Right 2 Life Miracle
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Right 2 Life Miracle

Updated Mar 11, 2005 by ourcupoftea

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Comment #101 Sunday, March 13, 2005 11:43 PM
you teens and boys need to get a job so you won't have time to be nasty to old ladys I guess you were not born you don't have a mother or a grandmother you must have crawled out from under a rock and I guess thats what is not beating in your chest.
Comment #102 Monday, March 14, 2005 1:08 AM
I'm a 40 year old woman.
Comment #103 Monday, March 14, 2005 1:19 AM
I have to say it's not the best skin I've ever seen. But I'm sure that's not what this skin is about. It's a political statement, despite protestations to the contrary. If not, change the name, it's that simple. Or go to a sight that caters to political agendas and have fun. This (I thought) was a politics free site. I get enough of this crap every day I don't need it here. I'm a big animal rights fan. Should I make a blind showing baby seals with their heads caved in? And I'm a grandfather.
Comment #104 Monday, March 14, 2005 5:54 PM
Comment# 25 By Admin Jafo - 3/12/2004 9:23:36 AM
Quote Reply

OK, people....the 'hard word'.
This is a Windowblinds skin. It is titled using common English [without Anglo Saxon derivatives] and is therefore NOT inappropriate content.
It is irrelevant whether the artist OR any of you are pro, or anti 'right to life'....either way that issue is a topic for a forum, not here on the skin's comments.
Grow up and respect a fellow human being's rights to self expression [those that do not impinge on another's rights].

Any further reactionary comments will be d as irrelevant.

Scott Sproat's has been already as he is exiled, and always will be such.
Comment #105 Monday, March 14, 2005 5:56 PM
che pi why does youe profile say you are a 21 year old male ?
Comment #106 Monday, March 14, 2005 8:42 PM
I'm a little concerned that you'd go through the trouble to check out my profile. I'd make a good-looking man though. Shall we talk about SKINS people?
Comment #107 Tuesday, March 15, 2005 1:50 AM
You obviously love your grandson a great deal, and that is admirable. You put a lot of effort into this skin, and it shows. You can't please everyone, and I'm glad you haven't changed it from when you first made it. Stick to your personal style, make yourself happy, and let all those blockheads complaining about your supposed agenda yell as loud as they want, call you as many names as they want. The louder they yell, the more foolish they seem. They seem to forget that this is a blind about love. Good for you!

Jafo, you showed true leadership with this skin. You showed that people can disagree and still be civil. Thanks, man. Well done.
Comment #108 Tuesday, March 15, 2005 2:30 PM
Great effort on this skin but it's just not my thing.
Comment #109 Sunday, March 20, 2005 10:59 AM
Make all the skins you want but do not attach a religious or a politacal agenda to it. I don't feel that this is a good place for it. You will drive people and me away. I want to have fun. Not feel guilty doing it. I don't think Politics or Religion should be part of Wincustomize.
Comment #110 Tuesday, March 22, 2005 4:20 AM

I've already said this skin has nothing to do with Religion or Politics ! Its about my Grandson !!!
Comment #111 Sunday, April 10, 2005 7:24 PM
All the talent I view here amazes me.
I'm learning from every persons artistic styles.
Thanks for daring to try!
from one Grandparent to another....Tooshay
Comment #112 Friday, July 15, 2005 5:42 PM
hello all this is America i think and a right to put skins here to observe or not to click on click off is your choice ........i clicked on i need a soft appearence for some of my themes wallpapers etc ... on the big stink controvery part the maker of this announced in the first place its a tribute !!!! accept that or pass up looking further is your choice ......... i for one am a grandmother to 6 gorgeous children as this little one is . and i am also a product of parental abuse and controlling strict parents (hungarians ) and catholic soooooooooo a girl from the 60s i got pregnant was railroaded by train to Arizona from Ohio and forced to have a abortion i couldnt do ... so i rebelled held on to it and then went into labor was told do not come home with a baby or out of the hospital or im disowned for i am now a disgrace to the family .... hence i had a baby and put it up for adoption in 1964 against all i wanted or believed ..... now its 2005 and my family knows where my baby went but wouldnt tell me ever mom tried on her death bed while evil sisters stood close she couldnt so for the record .......pro choice is the answer ... i have yet to kiss my own son .......yes i snuck in my folder saying Bastard son found out i had a boy *crying while typing* every mothers day every birthday of his is hard ..... but abortion woulda been far worse for me ......i say live let live ppl if this person wanted to make a tribute to a baby ........... look or dont look but dont knock it its not yours to knock .......swallow hard and know some ppl have to release in diff ways this was the maker of this skins choice so be it ............ Love is the only key forgive those being mean and god bless you all Nita wcarl@sbcglobal.net if you want to bash me now or thank me ty all love and smile life is short and god bless this family and thier baby with all those problems the baby is beautiful Congrats
dj cole
Comment #113 Sunday, September 11, 2005 4:42 PM
did any of you read the authers notes?
i never went to school a day in my life.
and yet i took the time to read the authers notes.

this woman wanted to honer her grandson who was born three months early
and had to indure 20 surgeries in his first few months of life.
this has nothing to do with the right to life issue.

how dare you people belittle this family's struggle.

way to go ourcupoftea keep up the good work
happy to hear your grandson is doing well.
Comment #114 Thursday, April 5, 2007 11:32 PM
�Wow Jafo is right...Dang people can be harsh and the sad thing is , if it was their work and they were getting comments like all those I'm sure they would be hurt or upset,,,I personally think it is a wonderful skin..great job and beautiful baby�
Comment #115 Tuesday, November 30, 2010 5:24 PM
Love the work but if you really want to say something try to keep your comments about politics and rights to yourself . This is not only the wrong place but your opinion about this topic is offensive and blind to the needs women who have no other choice. Belief in God has nothing to do with this anymore than the title has to do with Windowblinds. Lighten up indeed.

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