through.
Advait Shinde
Comment #82 Friday, August 27, 2004 12:45 PM
boy. Thats probably the ugliest thing ive ever seen
Comment #83 Monday, September 6, 2004 1:17 AM
Very colorful. Not to my taste, but still nice. Good for you for creating something that expressed a bit about you or your beliefs. It's not like you used pictures of aborted fetuses or anything (I could understand people complaining about the gore in that case). Just as you have a right to create this, pro-choice people have a right to create one with a pro-choice message. Big deal. People need to learn to live with each other.
Comment #84 Monday, September 27, 2004 12:31 AM
Lynnyf, ALL life is special. If you don't respect ALL of it, then you don't respect ANY of it. I hate you people who have that republican "people first" attitude. Humans may have a higher mental capacity than other creatures but they certainly don't have the maturity and wisdom to stop destroying this planet. It's a proven fact that if animals can't survive on this planet then people WON'T survive. Sure, animals don't go to college or work for a living....but they complete the delicate balance of the ecosystem and we need them. Humans are stupid and narcissistic (sp?).
Comment #85 Friday, October 22, 2004 6:03 AM
Whens the strike???
Gee, people, lighten up, it's just a skin, and Ourcupoftea had already explained that it has got nothing to do with religion or abortion, so stop banging on about pro-life and etc already.

I don't really fancy this skin myself, but then, I'm not much of a baby person. Biological clock not ticking yet
Comment #86 Monday, December 6, 2004 9:22 PM
holy crap thats the shittiest skin EVAR!
Comment #87 Friday, March 11, 2005 7:34 AM
You do realize that it's people like you ,who feel that human life is the most important, that have overpopulated this planet and have made many species of plant and animal extinct and close to extinction, because you feel that every human being has the right to live.

Hahahah...... man that's funny.

I hate you people who have that republican "people first" attitude.

OMG... that would be funny if it wasn't so ignorant. Guess it's okay to "love all life", but okay to "hate republicans" rofl....
Comment #88 Friday, March 11, 2005 12:36 PM
I have to wonder what would have happened if someone had posted a skin called 'Right to Choice' or 'Gay Marriage Today' or 'No Blood for Oil'. Would the Admins have been so considerate toward THAT skin. Oh, I'm pro-choice, and I'm also pro-freedom of speech. But does everyone get the same freedom here? Just wondering.

And I realize 'ourcupoftea' said the skin has nothing to do with politics or religion... blah. But s/he's not so dense, surely, that s/he doesn't realize her choice of words - posted without an explanation - are going to be interpreted as political and incite a response.

Oh, and the skin. It is ugly.
Comment #89 Friday, March 11, 2005 1:54 PM
right2life?, (I'm offended)
science saves another one, not whats his name.
Great for the child (my niece was premie)
blah-blah-blah for the poster's choice of title, possibly "grateful" would have been more appropriate
where is that pukie face when you want one
Taun Deverill
Comment #90 Friday, March 11, 2005 6:13 PM
Nothing to do with abortion or relegion? Yeah, right. Read the title again.
James Madison IV
Comment #91 Friday, March 11, 2005 6:55 PM
As others have said before.......... you don't like it........ don't download it.
I commend the person for their time and effort into the WB. I, personally, do not agree with the title but to each their own.
I think everyone should lay off and if you do not have anything nice to say, then SHUT UP and keep it to yourselves.
How many of those with NEGATIVE comments have actually contributed a WB or taken the time to do one?
I have not so I have NO RIGHT to comment on the WB but kudos to the OP.
Comment #92 Friday, March 11, 2005 8:46 PM
it's interesting that the majority of the public has become so thin skinned that they get offended by everything. it's a windowblind for goodness sake. you don't have to download it if you don't like it, but save your over developed sense of "political correctness" for something that actually matters. by the way, not my type of skin, but good work regardless. a lot of effort went into it. good job.
Richard Sturiale
Comment #93 Saturday, March 12, 2005 2:21 AM
Comment #94 Saturday, March 12, 2005 8:04 AM
With all of the people downloading this skin, I thought "Maybe it's not as bad as it looks," so I downloaded it just to give it a fair shot. But ya know, it's even worse than the preview suggests, and it has nothing to do with abortion, pro-life, or any political matter.

