Average Rating: 10
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File Size: .59MB
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Updated May 28, 2004 by Tiggz

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Comment #101 Thursday, March 24, 2005 7:38 PM
nvm, I figured it out. If anyone has this problem, go to:
Display Properties
Other Advanced Controls
Select Window from the Item pull-down menu
Pick whatever colours you want (the first is background, the second is font)

Again Tiggz, my compliments
Comment #102 Wednesday, July 20, 2005 9:26 PM
trying to find out why wbexec is not working on my desktop but works on my laptop what does it need to run???? I love the convienence of this feature on this skin and love the looks of it too thanks for building it Tiggz
Comment #103 Friday, August 5, 2005 1:36 PM
Still one of my most fav. skins ... why not to update this beauty for WB 4.5 ... !!!!
Comment #104 Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:29 AM
cool skin!
hey how do u configure the quick launch menu?, the one next to the transparancy button
glenda stocks
Comment #105 Thursday, January 25, 2007 7:37 PM
Just got this skin on 01-25-07 and I list how SMOOTH it blends.... WOW
Comment #106 Thursday, June 17, 2010 8:06 PM

I agree Tiggz, you're metalic blinds are awesome, and the included extras just make it more so. KTEK-steel was the first WB skin I tried after buying O.D. This makes a great alternative

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