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Updated Jul 01, 2004 by Pixtudio

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Comment #21 Monday, March 15, 2004 2:14 PM
well i showed it to the dot artist without saying anything and he laughed and said the same thing i did... seems to be "inspired." Funny no other skins from them look like this and yet they've managed to convey curved surfaces before. But you clearly will mold this to your point of view. The fact that you see this as being closer to Dream then Dot says it all. They didn't even do the save curve as Dream. As far as the colors go... orange, purple, grey, black, white are all popular color themes. Funny how it turned out to be the exact same 4 (not 2 or 3 or 5 colors).

Sorry but washing out the top color and then have reflections on the bottom is not a typical style from them.
Comment #22 Monday, March 15, 2004 2:16 PM
and our reflection mapping goes across the whole bottom too but is concentrated on the lower left... just like this one.
Comment #23 Monday, March 15, 2004 2:19 PM

check it again. same inner curves on the bottom leading to thin sides. If you can't see this i don't know what to tell you.

This is clearly not a rip - but you can't deny it has to have been inspired by our skin/work.
Comment #24 Monday, March 15, 2004 3:28 PM
I don't know what to say either but from reading all the fuss, it would look like your trying to say it is a rip till your last comment Jesh.

The example you showed Jesh of her window to your player is hardly the same, the shape is a basic rounded rectangle in Photoshop yours is more circular. But seriously how many blue's green's and such can one use? They are popular colours.

Johanne's is more brighter, to be honest it is her style soon as I seen the blue I knew it was her's.
When I seen this I honestly did not think of The bionic dot. She has also been a fan of Crystal was it? could it not be the slightest possibility that she liked the colours from Crystal and used those similar colours?
I could be totally wrong but it certainly is her style from watching her designs over the years.

I just cannot believe there is a all song and dance going on about these so called similarities in public, you are a business man perhaps it might have been wiser to take it privately since you seem to feel so strongly about this even though you said "This is clearly not a rip - but you can't deny it has to have been inspired by our skin/work."
Comment #25 Monday, March 15, 2004 3:53 PM
Alexandrie Great skin!!! I love the effects on the taskbar and title bar. I would like to see a mocha or cream type color

I find TSF's actions here very unprofessional and that is the only comment I will make here about it.
Comment #26 Monday, March 15, 2004 4:14 PM
yeh that's right - same old song and dance from you guys. It's really "unprofessional" to say something looks like something else. Funny how quick you run to their defense. Whatever. Of course it would be unheard of that they were inspired by someone else's work whether consciously or unconsciously.

Voodoo Freak: i stated from the start that i thought this seemed inspired and not a rip - i believed i used the word "heavily inspired." But your nose is so far up their ( body part) along with the rest that it will always be me being wrong then someone else. I guess it would be also wrong to say that Treetog's Thunder Storm skin wasn't somewhat inspired by BBX's Mercury suite? It certainly isn't a rip and it's not the same color but funny if i didn't have to take a closer look. And also funny that Billy himself said the same thing. But then we're all just a bunch of "arrogant and unprofessional ( body part) right? I wanted it clear from the start about this skin because the only WindowBlinds submission we're doing is for The Bionic Dot. and hell if i'm going to be called a "copycat" by anyone because of this skin because it was supposedly out first.
The Headmaster
Comment #27 Monday, March 15, 2004 4:16 PM
As The world already knows that Alexandrie is the best skinner out there. I just won't say Alexandrie is the best of Pixtudio team because all the guys are great. The Skins Factory always start with rip-off Sh.... I can post a millions links of the complainning.

Alexandrie is best best.
Comment #28 Monday, March 15, 2004 6:54 PM
I don't see the similarity between this and bionic dot. Looks pretty original to me.