It is simply a visual abomination, as are your other skins. All you do is jam clashing "pretty" colors together in tacky "glassy" gradients that were passe 10 years ago. This is simply a piling-on of disharmonious visual cliches without rhyme or reason.

I dont understand why this thing is so popular.
Comment #95 Sunday, March 13, 2005 3:30 AM
Some people like tacky glassy shinney and pastels.Some People can't see all that dark stuff. Some of us are old with bad eye site and artheritis. Some of us can't Quilt anymore but we can push a mouse and peck a keyboard. I'm sure none of my skins will ever win a BLUE RIBBON but honey MY CRAZY PATCH QUILTS won a lot of them !!! Out of my 16 grandchildren this the only one that had any problems . I'm not above giving mouth to mouth to an animal or sticking my arm in a horse or cow to help them deliver when they have a problem either. And I've raised my share of little critters when some not so nice human killed there mother.You want to know what I think E-mail me I dare you !!! ourcupoftea@netscape.com
Comment #96 Sunday, March 13, 2005 3:58 AM
This should not have to be said again but I guess some people can't read. I did not mean to make any statement the only reason I named it this is because When my daughter got to the Hospital in labor the Doctor told her the baby couldn't make it because she was only 23 weeks along.He wouldn't even give her the steroid for the babies lungs until the doctor from the NICU at another hospital told him to give it to her. 5 hours later. So the baby could have had it for 16 hours instead of 11 hours. It was a miracle that they got her labor stopped long enough to get her to a bigger hospital with a NICU for the baby to have a chance to live. THIS SKIN HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ABORTION OR RELIGION Thought I would tell you about Perry Lee and his mother. My daughter is 26 this is her first live birth. She misscarried one 16 weeks along last march. She was told by Doctors when she was 18 she couldn't have kids. So she married a man that already had 4 of
Comment #97 Sunday, March 13, 2005 4:01 AM
them. Perry was dew to arrive 3/27/04 on 12/5/03 when she went into laber she was only 23 weeks along. He was born 12/6/03 1lb. 8 oz. 12 in. long when he was 8 days old he was taken by air ambulance to childrens hospital for surgery. He now weighs 3lb. 10 oz 15 & 1/2 in. long. He is my 15th grandchild my first this small I already have over 500 pics of him & 4 hours of video! He is our Miracle.
Comment #98 Sunday, March 13, 2005 7:58 AM
Who said anything about liking dark skins? The one I'm using currently is called "Graphic WB", a wonderful, light-colored excercise in restraint and clarity.

Yours skins remind me of what my mother's living room looked like back in the 80's: orange and turquoise velour upholstery, granny square throws, hand-embroidered lampshades, and tacky ceramic figurines on every surface. Oh, and crazy patch quilts in the bedroom, too. It makes me ill to visualize it.

Your skins ARE crazy patch quilts: clashing, discordant elements thrown together at random. Anyone can make gradients from arbitrary colors in Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop, slap on some cliched clip art and "pretty" but unreadable fonts. Amateurs think it's cool.
Comment #99 Sunday, March 13, 2005 8:05 AM
And one more thing: if you want to bloviate on about your children, gradchildren, miscarriages, or even critters, find an appropriate web site, newsgroup or start a blog. I dont know what this is all about � maybe just an egregoius case of "granny bonding" � but it doesn't belong here!
Comment #100 Sunday, March 13, 2005 2:53 PM
I think mmekota and I must be related or something because I have those same nauseating memories of my mother's living room. I prefer my skins simple, elegant and streamlined - fast and functional.

Thanks for a whole second diatribe one what you "really" meant, cupoftea, but thats beside the point. You simply HAD to know those three words were politically loaded. If you didn't, you're an even dottier old granny than you pretend to be. You could have named the skin anything in the world. There have even been a few good suggestions, but instead you chose three words that strike at the core of just about everyone in the US who has a pulse. And even that last explanation of yours oozed self-righteousness. But hey, way to get your second-rate skin and yourself some attention, hun. When I submit my first skin, I think I WILL name it 'Gay Marriage Today'.

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