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Updated Dec 08, 2004 by glenda stocks

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Comment #21 Thursday, December 9, 2004 2:25 AM
Sincere, a bad joke or whatever that is, please learn skinning and such at it until it is presentable, and then upload it when you can be proud of what you have accomplished and excited to show it to others.I don't in any way think this is what happened, tho I'm not sure what did happen or how it got on here.
Sleeping Dragon
Comment #22 Thursday, December 9, 2004 6:45 AM
Yes, how did it get on here?
Comment #23 Thursday, December 9, 2004 9:19 AM
...this is a joke, right?

For starters, the religious thing just annoys me, but stuff like that DOES NOT BELONG HERE.

I will try my best to ignore that aspect and only discuss the actual appearance.

This is, without a doubt the worst skin I've seen so far. I really don't mean that offensively (believe it or not). I am just a little peeved about how high-quality you assume this skin is. I understand that everyone has their "first skin" which doesn't look too hot, but most can accept that.

"When you are done trying out new exotic skins, you will want to revert to FREDLUVSME"?
"Attention to detail makes FREDLUVSME help you to use your PC more efficiently and productively."?
"the skin is still benign enough for everyday use"?

I mean, come on, you're joking, right?

*sigh*... just.. find some tutorials or something, please.
Comment #24 Thursday, December 9, 2004 10:25 AM
Wow, I'm no skinner for sure but this is just BAD and a bit of a con job besides. You want donations? I don't think so, sorry to be so sceptical but nobody is going to send you money in Jesus name just because you say you are a christian.
Comment #25 Thursday, December 9, 2004 11:21 AM
I actually thought this was some sort of joke! Donate? As if in Church they don't demand enough? Please! Try asking your Church for a new PC, see what they say.. ?
Comment #26 Thursday, December 9, 2004 1:22 PM
OK folks, could we lighten up the bashing, please?
Why dont you all give some constructive criticism and/or advice on improvements instead?
Comment #27 Thursday, December 9, 2004 4:27 PM
Thank you, Wizop Snowman. Glenda, perhaps you could choose one color scheme and maybe use different shades of the one color. Your color choices are hard on my eyes - there needs to be more continuity to give a more flowing, soothing look overall. Good luck to you and *please* keep trying.
Sleeping Dragon
Comment #28 Thursday, December 9, 2004 6:29 PM

mmmm ....


Yes! Please keep trying. The fun is in the learning and the joy is in the process.
glenda stocks
Comment #29 Thursday, December 9, 2004 10:41 PM
Hi Dovelady8,

I understand your point, but I do not like single color schemes. I like a few different textures, so I put them in one skin. I like the plastic look, the metal look, etc. Perhaps I have just bucked the trend of skinners who choose to conform to a tradition of uniformity. I also like larger fonts and most skins display small fonts. I also like FAT top,bottom and side bars, ( I always have ), so I made mine wider. I also do not like features on a skin that confuse me or my family when they use the computer, so I made my skin to display things large and colorful.

Perhaps CHILDREN would like my skin!

Sleeping Dragon
Comment #30 Thursday, December 9, 2004 10:53 PM
Now that's Dauntless
TN Brat!
Comment #31 Saturday, December 11, 2004 3:35 AM
I tend to give several "suggestions" to the point where I've been told to "get a life", however, with this skin, I'm sorry to say, I couldn't begin to point out all the things I don't care for, and I agree with several others, I don't know how this got here, but as soon as the Mods read the religion in the description, I feel they should have rejected it just for that, and if not rejected than at least edited or asked you to edit your description...It's just bad business to mix these things, especially at a site that is so diverse in it's members....there are people from all over the world that come here and while Christianity is big in some countries, in others, not so much...Also, I don't think anyone is saying negative about your use of crosses and what not, they are the least of people's worries, but if you want to make an issue of it have a look at sandra haggard's skins... hers, while they too are in the religion category are tasteful a
TN Brat!
Comment #32 Saturday, December 11, 2004 3:38 AM
tasteful and well put together...this doesn't look as it if took more than an hour or two to make.