I don't think anyone would consider this and bionic dot to be that similar.
Comment #29 Monday, March 15, 2004 7:17 PM
Another classic Alexandrie, you did a great job!
Comment #30 Monday, March 15, 2004 8:09 PM
Since you've been making it clear from before the contest even kicked off that maybe, if you could find the time, you would do a WB from another in-progress project, I think we're all quite clear that TSF will be submitting only one WB entry.
Comment #31 Monday, March 15, 2004 9:07 PM
How bout a compact start menu option?? I'm lovin this!
StillWater Skins
Comment #32 Monday, March 15, 2004 10:14 PM
To be fair, I have to say that I agree with TSF that this skin is more similar to Bionic Dot than Dream. It shares that characteristic white-'bubble'-title-thing with Dream, but little more.

Though it shares a few things with Bionic dot: the thin sides, thick top&bottom, similar lighting styles at the top, and similar texturing on the bottom (also weighing to the left side). So I think it's unfair to TSF to deny any similarities.

HOWEVER, I think that's all they are: similarities. I'd say that a very large proportion of the skins submitted here (or anywhere else) have similarities with some other skins out there. There are only so many shapes, so many lighting effects, so many button styles, that can be done, and no skin will be 100% totally fresh and new in every respect, stylistically speaking.

I don't think that Alexandrie, or any skinner, deserves this big fuss that's been made, and I don't believe that TSF should have allowed himself to be drawn into making such a big fuss about it.
Comment #33 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:02 AM
I agree with StillWater Skins' comments entirely... well put.
Comment #34 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 2:59 AM
Nice we have another GUI Olympics drama now (NOT!). Very nice for the community also(NOT!). I can imagine some site owners and a well known bunch from another site sharpening their knifes already. TSF, You have done Yourself AND the community no favour by doing this in public instead of mailing Johanne first. But I remember You attacking her on that wmp skin also. Personal issues perhaps ? Don't know...
Comment #35 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 5:04 AM
I think The Skins Factory want to flatter themself, Pixtudios work is and always have been original, at least to me
Comment #36 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 6:27 AM
I'm a bit desapointed to read what's going on over here ...

Apart of that , i like the skin, rounded, and for my point of view, some parts would be better if rounded also Johane : the MenuBackground.bmp, with a rounded item to go with , same for StartMenuGrouback.bmp and items for Start Panel + Bar Items Toolbar like + a dialog bitmap for those who have the option checked ... (Thinks that's all LLLLLLLLLOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLL)
Comment #37 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 8:36 AM
There are similarities, but enough differences to make them both individual. I expect that people will use which ever one they prefer. I think the titlebar of Alexandrie's skin has more texture besides the reflections, whereas the TSF skin uses a 'nested' inner contrasting border as part of the frame. The bubble in the tilebar (which is the only thing I was refering to im my original post) does look similar to the 'Dream' skin, but not in it's shape, which is rounder, rather than the more 'angular' bubble in that skin. I like them all!

The thing is TSF, someone posts something that looks like what you are doing, and you don't like it. Alexandrie wasn't to know that you were doing a WB version of Bionic Dot was she? And your language suggests that you think she might have stolen the idea ("Fitting name for this skin..."), after which you mention that "This is clearly not a rip". ?? Again, it seems you have a talent for putting people's backs up.

Then you say "and hell if i'm going to be called a "copycat" by anyone because of this skin because it was supposedly out first" - well, if you were posting a Bionic Dot WB skin to match your own WMP skin, then people won't be saying you copied Alexandrie's skin will they, as you have based it on your own design!

If you look at most of the recent Pixtudio designs, they regularly use reflections, like in this skin. I hope that if ever I use a 20pix rounded corner, reflections, and a set of colours that someone else has used, you won't hold it against me!

Let your Bionic Dot WB skin stand against the other skins in the competition - including Alexandrie's! If it's as good as the WMP skin, people will love it!
Comment #38 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 12:05 PM
I like this skin, so there! Would love to see maybe a mauve or plum color. bTW, I'm cheering for all the teams. Good work evey one.
Comment #39 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 2:02 PM
That's the spirit SpicyGirl!
Comment #40 Tuesday, March 16, 2004 4:04 PM
Quality skin..Thank You !~!

You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself !~!

Its My Secret

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