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Updated Nov 07, 2004 by Skinartistry

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TN Brat!
Comment #41 Tuesday, November 9, 2004 3:08 AM
Hey, I know that this may be a little late, but I have to say that Trigg & Essencay make a very vaild point, but not only because while customising, I think we learn more about our computer and therefore tend to try new things, but also like in my case....

I had never even heard of those other browsers. I had always used IE..even when I had AOL...the only other choice I though I had was Netscape. But as I started downloading icons and pngs, I noticed that there were a bunch of icons available for Firefox, Opera, Thunderbird...etc, so I decided to see what all the hype was about. And after learning that Firefox was a browser, and seeing what it could do compaired to IE, I wanted to give it a try...

Anyway, on to my issues Links to screen shots below...
For Firefox
-First my font is REALLY REALLY big.....
-And my Bookmarks Toolbar is missing.
-When I click on the Bookmarks button there is no menu and the same goes with when I try to highlight text to copy and paste.
-And the screen constantly jumps, which is what I think is causing my text to appear late while typing this.
And then with Thunderbird
Again the font size.

Also I don't think my start panel is right, but I have that problem with most skins...not all, and I know it's fixable, because when CLiff send me a skin to test, I usually have to send him a screen shot of it and he always manages to set it straight. Firefox Thunderbird Start

And while I know I use large font to begin with...because otherwise I can't read anything using the 1280by1024's not supposed to be that large...OH, and it's 120 DPI.

Thanks and I hope this helps...I'm getting sea sick because of the terrible jumping of the
Comment #42 Tuesday, November 9, 2004 7:07 AM
New file has been uploaded that should work fine with all browsers. Thanks to Yrgal, Tecimo (charles),
Tony (Omegatec), TNBrat, and Tiggz. To the folks that don't use alternate browsers, I suggest not downloading this version as the system text setting will be more consistant (matching text in the start panel). You must delete the old version before installing the new otherwise the text settings may not get overwritten.

I also forgot to add earlier that you should have the user picture enable for the text to line up in the start panel.

TNBrat.. I was trading emails with Cliff trying to get to the bottom of the problem with your skins and I got sidetracked. I will get back on it. As you know Cliff is a skinning machine and rarely comes up for air.

Thanks again to everyone for all the help. This community is awesome. If the real world were anything in comparison we would all be living happily ever after.
Comment #43 Tuesday, November 9, 2004 7:11 AM
Oh, and removing the fonts reduced the file size by 50%. Go figure.
Comment #44 Tuesday, November 9, 2004 7:35 AM
Thank you NT hope all of everyone enjoys - it's a great piece of work got to go be back later today all LOL
The Car!~
Comment #45 Tuesday, November 9, 2004 8:23 AM
I too am having the problem with MS Outlook not being 'visible' for lack of a better term. I have sent off a screen shot to NightTrain2002. I also have the problem with a few windows in Paint Shop Pro.
TN Brat!
Comment #46 Tuesday, November 9, 2004 8:42 AM
Thanks Night Train...and yes, Cliff is a skinning machine...I'll never catch up!
And BTW...I did catch you much earlier comment. Please, look for an email from me.

Also if you look at a few of my other scraps at DA, you can see a few other skins that don't give me any of the troubles as this one did...But I'm on my way to give the update a try. I'm sure it'll be fine, and the issue with the start panel, os something minor I'm used to....

robynjh...I've not any issues with PSP, personally...
Comment #47 Tuesday, November 9, 2004 11:36 AM
Thanks NT...the MS-Outlook problem for me is now resolved.
Comment #48 Tuesday, November 9, 2004 5:05 PM

Nice work.
Comment #49 Tuesday, November 9, 2004 5:17 PM
Still not working on W2K with WB4.4 and MS Outlook Pro (
Comment #50 Tuesday, November 9, 2004 6:24 PM

MS Outlook 2003 works fine for me now after installing update. Thanks NT
Comment #51 Tuesday, November 9, 2004 9:46 PM
SWEET! Thank's for fixing the browser bug. I'm aware that you guys do this for free and quite grateful for your efforts. A sweet skin made even better!
Comment #52 Wednesday, November 10, 2004 7:52 AM
Downloaded the new version from your site and it works great, thanks!
Comment #53 Sunday, November 14, 2004 5:00 AM
Great team work!
Comment #54 Thursday, November 18, 2004 6:10 AM
This is one of the most usable skins!
Awesome! Also works perfectly with all my applications, Firefox and Thunderbird included.
The only thing I would like to be changed is the progress bar, which I woudl like more "solid", but this is only my personal taste.
Again thanks for your work.
Eman Resu
Comment #55 Thursday, November 18, 2004 3:37 PM
I love this skin. Colors are great, features are usable, works with my browsers. However, I do get the same Outlook problems described by other users. My Outlook will launch, but all that shows up is the boundary of the main window. The interior of the Outlook window is either filled with the color of the theme associated with the Windowblind skin or simply shows the image immediately behind the Outlook window. I also noted that some of the plugins for Firefox do not work properly if they involve drop down menus. A narrow band of the menu drops down, but there is not text or items included on the menu. I wouldn't expect you to test any skin with all of the Firefox plugins. I only added those comments as they may point to a larger bug or issue.

I hope the Outlook issue gets addressed, as I really want to use this skin.

Eman Resu
Comment #56 Thursday, November 18, 2004 3:54 PM
I just tried the update from the Skinartistry site. Fixed all problems. Very very cool!!
Comment #57 Thursday, November 18, 2004 4:11 PM
Eman Rasu, the file here should be the same as the file you got from our site. I will have to cjeck on that. Glad everything worked out.
Comment #58 Wednesday, November 24, 2004 1:22 PM
What's the name of the set font presen in the title bars?
Again thank for this useful skin!
Comment #59 Wednesday, November 24, 2004 11:50 PM
quaia2, font is dungeon. Its in the folder. .Thanks and your welcome.
Comment #60 Tuesday, November 30, 2004 3:41 PM
A very consistent skin. Excellent scrollbars, excellent roll-up size, inset window buttons are awesome. Many, many well thought out and implemented pieces to this skin.

Flashing taskbar item felt like it was an afterthought compared to the rest of the skin.

Complete, consistent, and polished. Very good skin.

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