About the skins's's fine that you don't like a single color scheme, but having colors that went togther would have been better...I mean there's no reason to use clashing colors...nothing flows and if you were trying to get some contrast, you didn't get that either It's actually one of the hardest skins to read I've ever can't use blue text on a blue background, well you can, but the effect is bad. You say this is for those that like large font, but that's not something you carried through out the whole's not aesthetically pleasing and very distracting. In fact, all the different colors actually make it harder to "get around"... it's the most confusing skin I've ever seen. The "FAT" top and bottom bars make it harder to use, because they take up too much space.

I don't think you "
TN Brat!
Comment #33 Saturday, December 11, 2004 3:39 AM
I don't think you "bucked" anything. There are plenty of skins that aren't necessarily traditional. To insinuate that you bucked the trend is arrogant, so no other skinners do anything "different"? And if anything, this is more "exotic" than those others you refer to, because one would have to be in adventurous frame of mind to even attempt to be able to use this....and yes I tried it. And I'm sorry to say that my daughters 12 & 10, weren't able to use this easily either...they too were distracted and confused.

And I must say that it seems that you'd rather not get the comments or suggestions...from the way you answer them, but perhaps you'd at least consider what they are saying, because several of the others above me have never said anything neg about any skin...some so much I was wondering if they needed, but the point is simply you may not even care or agree with anything I said, but for future skins maybe yo
Comment #34 Saturday, December 11, 2004 4:52 AM
i`ve seen worse. keep trying, tone down the religon & donations though.good
Comment #35 Saturday, December 11, 2004 8:05 AM
Needs a little touch-up...
Aqua Structure
Comment #36 Saturday, December 11, 2004 2:21 PM
This skin is, quite simply, horrendous. The colors clash with each other, and the whole thing ends up looking like a piece of crap.
Comment #37 Saturday, December 11, 2004 8:42 PM
I'm sorry but this skin shouldn't have ever made it into the library. It shouldnt have passed the submission phase. I don't think I'm alone in this thinking, either. I see half a dozen canned effects, and the only one I can't find, which would top it all off, is a lens flare. I understand that everyone has to start somewhere, but they shouldn't be shown here in this gallery. Maybe if we had a newbie/test skin gallery or forum for folks to bounce skin ideas off of others first. Someplace someone can post their first skin to get a feel for what people think about it without having to go through this. This is clearly a amateur skin, and I'm sure plenty of time went into it in spite of this fact but it isn't a high enough quality to justify a slot in the gallery.

Comment #38 Saturday, December 11, 2004 11:49 PM
Skins are generally only moderated for copyright/ripping issues [or rare occasions of 'porn']. is specifically a skinning site, hence skins will be accepted, irrespective of real attained standards of 'quality'. This does NOT apply in the case of Logons, Bootskins, or Wallpapers, as different issues apply there....
Comment #39 Sunday, December 12, 2004 6:57 AM
Yeah, there's absolutely nothing more in life I want to do than send money for a new computer to a proselytizing profiteer spreading their gospel via Windowblinds. This is a new low. Nevermind moderating this skin for being bad how about for begging and trying to profit off of Jesus?
Comment #40 Sunday, December 12, 2004 7:55 AM
Whatever works for you is fine with me. If you like this, use it...if not, move onto the next. If this provides you with anything positive, "Thank You", if not, 'No, Thank You'. And leave it at that. If donations are welcome, and you feel so inclined, do so. If you don't feel so, do not do so. But recall above all...'Different Strokes for Different Folks'. And don't go reading one's motives into anything until you've discussed it and understand it fully...Terribly unfair...No Profiteer, none of that. If 'knowing'Jesus helps this person, do allow them to say, 'Thank you Jesus'. If you think otherwise, who are you to say so? You DO NOT KNOW!
"Constructive Criticism" is fine, whether 'subjective' or 'objective' in nature..but don't compromise or impugn one's belief's or credibility without knowing...KNOWING...the grounds upon which your attack (and it isn't criticism, it IS an attack) is based.
Now "GlendaStocks", I don't kno

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