Average Rating: 8
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File Size: 1.37MB
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Updated Nov 07, 2004 by Skinartistry

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Comment #21 Sunday, November 7, 2004 4:57 PM
Skinartistry do some great work, some of the best I have seen

However I didnt like this one all that much Phoon next time I have an opinion I'll pass it by you first shall I?

I guess you pay more than I do at wincustomise or your 1337 or summin or maybe you dont understand that others have opinions you might not agree with or do we only pass shiney happy comments here Phool?
Comment #22 Sunday, November 7, 2004 5:12 PM
LOL.. What Phoon probably meant by the comment was unless you actually say what's wrong, no one can really fix it, eh? Share your opinion, but at least try to make it constructive so the author at hand can make improvements, if necessary. Some of the best corporations I've worked for operate under this policy...
Constructive criticism [Tell them what they did wrong]

Positive Reinforcement [Tell them what they did right.]
Jan Oscar
Comment #23 Sunday, November 7, 2004 5:24 PM
I se your point Essencay, but if the errors show up in the two browsers, they most likely show up in other programs too, and possibly in one version or another of MS Office etc. I think most of the skinners would like their work to have as few bugs as possible.

N71, Even though I don't know the skinners involved in this project very well, I can assure you that none of them only want shiny happy comments. Try to be constructive in your criticism, and you'd be surprised by the fact that people actually listen to you. Now all you have done, is stated that you have no respect for the effort put into making this, and made a complete fool of yourself at the same time.
Comment #24 Sunday, November 7, 2004 6:01 PM
Yrgal seeing you bought up the subject of pixtudio. I suggest you take a look at pixtudio skins and note the way branding can be incorporated into a skin. I was not complaining that the skin was branded.
I was making what I considered a constructive comment, that I thought this paticular brand detracted from the overall visual effect.
TN Brat!
Comment #25 Sunday, November 7, 2004 6:13 PM
Oh, always there's so much love shared around here....

Ok, so I like the colors, and it looks like a pretty solid skin...I don't mind branding. Especially considering that's the point of the skin. I don't care for writing on my wallpapers...unless it's like really small..more unobtrusive..(guess it's good that the wall isn't included.

The only thing I don't care for is how dark the buttons are...I think they should be more like the tool bar icons...

I agree with Yrgal....And if you look at your stats...while only a small % use the other browsers. I wonder how many million that is in numbers? In just considering the small amount of people here that have downloaded this....the number is 750 right now....The 92% that are using IE...about 690 of you can use this...while the other 90 of us can't...small numbers....but on the overall skeem of things that would be a LOT more. (sorry about the figures..I did do the math, but rounded)

And ...I'm not going to rate this...because I don't rate anything anymore
Comment #26 Sunday, November 7, 2004 6:20 PM
As far as comments go and that of the way this wb reacts to different programs the such as ms office... I've seen no problems at all. Note I have seen problems with the install of wb 4.4 . Thus some wb's do not appear as they would or should have to other users due to hidden computer problems.
The efforts and espically that of just sharing of the works of those at SkinArtistry should be appreciated. I say "Thank You".
That and I see where another great work will most for sure be done soon to give more of the true efforts a better and more interesting approach to the skills of those at SkinArtistry.
Keep up the good work Bones & Night Train - This is very good in my point of view.

Comment #27 Sunday, November 7, 2004 6:27 PM
This skin was tested by at least 10 different "skinners". Noone reported any problems at all with any alternate browsers. I have no issues with MS Outlook, Office, or any other programs. To the people that are having trouble. I would greatly appreciate your assistance in trying to work out the issue. SOMEONE PLEASE SEND ME A SCREENSHOT so I can see what the problem is. "It's broken" doesn't tell me anything.

N71.. constructive comments whether good or bad are always helpful but comments like yours are just designed to be mean. You did come back to look for a response, so YOU ARE FISHING! Go fish somewhere else or leave a constructive comment.

TNBrat.. That makes around 8 of us that are shying away from rating it.

Thanks to everyone involved and thanks for bug reports guys.

Comment #28 Sunday, November 7, 2004 6:45 PM
I rated a 10 and it works very well with all my systems - which is 5 different computers at 3 locations.

I agree completely NT.

Excellent work!

Comment #29 Sunday, November 7, 2004 6:58 PM
Very nice job, I love the colors and the graphics are amazing.
Comment #30 Sunday, November 7, 2004 7:19 PM
Nice skin guys - matches the site well with some classy colours. Branding not a problem, especially with the inclusion of the substyles. Firefox can be a bit quirky at times - I have seen the mutilated drop down menus before, I noticed them when I was doing GT3 at times, they seemed to get better at some point but I'm not really sure why, hehe.
Essencay - although 92% of all windows users stick with IE, I wonder if that proportion holds true in the pc customising community. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the kind of people who customize their pcs might also be more likely to use alternative browsers. Just thinking out loud...
Comment #31 Sunday, November 7, 2004 7:28 PM
Works well, excellent color choices, no problems.
Jan Oscar
Comment #32 Sunday, November 7, 2004 7:28 PM
Here's how it looks on my PC in Opera 7.5 and Mozilla 1.7 with the skin applied and classic Windows.
Comment #33 Sunday, November 7, 2004 7:29 PM
Good point Tiggz....we tend to be more adventurous with what we'll try with our PC's
Jan Oscar
Comment #34 Sunday, November 7, 2004 7:34 PM
I applied the Windows Classic default before applying the skin, so there should be no "leftover" settings from previous skins which occasionally happen. Hope this helps, and in the future, feel free to mail me for betatesting or whatever.
Comment #35 Sunday, November 7, 2004 8:04 PM
I think I might have found the reason for the missing menus in firefox - in SkinStudio section Miscellaneous\Fonts for classic widgets, I removed the system menu font attribute, reapplied the skin and firefox was whole once more. I remember setting those attributes for GT3 (I hadn't seen them before that) and encountered similar problems in various programs and the only thing I could do was remove them again. Firefox does seem to skin it's interface in a somewhat quirky manner.
No idea about Opera as I don't have it installed but if I were to hazard a guess, I would suspect those 'fonts for classic widgets' again.
Comment #36 Sunday, November 7, 2004 9:26 PM
Beautiful skin
Comment #37 Sunday, November 7, 2004 10:39 PM
the skin is awesome you guys did great just downloaded it
Comment #38 Monday, November 8, 2004 8:53 AM
Thanks for the info Tiggz. I am sure I will be bothering you soon for some help. Will jump on it as soon as I find some volunteers with alternate browsers. Please go to if you can spare some time to help.

Thanks again to everyone. Shellstyles were done by the artist formerly known as spyderbyteGrafX (SBGFX)
Comment #39 Monday, November 8, 2004 9:19 AM
ha ha, yea yea yea yea, Don't poke fun at my name adjustment
Comment #40 Monday, November 8, 2004 11:08 PM
Great work NT, and SBGFX. Really appreciate all the work you put into this skin. And no I am not rating it either, LOL

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