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Updated Dec 08, 2004 by glenda stocks

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Comment #41 Sunday, December 12, 2004 7:59 AM
"Begin with Glenda Stocks, I don't know...."
if this has technical merit or not, artistic merit or not, but I'm not qualified to say.
I don't think one should attack you on your 'theology' because that is YOUR thing, and not necessarily their own. If it doesn't 'work' for them, they needn't bother with it.
You should be allowed you own expression of your beliefs and may you do so.
As for religion in one's life, perhaps this little bit might point out my personal ways:
Comment #42 Sunday, December 12, 2004 8:03 AM
When in a sinking need to be doing at least one thing, and another is optional:
Pray To God...And Row Toward Shore. I personally would try both simultaneously...
And may Your God, whoever that is (Most Folks say there is but one God, so I'd guess Allah and Jehova and Jawa and MotherEarth and Whomever are all one and the same) bless you, keep you, and allow their countenance to shine upon thee (all of 'Thee', of course, not just 'GlendaStocks')...
It's Going to be All Right!!
Comment #43 Sunday, December 12, 2004 11:04 PM
Again I repeat...this is a Windowblinds skin's comment section, not an avenue for debates on theology. Take those elsewhere.
TN Brat!
Comment #44 Monday, December 13, 2004 6:02 AM
Well, I've already said it, but I know where to go to find theology, so if I want it I'll go there, but I don't like it being forced upon me while I'm here. Jafo, agreed, I understand why this skin was accepted....and you are correct about the "debates on theology", so had the Mods, edited the theology out of the WB's description, this wouldn't be an issue. I'm not critizing, I just sort of figured that had the description contained something about worshiping the devil you guys would have removed it, so as not to cause an issue, right? Same concept should apply...the description should also be about the skin....just as the comment section...I feel that what ever your beliefs they are just that...yours, and this isn't the place for them. Kind of like the whole seperation between Church and State...My kids can wear a Cross on their shirt, but not pray at school...the WB skins can have as many Crosses as you want, but don't need to preach about
Comment #45 Monday, December 13, 2004 7:14 AM
I feel that what ever your beliefs they are just that...yours, and this isn't the place for them.


Also note that we are not wont to censor a skinner's submission [apart from removal of obscenities, or issues of racial discrimination/vilification, etc]....

glenda stocks
Comment #46 Tuesday, December 14, 2004 12:15 AM
I am working on a second entirely different skin, which will incorporate some of the suggestions that I have received.

glenda stocks
Comment #47 Wednesday, December 15, 2004 4:28 AM
I just uploaded my second skin. Hopefully it will be approved. It is called FREDOS2005. I hope you like it. I incorporated the suggestions that I received here.

glenda stocks
Comment #48 Tuesday, December 28, 2004 8:59 PM
I have been using FREDLUVSME and I think it is a good skin. I ordered some books online and had no problems with the areas that were skinned. I think that the negative reviews here are unfair.

Comment #49 Friday, August 5, 2005 8:52 PM

Uhhh . . . well. I am no skinner at all, but I must say . . . hmmmmmmmmm.
Just try to make your future skins a little less religious.
Uhhhh . . . yeah just read a few books . . and uhhh other stuff.
I would say more but I don't want to offend anyone with my agnostic feelings.
And . . .
That is all.
Comment #50 Friday, December 14, 2018 8:58 PM

This is hands down the worst skin for anything ever made. No doubt about it; this is the one. The sheer audacity Ms Stocks had to create it is almost as overwhelming as is her religious fervour.♥


The fonts- wrong. The colours- god-awful (apologies). The design- there is none. Nothing sits well with anything else. Even the name of it is bloody terrible. The scrollbars themselves are blue on yellow on red on blue for Pete’s sake! Sorry, again.


It’s a wonder this skin doesn’t crash your computer. Your icons have ugly crucifixes on them, an animated cross on your titlebars seems to descend into the fiery pits of hell (?!) and your Start Button is now called Jesus. I love it almost as much as we all should love Him. The Holy Start Button in the pale grey window-border that is the Heavens.

jessushonur ur trups

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